Hydra | The Deep State. Thread 2

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Nonc Hilaire
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Re: Hydra | The Deep State. Thread 2

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Facebook is clearly the DARPA LifeLog project.

Social media cannot become profitable. It is subsidized to control and monitor net behavior.

The only thing worse are the Ministry of Truth ‘fact checking’ sites and Wikipedia. Those actually change the public perception truth.
“Christ has no body now but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks with compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks among His people to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses His creation.”

Teresa of Ávila
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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: Hydra | The Deep State. Thread 2

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

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Re: Hydra | The Deep State. Thread 2

Post by Doc »

Heracleum Persicum wrote: Sun Jun 05, 2022 11:13 am 1.png
Lap top ..Lap dance.. What's difference does it make? If it were not doe double standards Democrats would have no standards at all.
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: Hydra | The Deep State. Thread 2

Post by Typhoon »

The claim:

The details:

TK News - Taibbi | Sweeps Week on FBI TV!
National news media and federal law enforcement are now as indistinguishable in America as in any autocratic country anywhere
CNN Newsroom anchor Jim Acosta, famed for being the WWE version of a media tough guy during the Trump years, curled up like a kitten last weekend when interviewing Phil Mudd, onetime head of the FBI’s National Security Branch. Also a former CIA man, Mudd is now an Acosta colleague, a “senior intelligence analyst” on the CNN payroll.

“You know, there are real consequences,” said Acosta, “when people go out and trash the integrity of the FBI…”

It was less question than invitation, and Mudd jumped at it. The FBI man seethed that even if you’re upset about the raid of Donald Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago, if you think state police can deal with the Iranians, the Russians, the Chinese, white collar crime, mortgage fraud and cyber-porn involving kids, you suck.

“If you say defund the FBI,” he went on, “let your kid be abused by an adult!”

“Yeah,” said Acosta. “It doesn’t add up.”


Mudd — who’s supposed to be both retired from law enforcement and a member of the media now — then went on about how difficult things are for FBI agents now that the unredacted warrant was out, releasing names and robbing agents of their birthright anonymity just as “our kids are going back to school.”

“Yeah…” said Acosta again. “They want to intimidate people in law enforcement.”

As they spoke, CNN flashed a graphic of mean things people said online about the FBI last week, like “kill all feds.” Acosta noted, as if spontaneously, that this reminded him of the atmosphere before January 6th (I thought of the “kill all cops” memes, but what do I know?) before asking Mudd if he was worried about another “spasm” of “domestic terrorism. Mudd said yes, America is filled with extremists like the ones “abroad,” and “I think we’re going to see a catastrophic event” like January 6th.

Watching, I found myself wondering, “What is this?” There was no pretense of separateness between the CNN employees, and the spot’s purpose appeared to be to let a senior CIA/FBI counterintelligence official whine about the reaction to the Trump raid, stoke fear, and compare Americans to al-Qaeda. It felt less like news than something out of a dystopian novel like Fahrenheit 451 or We, and this is essentially on air round the clock. Dollars to doughnuts, if you turn on cable right now, you will find, somewhere, a former intelligence official yammering at you through your telescreen.

We’re a week into one of the biggest stories of our time, and the feds and media have spent most every minute acting as an unembarrassed unified front. One after another, national security “analysts” lined up to give breathless, hyperbolic, and and eerily synchronized commentary about the Mar-a-Lago raid. If the message on day 1 was about how they “must have” probable cause of a crime, that was the word up and down the dial. If by the weekend it was “I’ve never seen this level of threat,” you heard that in more or less the same words from the likes of Mudd, McCabe, and others on multiple channels. What’s the public supposed to see, other than an American analog to China Central TV or Rossiya-1, when they tuned in to all this?

And they told two friends, and so on, and so on…
CNN Newsroom anchor Jim Acosta, famed for being the WWE version of a media tough guy during the Trump years, curled up like a kitten last weekend when interviewing Phil Mudd, onetime head of the FBI’s National Security Branch. Also a former CIA man, Mudd is now an Acosta colleague, a “senior intelligence analyst” on the CNN payroll.

“You know, there are real consequences,” said Acosta, “when people go out and trash the integrity of the FBI…”

It was less question than invitation, and Mudd jumped at it. The FBI man seethed that even if you’re upset about the raid of Donald Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago, if you think state police can deal with the Iranians, the Russians, the Chinese, white collar crime, mortgage fraud and cyber-porn involving kids, you suck.

“If you say defund the FBI,” he went on, “let your kid be abused by an adult!”

“Yeah,” said Acosta. “It doesn’t add up.”

Mudd — who’s supposed to be both retired from law enforcement and a member of the media now — then went on about how difficult things are for FBI agents now that the unredacted warrant was out, releasing names and robbing agents of their birthright anonymity just as “our kids are going back to school.”

“Yeah…” said Acosta again. “They want to intimidate people in law enforcement.”

As they spoke, CNN flashed a graphic of mean things people said online about the FBI last week, like “kill all feds.” Acosta noted, as if spontaneously, that this reminded him of the atmosphere before January 6th (I thought of the “kill all cops” memes, but what do I know?) before asking Mudd if he was worried about another “spasm” of “domestic terrorism. Mudd said yes, America is filled with extremists like the ones “abroad,” and “I think we’re going to see a catastrophic event” like January 6th.

Watching, I found myself wondering, “What is this?” There was no pretense of separateness between the CNN employees, and the spot’s purpose appeared to be to let a senior CIA/FBI counterintelligence official whine about the reaction to the Trump raid, stoke fear, and compare Americans to al-Qaeda. It felt less like news than something out of a dystopian novel like Fahrenheit 451 or We, and this is essentially on air round the clock. Dollars to doughnuts, if you turn on cable right now, you will find, somewhere, a former intelligence official yammering at you through your telescreen.

We’re a week into one of the biggest stories of our time, and the feds and media have spent most every minute acting as an unembarrassed unified front. One after another, national security “analysts” lined up to give breathless, hyperbolic, and and eerily synchronized commentary about the Mar-a-Lago raid. If the message on day 1 was about how they “must have” probable cause of a crime, that was the word up and down the dial. If by the weekend it was “I’ve never seen this level of threat,” you heard that in more or less the same words from the likes of Mudd, McCabe, and others on multiple channels. What’s the public supposed to see, other than an American analog to China Central TV or Rossiya-1, when they tuned in to all this?

The timeline of leaked explanations of the raid is mind-boggling. Anonymous officials started by telling us the case was linked to Trump having “delayed returning 15 boxes of material requested by… the National Archives,” then it was “classified documents relating to nuclear weapons,” then it was fear Trump could reveal “sources and methods,” then it was possible Espionage Act violations. By Saturday, former “national security prosecutor” Barb McQuade went on MSNBC to explain the “brilliant tactical move” of using the Espionage Act, since it doesn’t “require the documents to be classified” (we’d been told all week this was about classified material). The next day, CBS published news of a joint FBI/DHS bulletin warning of “armed rebellion,” “civil war,” and a “dirty bomb attack,” and the day after that, we were told FBI “filter agents” did, then didn’t seize, then did again seize Donald Trump’s passports, but returned them in the end.

Throughout, NatSec goons flooded airwaves and pages of papers like the Washington Post and New York Times to cheerlead, from Asha Rangappa to Clint Watts to Frank Figliuzzi to Tracy Walder to hilariously named Jennifer Coffindaffer to Chuck Rosenberg to Mudd to Richard Frankel to an endless quantity of unnamed “people familiar with the matter.” Included also: a long list of Trump-Russia investigation vets, many on media payrolls despite public records of malfeasance and lying.

The most amazing cases involve Andrew McCabe, James Clapper, and Peter Strzok, with the latter’s story particularly nuts. The former deputy assistant director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division went on with MSNBC news-gelding Joe Scarborough to reassure Americans they should “absolutely… trust what the FBI is doing” because “it’s not that the FBI is targeting any one side or the other.” This, from a guy who headed the Trump-Russia “Crossfire Hurricane” probe and achieved fame via salacious texts with his lover (and now-MSNBC analyst) Lisa Page. In 2015 he wrote, “I just saw my first Bernie Sander [SIC] bumper sticker. Made me want to key the car… He’s an durian like Trump...” In response to Page’s worried refrain that Trump might become president, Strzok answered, “No. No he’s not. We’ll stop it.”

These and other texts (there are a ton more) inspired Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz to testify, “We were deeply troubled by text messages… that potentially indicated… bias or improper considerations,” adding his behavior was “antithetical to the core values of the FBI.” That’s not Tucker Carlson speaking, but Michael Horowitz, someone Rush Limbaugh called a “deep stater.”

Yet here’s Scarborough yukking it up with Strzok, soliciting his opinion on the even-handedness of the FBI from a guy described by Horowitz as not only having a “biased state of mind,” but being willing to “take official action to impact the presidential candidate’s electoral prospects.” Watch Scarborough scoff at the start at people who say, “We can’t trust anything the FBI does, and look what Peter Strzok did, look what happened with… uh… just all the stuff. I can’t even remember.”

Look what happened… with all the stuff. Priceless:


Meanwhile, former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe repeatedly appeared on CNN, where he’s been a paid contributor since 2019. McCabe said the raid is “something that would have been planned out and re-evaluated and legally examined from every possible angle” and FBI agents would have needed to convince a judge of “probable cause to believe… that a federal crime has been committed.”

McCabe was fired in March of 2018 after the same IG Horowitz concluded he lied in connection with a 2016 leak to the Wall Street Journal. The essence of the case was McCabe putting out a story to rebut allegations of favoritism. An October 23, 2016 Wall Street Journal article reported that the political action committee of longtime Bill and Hillary Clinton confidant and Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe gave $467,000 to the state senate campaign of McCabe’s wife, Jill, at a time when McCabe ran the Washington field office of the FBI, which the WSJ said “provided personnel and resources to the Clinton email probe.”

Horowitz found McCabe “lacked candor” on four occasions, in interviews under oath, and that was just the beginning. A later IG report found McCabe “concurred” with the use of the infamous Steele dossier to obtain a secret FISA warrant against ex-Trump aide Carter Page, and pressed for Steele material to be included in an Intelligence Community Assessment as evidence that Russians sought to “denigrate former Secretary of State [Hillary] Clinton.” McCabe also approved the pre-election use of an FBI agent posing as part of a team briefing then-candidate Trump on foreign threats, in order to snoop on his aide Michael Flynn, and overruled recommendations that Strzok be removed from the Trump-Russia investigation, among other issues.

McCabe, in other words, not only has a history of lying, but a specific history of misconduct involving improperly obtained warrants in Trump-related investigations. Paying him to go on air and offer “analysis” of an FBI warrant on Trump is an expression of total journalistic surrender on the part of CNN. They should be ashamed, but obviously aren’t, since they also employ another liar-under-oath, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who went on CNN’s “Newsroom” last Saturday to offer another master class in Trump-era journalism. Clapper shoved off hard from the pier of fact before inviting audiences to dream nightmare scenarios.

“You find yourself almost hoping it was carelessness, and there wasn’t some more nefarious explanation,” Clapper said. “Was there for example, and I’m going to go out on a limb, some prospect for some kind of sweetheart deal with Putin…? The imagination can run wild...”

Yes it can! Clapper was one of four intelligence officials who presented Trump with the Steele material in early 2017, an act soon after leaked (to his future employer CNN, by the way) in a way that fired a starting gun on years of “pee tape” speculations. Democratic Senators were calling for his indictment on perjury charges as recently as November, 2016. This was after Clapper answered “No, sir” and “not wittingly” in Congress, in response to Edward Snowden-inspired questions about whether or not the NSA had a mass surveillance program. Democrat Ron Wyden described Clapper as having presided over a “deception spree regarding mass surveillance.”

Hey, if you don’t make room in media for someone who’s lied to Congress, that’s just letting cancel culture win. What does having wall-to-wall spooks appearing as paid media personnel on primetime TV slots all week accomplish? There’s a hint in a Political Insider headline from the weekend:

Mar-a-Lago raid gave Trump a 10-point boost over DeSantis with Republican primary voters, poll shows

The Morning Consult/Politico poll showed what everyone in American politics now knows: the raid on Trump’s home increased his chances of being the next Republican nominee. Trump’s numbers went up, and those for Florida’s Ron DeSantis went down, a phenomenon I predicted two weeks ago. A clear double-whammy: Trump gains from being a target of a hated political establishment, while DeSantis does nothing different and loses anyway, thanks to positive attention thrown his way by same.

The intelligence world’s influence on the news was powerful when it was at least partially hidden. During this Trump raid fiasco, the disappearance of lines between the FBI and, say, CNN or NBC finally became so obvious that the state robbed itself of any chance at a propaganda effect. TV has become a bad joke, the deep state version of a Señor Wences act, and no matter what happens with Trump, its reputation is not likely to recover.
May the gods preserve and defend me from self-righteous altruists; I can defend myself from my enemies and my friends.
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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: Hydra | The Deep State. Thread 2

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Typhoon wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:05 pm The claim:

The details:

TK News - Taibbi | Sweeps Week on FBI TV!
National news media and federal law enforcement are now as indistinguishable in America as in any autocratic country anywhere
CNN Newsroom anchor Jim Acosta, famed for being the WWE version of a media tough guy during the Trump years, curled up like a kitten last weekend when interviewing Phil Mudd, onetime head of the FBI’s National Security Branch. Also a former CIA man, Mudd is now an Acosta colleague, a “senior intelligence analyst” on the CNN payroll.

“You know, there are real consequences,” said Acosta, “when people go out and trash the integrity of the FBI…”

It was less question than invitation, and Mudd jumped at it. The FBI man seethed that even if you’re upset about the raid of Donald Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago, if you think state police can deal with the Iranians, the Russians, the Chinese, white collar crime, mortgage fraud and cyber-porn involving kids, you suck.

“If you say defund the FBI,” he went on, “let your kid be abused by an adult!”

“Yeah,” said Acosta. “It doesn’t add up.”


Mudd — who’s supposed to be both retired from law enforcement and a member of the media now — then went on about how difficult things are for FBI agents now that the unredacted warrant was out, releasing names and robbing agents of their birthright anonymity just as “our kids are going back to school.”

“Yeah…” said Acosta again. “They want to intimidate people in law enforcement.”

As they spoke, CNN flashed a graphic of mean things people said online about the FBI last week, like “kill all feds.” Acosta noted, as if spontaneously, that this reminded him of the atmosphere before January 6th (I thought of the “kill all cops” memes, but what do I know?) before asking Mudd if he was worried about another “spasm” of “domestic terrorism. Mudd said yes, America is filled with extremists like the ones “abroad,” and “I think we’re going to see a catastrophic event” like January 6th.

Watching, I found myself wondering, “What is this?” There was no pretense of separateness between the CNN employees, and the spot’s purpose appeared to be to let a senior CIA/FBI counterintelligence official whine about the reaction to the Trump raid, stoke fear, and compare Americans to al-Qaeda. It felt less like news than something out of a dystopian novel like Fahrenheit 451 or We, and this is essentially on air round the clock. Dollars to doughnuts, if you turn on cable right now, you will find, somewhere, a former intelligence official yammering at you through your telescreen.

We’re a week into one of the biggest stories of our time, and the feds and media have spent most every minute acting as an unembarrassed unified front. One after another, national security “analysts” lined up to give breathless, hyperbolic, and and eerily synchronized commentary about the Mar-a-Lago raid. If the message on day 1 was about how they “must have” probable cause of a crime, that was the word up and down the dial. If by the weekend it was “I’ve never seen this level of threat,” you heard that in more or less the same words from the likes of Mudd, McCabe, and others on multiple channels. What’s the public supposed to see, other than an American analog to China Central TV or Rossiya-1, when they tuned in to all this?

And they told two friends, and so on, and so on…
CNN Newsroom anchor Jim Acosta, famed for being the WWE version of a media tough guy during the Trump years, curled up like a kitten last weekend when interviewing Phil Mudd, onetime head of the FBI’s National Security Branch. Also a former CIA man, Mudd is now an Acosta colleague, a “senior intelligence analyst” on the CNN payroll.

“You know, there are real consequences,” said Acosta, “when people go out and trash the integrity of the FBI…”

It was less question than invitation, and Mudd jumped at it. The FBI man seethed that even if you’re upset about the raid of Donald Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago, if you think state police can deal with the Iranians, the Russians, the Chinese, white collar crime, mortgage fraud and cyber-porn involving kids, you suck.

“If you say defund the FBI,” he went on, “let your kid be abused by an adult!”

“Yeah,” said Acosta. “It doesn’t add up.”

Mudd — who’s supposed to be both retired from law enforcement and a member of the media now — then went on about how difficult things are for FBI agents now that the unredacted warrant was out, releasing names and robbing agents of their birthright anonymity just as “our kids are going back to school.”

“Yeah…” said Acosta again. “They want to intimidate people in law enforcement.”

As they spoke, CNN flashed a graphic of mean things people said online about the FBI last week, like “kill all feds.” Acosta noted, as if spontaneously, that this reminded him of the atmosphere before January 6th (I thought of the “kill all cops” memes, but what do I know?) before asking Mudd if he was worried about another “spasm” of “domestic terrorism. Mudd said yes, America is filled with extremists like the ones “abroad,” and “I think we’re going to see a catastrophic event” like January 6th.

Watching, I found myself wondering, “What is this?” There was no pretense of separateness between the CNN employees, and the spot’s purpose appeared to be to let a senior CIA/FBI counterintelligence official whine about the reaction to the Trump raid, stoke fear, and compare Americans to al-Qaeda. It felt less like news than something out of a dystopian novel like Fahrenheit 451 or We, and this is essentially on air round the clock. Dollars to doughnuts, if you turn on cable right now, you will find, somewhere, a former intelligence official yammering at you through your telescreen.

We’re a week into one of the biggest stories of our time, and the feds and media have spent most every minute acting as an unembarrassed unified front. One after another, national security “analysts” lined up to give breathless, hyperbolic, and and eerily synchronized commentary about the Mar-a-Lago raid. If the message on day 1 was about how they “must have” probable cause of a crime, that was the word up and down the dial. If by the weekend it was “I’ve never seen this level of threat,” you heard that in more or less the same words from the likes of Mudd, McCabe, and others on multiple channels. What’s the public supposed to see, other than an American analog to China Central TV or Rossiya-1, when they tuned in to all this?

The timeline of leaked explanations of the raid is mind-boggling. Anonymous officials started by telling us the case was linked to Trump having “delayed returning 15 boxes of material requested by… the National Archives,” then it was “classified documents relating to nuclear weapons,” then it was fear Trump could reveal “sources and methods,” then it was possible Espionage Act violations. By Saturday, former “national security prosecutor” Barb McQuade went on MSNBC to explain the “brilliant tactical move” of using the Espionage Act, since it doesn’t “require the documents to be classified” (we’d been told all week this was about classified material). The next day, CBS published news of a joint FBI/DHS bulletin warning of “armed rebellion,” “civil war,” and a “dirty bomb attack,” and the day after that, we were told FBI “filter agents” did, then didn’t seize, then did again seize Donald Trump’s passports, but returned them in the end.

Throughout, NatSec goons flooded airwaves and pages of papers like the Washington Post and New York Times to cheerlead, from Asha Rangappa to Clint Watts to Frank Figliuzzi to Tracy Walder to hilariously named Jennifer Coffindaffer to Chuck Rosenberg to Mudd to Richard Frankel to an endless quantity of unnamed “people familiar with the matter.” Included also: a long list of Trump-Russia investigation vets, many on media payrolls despite public records of malfeasance and lying.

The most amazing cases involve Andrew McCabe, James Clapper, and Peter Strzok, with the latter’s story particularly nuts. The former deputy assistant director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division went on with MSNBC news-gelding Joe Scarborough to reassure Americans they should “absolutely… trust what the FBI is doing” because “it’s not that the FBI is targeting any one side or the other.” This, from a guy who headed the Trump-Russia “Crossfire Hurricane” probe and achieved fame via salacious texts with his lover (and now-MSNBC analyst) Lisa Page. In 2015 he wrote, “I just saw my first Bernie Sander [SIC] bumper sticker. Made me want to key the car… He’s an durian like Trump...” In response to Page’s worried refrain that Trump might become president, Strzok answered, “No. No he’s not. We’ll stop it.”

These and other texts (there are a ton more) inspired Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz to testify, “We were deeply troubled by text messages… that potentially indicated… bias or improper considerations,” adding his behavior was “antithetical to the core values of the FBI.” That’s not Tucker Carlson speaking, but Michael Horowitz, someone Rush Limbaugh called a “deep stater.”

Yet here’s Scarborough yukking it up with Strzok, soliciting his opinion on the even-handedness of the FBI from a guy described by Horowitz as not only having a “biased state of mind,” but being willing to “take official action to impact the presidential candidate’s electoral prospects.” Watch Scarborough scoff at the start at people who say, “We can’t trust anything the FBI does, and look what Peter Strzok did, look what happened with… uh… just all the stuff. I can’t even remember.”

Look what happened… with all the stuff. Priceless:


Meanwhile, former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe repeatedly appeared on CNN, where he’s been a paid contributor since 2019. McCabe said the raid is “something that would have been planned out and re-evaluated and legally examined from every possible angle” and FBI agents would have needed to convince a judge of “probable cause to believe… that a federal crime has been committed.”

McCabe was fired in March of 2018 after the same IG Horowitz concluded he lied in connection with a 2016 leak to the Wall Street Journal. The essence of the case was McCabe putting out a story to rebut allegations of favoritism. An October 23, 2016 Wall Street Journal article reported that the political action committee of longtime Bill and Hillary Clinton confidant and Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe gave $467,000 to the state senate campaign of McCabe’s wife, Jill, at a time when McCabe ran the Washington field office of the FBI, which the WSJ said “provided personnel and resources to the Clinton email probe.”

Horowitz found McCabe “lacked candor” on four occasions, in interviews under oath, and that was just the beginning. A later IG report found McCabe “concurred” with the use of the infamous Steele dossier to obtain a secret FISA warrant against ex-Trump aide Carter Page, and pressed for Steele material to be included in an Intelligence Community Assessment as evidence that Russians sought to “denigrate former Secretary of State [Hillary] Clinton.” McCabe also approved the pre-election use of an FBI agent posing as part of a team briefing then-candidate Trump on foreign threats, in order to snoop on his aide Michael Flynn, and overruled recommendations that Strzok be removed from the Trump-Russia investigation, among other issues.

McCabe, in other words, not only has a history of lying, but a specific history of misconduct involving improperly obtained warrants in Trump-related investigations. Paying him to go on air and offer “analysis” of an FBI warrant on Trump is an expression of total journalistic surrender on the part of CNN. They should be ashamed, but obviously aren’t, since they also employ another liar-under-oath, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who went on CNN’s “Newsroom” last Saturday to offer another master class in Trump-era journalism. Clapper shoved off hard from the pier of fact before inviting audiences to dream nightmare scenarios.

“You find yourself almost hoping it was carelessness, and there wasn’t some more nefarious explanation,” Clapper said. “Was there for example, and I’m going to go out on a limb, some prospect for some kind of sweetheart deal with Putin…? The imagination can run wild...”

Yes it can! Clapper was one of four intelligence officials who presented Trump with the Steele material in early 2017, an act soon after leaked (to his future employer CNN, by the way) in a way that fired a starting gun on years of “pee tape” speculations. Democratic Senators were calling for his indictment on perjury charges as recently as November, 2016. This was after Clapper answered “No, sir” and “not wittingly” in Congress, in response to Edward Snowden-inspired questions about whether or not the NSA had a mass surveillance program. Democrat Ron Wyden described Clapper as having presided over a “deception spree regarding mass surveillance.”

Hey, if you don’t make room in media for someone who’s lied to Congress, that’s just letting cancel culture win. What does having wall-to-wall spooks appearing as paid media personnel on primetime TV slots all week accomplish? There’s a hint in a Political Insider headline from the weekend:

Mar-a-Lago raid gave Trump a 10-point boost over DeSantis with Republican primary voters, poll shows

The Morning Consult/Politico poll showed what everyone in American politics now knows: the raid on Trump’s home increased his chances of being the next Republican nominee. Trump’s numbers went up, and those for Florida’s Ron DeSantis went down, a phenomenon I predicted two weeks ago. A clear double-whammy: Trump gains from being a target of a hated political establishment, while DeSantis does nothing different and loses anyway, thanks to positive attention thrown his way by same.

The intelligence world’s influence on the news was powerful when it was at least partially hidden. During this Trump raid fiasco, the disappearance of lines between the FBI and, say, CNN or NBC finally became so obvious that the state robbed itself of any chance at a propaganda effect. TV has become a bad joke, the deep state version of a Señor Wences act, and no matter what happens with Trump, its reputation is not likely to recover.

When I first visited America, end 79 , my uncle living in SV told me, NY and L.A., East & West Coast, are not America

That is what Trump too sayin

And he is right

so, don't waste your time

My NYT post explains all

I agree with "America is being ruined by corrupt coastal elites" .. that is the heart of the matter
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Re: Hydra | The Deep State. Thread 2

Post by Doc »

Typhoon wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:05 pm The claim:

The details:

TK News - Taibbi | Sweeps Week on FBI TV!
National news media and federal law enforcement are now as indistinguishable in America as in any autocratic country anywhere
CNN Newsroom anchor Jim Acosta, famed for being the WWE version of a media tough guy during the Trump years, curled up like a kitten last weekend when interviewing Phil Mudd, onetime head of the FBI’s National Security Branch. Also a former CIA man, Mudd is now an Acosta colleague, a “senior intelligence analyst” on the CNN payroll.

“You know, there are real consequences,” said Acosta, “when people go out and trash the integrity of the FBI…”

It was less question than invitation, and Mudd jumped at it. The FBI man seethed that even if you’re upset about the raid of Donald Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago, if you think state police can deal with the Iranians, the Russians, the Chinese, white collar crime, mortgage fraud and cyber-porn involving kids, you suck.

“If you say defund the FBI,” he went on, “let your kid be abused by an adult!”

“Yeah,” said Acosta. “It doesn’t add up.”


Mudd — who’s supposed to be both retired from law enforcement and a member of the media now — then went on about how difficult things are for FBI agents now that the unredacted warrant was out, releasing names and robbing agents of their birthright anonymity just as “our kids are going back to school.”

“Yeah…” said Acosta again. “They want to intimidate people in law enforcement.”

As they spoke, CNN flashed a graphic of mean things people said online about the FBI last week, like “kill all feds.” Acosta noted, as if spontaneously, that this reminded him of the atmosphere before January 6th (I thought of the “kill all cops” memes, but what do I know?) before asking Mudd if he was worried about another “spasm” of “domestic terrorism. Mudd said yes, America is filled with extremists like the ones “abroad,” and “I think we’re going to see a catastrophic event” like January 6th.

Watching, I found myself wondering, “What is this?” There was no pretense of separateness between the CNN employees, and the spot’s purpose appeared to be to let a senior CIA/FBI counterintelligence official whine about the reaction to the Trump raid, stoke fear, and compare Americans to al-Qaeda. It felt less like news than something out of a dystopian novel like Fahrenheit 451 or We, and this is essentially on air round the clock. Dollars to doughnuts, if you turn on cable right now, you will find, somewhere, a former intelligence official yammering at you through your telescreen.

We’re a week into one of the biggest stories of our time, and the feds and media have spent most every minute acting as an unembarrassed unified front. One after another, national security “analysts” lined up to give breathless, hyperbolic, and and eerily synchronized commentary about the Mar-a-Lago raid. If the message on day 1 was about how they “must have” probable cause of a crime, that was the word up and down the dial. If by the weekend it was “I’ve never seen this level of threat,” you heard that in more or less the same words from the likes of Mudd, McCabe, and others on multiple channels. What’s the public supposed to see, other than an American analog to China Central TV or Rossiya-1, when they tuned in to all this?

And they told two friends, and so on, and so on…
CNN Newsroom anchor Jim Acosta, famed for being the WWE version of a media tough guy during the Trump years, curled up like a kitten last weekend when interviewing Phil Mudd, onetime head of the FBI’s National Security Branch. Also a former CIA man, Mudd is now an Acosta colleague, a “senior intelligence analyst” on the CNN payroll.

“You know, there are real consequences,” said Acosta, “when people go out and trash the integrity of the FBI…”

It was less question than invitation, and Mudd jumped at it. The FBI man seethed that even if you’re upset about the raid of Donald Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago, if you think state police can deal with the Iranians, the Russians, the Chinese, white collar crime, mortgage fraud and cyber-porn involving kids, you suck.

“If you say defund the FBI,” he went on, “let your kid be abused by an adult!”

“Yeah,” said Acosta. “It doesn’t add up.”

Mudd — who’s supposed to be both retired from law enforcement and a member of the media now — then went on about how difficult things are for FBI agents now that the unredacted warrant was out, releasing names and robbing agents of their birthright anonymity just as “our kids are going back to school.”

“Yeah…” said Acosta again. “They want to intimidate people in law enforcement.”

As they spoke, CNN flashed a graphic of mean things people said online about the FBI last week, like “kill all feds.” Acosta noted, as if spontaneously, that this reminded him of the atmosphere before January 6th (I thought of the “kill all cops” memes, but what do I know?) before asking Mudd if he was worried about another “spasm” of “domestic terrorism. Mudd said yes, America is filled with extremists like the ones “abroad,” and “I think we’re going to see a catastrophic event” like January 6th.

Watching, I found myself wondering, “What is this?” There was no pretense of separateness between the CNN employees, and the spot’s purpose appeared to be to let a senior CIA/FBI counterintelligence official whine about the reaction to the Trump raid, stoke fear, and compare Americans to al-Qaeda. It felt less like news than something out of a dystopian novel like Fahrenheit 451 or We, and this is essentially on air round the clock. Dollars to doughnuts, if you turn on cable right now, you will find, somewhere, a former intelligence official yammering at you through your telescreen.

We’re a week into one of the biggest stories of our time, and the feds and media have spent most every minute acting as an unembarrassed unified front. One after another, national security “analysts” lined up to give breathless, hyperbolic, and and eerily synchronized commentary about the Mar-a-Lago raid. If the message on day 1 was about how they “must have” probable cause of a crime, that was the word up and down the dial. If by the weekend it was “I’ve never seen this level of threat,” you heard that in more or less the same words from the likes of Mudd, McCabe, and others on multiple channels. What’s the public supposed to see, other than an American analog to China Central TV or Rossiya-1, when they tuned in to all this?

The timeline of leaked explanations of the raid is mind-boggling. Anonymous officials started by telling us the case was linked to Trump having “delayed returning 15 boxes of material requested by… the National Archives,” then it was “classified documents relating to nuclear weapons,” then it was fear Trump could reveal “sources and methods,” then it was possible Espionage Act violations. By Saturday, former “national security prosecutor” Barb McQuade went on MSNBC to explain the “brilliant tactical move” of using the Espionage Act, since it doesn’t “require the documents to be classified” (we’d been told all week this was about classified material). The next day, CBS published news of a joint FBI/DHS bulletin warning of “armed rebellion,” “civil war,” and a “dirty bomb attack,” and the day after that, we were told FBI “filter agents” did, then didn’t seize, then did again seize Donald Trump’s passports, but returned them in the end.

Throughout, NatSec goons flooded airwaves and pages of papers like the Washington Post and New York Times to cheerlead, from Asha Rangappa to Clint Watts to Frank Figliuzzi to Tracy Walder to hilariously named Jennifer Coffindaffer to Chuck Rosenberg to Mudd to Richard Frankel to an endless quantity of unnamed “people familiar with the matter.” Included also: a long list of Trump-Russia investigation vets, many on media payrolls despite public records of malfeasance and lying.

The most amazing cases involve Andrew McCabe, James Clapper, and Peter Strzok, with the latter’s story particularly nuts. The former deputy assistant director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division went on with MSNBC news-gelding Joe Scarborough to reassure Americans they should “absolutely… trust what the FBI is doing” because “it’s not that the FBI is targeting any one side or the other.” This, from a guy who headed the Trump-Russia “Crossfire Hurricane” probe and achieved fame via salacious texts with his lover (and now-MSNBC analyst) Lisa Page. In 2015 he wrote, “I just saw my first Bernie Sander [SIC] bumper sticker. Made me want to key the car… He’s an durian like Trump...” In response to Page’s worried refrain that Trump might become president, Strzok answered, “No. No he’s not. We’ll stop it.”

These and other texts (there are a ton more) inspired Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz to testify, “We were deeply troubled by text messages… that potentially indicated… bias or improper considerations,” adding his behavior was “antithetical to the core values of the FBI.” That’s not Tucker Carlson speaking, but Michael Horowitz, someone Rush Limbaugh called a “deep stater.”

Yet here’s Scarborough yukking it up with Strzok, soliciting his opinion on the even-handedness of the FBI from a guy described by Horowitz as not only having a “biased state of mind,” but being willing to “take official action to impact the presidential candidate’s electoral prospects.” Watch Scarborough scoff at the start at people who say, “We can’t trust anything the FBI does, and look what Peter Strzok did, look what happened with… uh… just all the stuff. I can’t even remember.”

Look what happened… with all the stuff. Priceless:


Meanwhile, former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe repeatedly appeared on CNN, where he’s been a paid contributor since 2019. McCabe said the raid is “something that would have been planned out and re-evaluated and legally examined from every possible angle” and FBI agents would have needed to convince a judge of “probable cause to believe… that a federal crime has been committed.”

McCabe was fired in March of 2018 after the same IG Horowitz concluded he lied in connection with a 2016 leak to the Wall Street Journal. The essence of the case was McCabe putting out a story to rebut allegations of favoritism. An October 23, 2016 Wall Street Journal article reported that the political action committee of longtime Bill and Hillary Clinton confidant and Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe gave $467,000 to the state senate campaign of McCabe’s wife, Jill, at a time when McCabe ran the Washington field office of the FBI, which the WSJ said “provided personnel and resources to the Clinton email probe.”

Horowitz found McCabe “lacked candor” on four occasions, in interviews under oath, and that was just the beginning. A later IG report found McCabe “concurred” with the use of the infamous Steele dossier to obtain a secret FISA warrant against ex-Trump aide Carter Page, and pressed for Steele material to be included in an Intelligence Community Assessment as evidence that Russians sought to “denigrate former Secretary of State [Hillary] Clinton.” McCabe also approved the pre-election use of an FBI agent posing as part of a team briefing then-candidate Trump on foreign threats, in order to snoop on his aide Michael Flynn, and overruled recommendations that Strzok be removed from the Trump-Russia investigation, among other issues.

McCabe, in other words, not only has a history of lying, but a specific history of misconduct involving improperly obtained warrants in Trump-related investigations. Paying him to go on air and offer “analysis” of an FBI warrant on Trump is an expression of total journalistic surrender on the part of CNN. They should be ashamed, but obviously aren’t, since they also employ another liar-under-oath, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who went on CNN’s “Newsroom” last Saturday to offer another master class in Trump-era journalism. Clapper shoved off hard from the pier of fact before inviting audiences to dream nightmare scenarios.

“You find yourself almost hoping it was carelessness, and there wasn’t some more nefarious explanation,” Clapper said. “Was there for example, and I’m going to go out on a limb, some prospect for some kind of sweetheart deal with Putin…? The imagination can run wild...”

Yes it can! Clapper was one of four intelligence officials who presented Trump with the Steele material in early 2017, an act soon after leaked (to his future employer CNN, by the way) in a way that fired a starting gun on years of “pee tape” speculations. Democratic Senators were calling for his indictment on perjury charges as recently as November, 2016. This was after Clapper answered “No, sir” and “not wittingly” in Congress, in response to Edward Snowden-inspired questions about whether or not the NSA had a mass surveillance program. Democrat Ron Wyden described Clapper as having presided over a “deception spree regarding mass surveillance.”

Hey, if you don’t make room in media for someone who’s lied to Congress, that’s just letting cancel culture win. What does having wall-to-wall spooks appearing as paid media personnel on primetime TV slots all week accomplish? There’s a hint in a Political Insider headline from the weekend:

Mar-a-Lago raid gave Trump a 10-point boost over DeSantis with Republican primary voters, poll shows

The Morning Consult/Politico poll showed what everyone in American politics now knows: the raid on Trump’s home increased his chances of being the next Republican nominee. Trump’s numbers went up, and those for Florida’s Ron DeSantis went down, a phenomenon I predicted two weeks ago. A clear double-whammy: Trump gains from being a target of a hated political establishment, while DeSantis does nothing different and loses anyway, thanks to positive attention thrown his way by same.

The intelligence world’s influence on the news was powerful when it was at least partially hidden. During this Trump raid fiasco, the disappearance of lines between the FBI and, say, CNN or NBC finally became so obvious that the state robbed itself of any chance at a propaganda effect. TV has become a bad joke, the deep state version of a Señor Wences act, and no matter what happens with Trump, its reputation is not likely to recover.
For this first time in 55 years.... Trump did that.

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Smoking Gun: The FBI Stole the 2020 election

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https://www.foxnews.com/media/mark-zuck ... ptop-story
Mark Zuckerberg tells Joe Rogan FBI warned Facebook of 'Russian propaganda' before Hunter Biden laptop story
Mark Zuckerberg defended Facebook's actions in limiting the reach of the Hunter Biden laptop story

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed that the FBI approached Facebook warning the platform about "Russian propaganda" ahead of the bombshell Hunter Biden laptop story leading up to the 2020 presidential election.

Appearing on Thursday's installment of "The Joe Rogan Experience," Zuckerberg was asked about Facebook's suppression of the New York Post's reporting that shed light on the shady foreign business dealings of the son of then-candidate Joe Biden.

Zuckerberg began by stressing how Facebook took a "different path" than Twitter, which completely censored the Post's reporting while Facebook limited its reach on the platform.

"Basically, the background here is the FBI, I think, basically came to us- some folks on our team and was like, 'Hey, just so you know, like, you should be on high alert… We thought that there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election. We have it on notice that, basically, there's about to be some kind of dump of that's similar to that. So just be vigilant,'" Zuckerberg told host Joe Rogan.
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Re: Smoking Gun: The FBI Stole the 2020 election

Post by Parodite »

From virtual reality to real virtuality

Started watching the J Rogan - M Zuckerberg interview on Spotify because of the revelations by Zucky about the FBI priming them for more Russian misinformation coming… and asking them to ignore-suppress it. Zucky concluded it had to be Hunter Bidens laptop because that was, presumably, what the FBI was talking about. Whether they were facts or fiction… potentially decisive for the outcome of the election. So better watch out!

I don’t believe this is what actually happened at all. How difficult for a bunch of die hard hi-iq professionals like Facebook would it be to first check with the FBI if indeed that warning concerned this Hunter B’s laptop story? It would be a bad stain on F’books reputation if they went along willingly and knowingly suppressing a major news story that in fact was not Russian disinformationat al and instead... simply -ffing true!

Apparently, when the priority is avoiding Orange Beast returning to POTUS power, even your own best business interests must temporarily be posponed and sacrified.

Zucky now finger-points it all back to the FBI to stay in the clean. These little half-truth lies won’t kill him and it keeps the peace with his collegues who hate Trump. But TDS, like any psychotic type of paranoid hallucination, runs on a distorted reality where the virtual and the real intertwine and at one point are hard to unravel.

Already in the beginning of the interview I saw the problem unfolding before my eyes: Mark Zuckerberg’s business model is to make the virtual as real as possible for people. But with the virtual also comes the question of truth of course: it is easier to interject a trojan horse or lie into a virtual environment than into a place where people act and communicate face-to-face more truthfully and civilised.

Zuckerberg seems to me fat on the Asperger-Autism spectrum, which won’t make it easier for him to distinguish between the real and the virtual. But the difference is of only operational importance when you make money manipulating the real into a marketable virtual version.

At the end of this road sits Scott Adams, obsessed with the idea and possibility that we live in a simulation: a real virtuality. Also identitarians like this concept of a RV: a lalaland you can be anything. A dog in a suit would be my preferred avatar.
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Re: Smoking Gun: The FBI Stole the 2020 election

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Ana took a look, not sure what she means:

FBI :: Fib

Maybe it is inevitable if your work means keeping your fingers in the underworld to catch fish or lure them to take a bite. Fibbing becomes second nature.
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Re: Smoking Gun: The FBI Stole the 2020 election

Post by Doc »

https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hunter-bid ... t-resigns/
Top-level FBI agent under fire for role in Hunter Biden investigation resigns

Timothy Thibault, a top-level FBI agent who had been under fire for his role in investigations regarding President Biden's son, Hunter Biden, resigned late last week and was walked out of the FBI, two U.S. officials confirmed. But these officials also said that Thibault had reached retirement age, and they added that all of those who retire hand over their badge and gun and are escorted out of the building.

Thibault, who worked in the FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C., had recently been removed from his position as assistant special agent in charge at the FBI's Washington Field Office, which covers all of the District of Columbia and Northern Virginia.

Thibault came under fire earlier this year from Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley who had accused him of "improper conduct" in the Hunter Biden investigation, alleging that Thibault had tried to close the probe. The probe into Hunter Biden's business practices, run by the U.S. Attorney's Office in Delaware, is ongoing.

Grassley said in late July that "highly credible" whistleblowers had approached a senior Senate Republican and alleged a widespread effort within the FBI to downplay or discredit negative information about Hunter Biden. He cited a 2020 FBI intelligence assessment that was "used by an FBI headquarters team to improperly discredit negative Hunter Biden information as disinformation." He continued, "Based on allegations, verified and verifiable derogatory information on Hunter Biden was falsely labeled as disinformation."

In October 2020, one month before the election, "an avenue of derogatory Hunter Biden reporting was ordered closed" by a senior FBI agent at the bureau's Washington Field Office. An earlier letter from Grassley identified the agent as Thibault.

"[T]he allegations provided to my office appear to indicate that there was a scheme in place among certain FBI officials to undermine derogatory information connected to Hunter Biden by falsely suggesting it was disinformation," Grassley claimed.

In addition to concerns about the handling of investigation into Hunter Biden, Grassley accused Thibault of likely violations of "[f]ederal laws, regulations and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) guidelines" in a May 31 letter.

"Whistleblowers have reported to me, that although the FBI and Justice Department maintain policies dictating specific standards requiring substantial factual predication to initiate an investigation, Thibault and other Justice Department and FBI employees failed to comply with these requirements," he wrote.

The letter also singled out Justice Department official Richard Pilger, identified as the director of the Election Crimes Branch within the Justice Department's Public Integrity Section, who, along with Thibault, were alleged to be "deeply involved in the decisions to open and pursue this investigation," an apparent reference to a probe recently opened into the Trump campaign.

Grassley told FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland "the opening memo you approved," included media reporting citing research from a "liberal non-profit" when a full investigation of a political nature requires "a heightened factual basis."

Grassley continued, "In light of these allegations, I remain very concerned that political bias by a select group of Justice Department and FBI officials has infected the Justice Department's and FBI's usual process and procedure to open and pursue high-profile and politically charged investigations."

After Grassley's office released the letter in July, the Justice Department said it had received the letter, declined to comment further, and did not refer CBS News to any counsel for Pilger.

In response to Thibault's resignation, Grassley said in a statement, "Mr. Thibault's blatant partisanship undermined the work and reputation of the FBI. This type of bias in high-profile investigations casts a shadow over all of the bureau's work that he was involved in, which ranged from opening an investigation into Trump based on liberal news articles to shutting down investigative activity into Hunter Biden that was based on verified information."

He added, "Political bias should have no place at the FBI, and the effort to revive the FBI's credibility can't stop with his exit. We need accountability, which is why Congress must continue investigating and the inspector general must fully investigate as I've requested."

Wray was asked about Thibault at a hearing earlier this month on Capitol Hill and said allegations that Thibault "liked" social media posts critical of Trump associates was "troubling." He also pledged the bureau would be "scrupulous in our adherence to rules related to whistleblowers."

"If there are allegations of misconduct by FBI employees, we want to make sure that we get that information so we can use the tools we have to go after that conduct," he said. "But certainly, I condemn in the strongest possible terms any prospect of retaliation against whistleblowers."

The FBI declined to comment.
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FBI hero paying the price for exposing unjust ‘persecution’ of conservative Americans

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https://nypost.com/2022/09/21/fbi-hero- ... americans/
FBI hero paying the price for exposing unjust ‘persecution’ of conservative Americans
By Miranda Devine

Bombshell allegations by FBI Special Agent Steve Friend contained in a whistleblower complaint filed late Wednesday with the Department of Justice inspector general reveal a politicized Washington, DC, FBI field office cooking the books to exaggerate the threat of domestic terrorism, and ­using an “overzealous” January 6 ­investigation to harass conservative Americans and violate their constitutional rights.

Friend, 37, a respected 12-year veteran of the FBI and a SWAT team member, was suspended Monday, stripped of his gun and badge, and escorted out of the FBI field office in Daytona Beach, Fla., after complaining to his supervisors about the violations.

He was declared absent without leave last month for refusing to participate in SWAT raids that he believed violated FBI policy and were a use of excessive force against Jan. 6 ­subjects accused of misdemeanor ­offenses.

This American hero, the father of two small children, has blown up his “dream career” because he could not live with his conscience if he continued to be part of what he sees as the unjust persecution of conservative Americans.

“I have an oath to uphold the Constitution,” he told supervisors when he asserted his conscientious objection to joining an Aug. 24 raid on a J6 subject in the Jacksonville, Fla., area. “I have a moral objection and want to be considered a conscientious objector.”

Friend, who did not vote for Donald Trump in the 2020 election, said he told his immediate boss twice that he believed the raid, and the investigative process leading up to it, violated FBI policy and the subject’s right under the Sixth Amendment to a fair trial and Eighth Amendment right against cruel and unusual punishment.

In his whistleblower complaint to DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz, obtained by The Post, Friend lays out multiple violations of FBI policy involving J6 investigations in which he was involved.

He says he was removed from active investigations into child sexual exploitation and human trafficking to work on J6 cases sent from DC. He was told “domestic terrorism was a higher priority” than child pornography. As a result, he believes his child exploitation investigations were harmed.

He also has reported his concerns about a politicized FBI to Republican members of Congress, among 20 whistleblowers from the bureau who have come forward with similar complaints.

Among Friend’s allegations:
The Washington, DC, field office is “manipulating” FBI case management protocol and farming out J6 cases to field offices across the country to create the false impression that right-wing domestic violence is a widespread national problem that goes far beyond the “black swan” event of Jan. 6, 2021.
As a result, he was listed as lead agent in cases he had not investigated and which his supervisor had not signed off on, in violation of FBI policy.
 FBI domestic terrorism cases are being opened on innocent American citizens who were nowhere near the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, based on anonymous tips to an FBI hotline or from Facebook spying on their messages. These tips are turned into investigative tools called “guardians,” after the FBI software that collates them.
 The FBI has post-facto designated a grassy area outside the Capitol as a restricted zone, when it was not restricted on Jan. 6, 2021, in order to widen the net of prosecutions.
 The FBI intends to prosecute everyone even peripherally associated with J6 and another wave of J6 subjects are about to be referred to the FBI’s Daytona Beach resident agency “for investigation and arrest.”
 The Jacksonville area was “inundated” with “guardian” notifications and FBI agents were dispatched to conduct surveillance and knock on people’s doors, including people who had not been in Washington, DC, on Jan. 6, 2021, or who had been to the Trump rally that day but did not go ­inside the Capitol.
Friend says he was punished after complaining to his bosses about being dragged into J6 investigations that were “violating citizens’ Sixth Amendment rights due to overzealous charging by the DOJ and biased jury pools in Washington, DC.”

His top-secret security clearance was suspended last week because he “entered FBI space [his office] and downloaded documents from FBI computer systems [an employee handbook and guidelines for employee disciplinary procedures] to an unauthorized removable flash drive.”

U.S. Capitol
FBI domestic terrorism cases are being opened on American citizens who were nowhere near the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, Friend alleges.
Getty Images/Samuel Corum
In a Sept. 16 letter from the head of FBI human resources, he was told he was losing his security clearance also because he “espoused beliefs which demonstrate questionable judgment [and demonstrated] an unwillingness to comply with rules and regulations.”

Reprisals from bosses
In his whistleblower complaint, Friend describes “reprisals” from his supervisors after he voiced his conscientious objections.

He says they ignored his complaint about “manipulative casefile practice [which] creates false and misleading crime statistics, constituting false official federal statements.

The House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol holds its first public hearing to reveal the findings of a year-long investigation, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, June 9, 2022.
The hypocrisy and disconnect of the partisan Jan. 6 probe
“Instead of hundreds of investigations stemming from an isolated incident at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, FBI and DOJ officials point to significant increases in domestic violent extremism and terrorism around the United States.

“At no point was I advised or counseled on where to take my disclosure beyond the reprising officials above; the threatened reprisal constituted a de facto gag on my whistleblowing.”

On Aug. 19, he first told his immediate boss, Supervisory Senior Resident Agent Greg Federico, that he believed “it was inappropriate to use an FBI SWAT team to arrest a subject for misdemeanor offenses and opined that the subject would likely face extended detainment and biased jury pools in Washington, DC.

“I suggested alternatives such as the issuance of a court summons or utilizing surveillance groups to determine an optimal, safe time for a local sheriff deputy to contact the subjects and advise them about the existence of the arrest warrant.”

Federico told him it would have been better to just “call in sick” rather than voice his objection and “threatened reprisal indirectly by asking how long I saw myself continuing to work for the FBI.”

Steve Friend
Friend refused to participate in SWAT raids that he believed violated FBI policy and were a use of excessive force against Jan. 6 ­subjects.
AP/John Minchillo
Four days later, Friend was summoned to Jacksonville to meet his next-level bosses, Assistant Special Agents in Charge Coult Markovsky and Sean Ryan, about his refusal to join the SWAT raid.

He told them about his concerns over “irregular” case handling of J6 matters that he believed were in violation of a legal rule known as “Brady” that requires prosecutors to disclose evidence that would exonerate a defendant.

They asked if he believed any J6 rioters committed crimes and he replied: “Some of the people who entered the Capitol committed crimes, but others were innocent. I elaborated that I believed some innocent individuals had been unjustly prosecuted, convicted and sentenced.”

Dems are using the Capitol riot to hunt political foes, not real threats: Devine
Markovsky then asked Friend if J6 rioters who “killed police officers” should be prosecuted, even though no such thing happened. When Friend pointed out that “there were no police officers killed on January 6, 2021,” Markovsky told him he was being a “bad teammate.”

Both agents “threatened reprisal again by warning that my refusal [to go on the SWAT raid] could amount to insubordination. References were made to my ­future career prospects with the FBI.”

Friend was labeled AWOL the day the raid took place and stripped of his pay.

A week later, he was told to meet the top agent in Jacksonville, Special Agent in Charge Sherri Onks, who told him he needed to do some “soul searching” and decide if he wanted to work for the FBI.

When he told her “many of my colleagues expressed similar concerns to me but had not vocalized their objections to FBI executive management,” she told him his “views represented an extremely small minority of the FBI workforce.”

She then shared the emotional experience of fearing for her own life on Jan. 6, 2021, when she was sitting on the seventh floor of the secure J. Edgar Hoover Building, FBI headquarters, after protesters one mile away “seized the Capitol and threatened the United States’ democracy.”

Agents used as ‘pawns’
Friend says his concerns are shared by large numbers of rank-and-file FBI agents across the country who believe they are being used as pawns to pursue the political agenda of the bosses in Washington, DC.

Biden Wilkes-Barre
Tyrannical old Joe’s secret police state
These kinds of abuses of the law are a “morale killer” for field agents, he says.

Many agents, who joined the FBI in the wake of 9/11, are keeping their heads down because they are close to their 20-year retirement with full pension. But he says they are equally disgusted at being forced to take part in the politicization of federal law ­enforcement.

Other whistleblowers say that disquiet grew after the FBI raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida on Aug. 8.

Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, who is working with these heroic FBI agents, has been trying to introduce legislation to strengthen the bureau’s woefully inadequate whistleblower protections. Friend’s complaint will be a test case.

In a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray on Aug. 11, Grassley alleged that a committee of FBI field agents had been to see Wray to express the concerns of agents in all 56 field offices across the country that “the FBI has become too politicized in its decision-making.” Grassley further alleges “those concerns were removed from this year’s final report” of the FBI’s Special Agents Advisory Committee.

Wray ignored Grassley’s letter along with a dozen other letters from the dogged Iowa senator alleging gross malfeasance at the bureau.

But unrest is growing among field agents about the weaponization of the FBI against the Biden administration’s political opponents under Wray. He can’t ­ignore it for long.
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"The Twitter Files"

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"Here we go."

~ Elon Musk

The Twitter Files: Part 1

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Re: Hydra | The Deep State. Thread 2

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"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: Hydra | The Deep State. Thread 2

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

The Twitter files seem damning.

Under US law this could expose Biden et al to capital charges of treason and misprision of treason adjudicated by military tribunal and not the civilian corporate statutes.
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Re: Hydra | The Deep State. Thread 2

Post by Doc »

Nonc Hilaire wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 9:30 pm The Twitter files seem damning.

Under US law this could expose Biden et al to capital charges of treason and misprision of treason adjudicated by military tribunal and not the civilian corporate statutes.
Yes indeed it would.
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Re: Hydra | The Deep State. Thread 2

Post by Typhoon »

The Twitter Files: Part 2

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Re: Hydra | The Deep State. Thread 2

Post by Doc »

Typhoon wrote: Fri Dec 09, 2022 4:41 am The Twitter Files: Part 2

I remember when Twitter was still run by Costello, He would constantly make the claim that Twitter was about free speech and would stnd up to government demands for information on users. In his more recent tweets he would make statements that directly contradict those earlier claim
2. Twitter once had a mission “to give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers.” Along the way, barriers nevertheless were erected.
This guy as a lawyer is pretty good at pointing out how bad Twitter censors look
It includes documents that show Jack Dorsey committed perjury before congress, that the FBI DHS and the director of National Intel were all directly involved with Twitter censorship and that even without government involvement Twitter violated Federal election law in giving contributions in kind to the Democrats and Joe Biden.
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Re: Hydra | The Deep State. Thread 2

Post by Doc »

Twitter Files Part 4

"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: Hydra | The Deep State. Thread 2

Post by Typhoon »

The Twitter Files: Part 3

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Re: Hydra | The Deep State. Thread 2

Post by Typhoon »

Originally posted by Doc, but reposted here to maintain chronological order

The Twitter Files: Part 4

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Re: Hydra | The Deep State. Thread 2

Post by Doc »

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/1 ... read-list/
Elon’s Twitter Is Still Infiltrated with Former FBI and CIA Agents – These Agents Are Frantically Scrubbing Their LinkedIn Accounts, Read the List Here
I tired to post this to Reddit my post disappeared without notice. I tired to post the original Twitter thread it was based on. It disappeared as well.

Could it be that Reddit has this very same problem?
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: Hydra | The Deep State. Thread 2

Post by Doc »

Doc wrote: Wed Dec 14, 2022 4:47 pm https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/1 ... read-list/
Elon’s Twitter Is Still Infiltrated with Former FBI and CIA Agents – These Agents Are Frantically Scrubbing Their LinkedIn Accounts, Read the List Here
I tired to post this to Reddit my post disappeared without notice. I tired to post the original Twitter thread it was based on. It disappeared as well.

Could it be that Reddit has this very same problem?
After I made the second post on Reddit it suddenly appear about an hour later.
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: Hydra | The Deep State. Thread 2

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Reddit has issues with a new censor bot. It was supposed to cut down on reposting but it mistakenly picked up many good posts containing links.
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Re: Hydra | The Deep State. Thread 2

Post by Doc »

Nonc Hilaire wrote: Thu Dec 15, 2022 3:26 am Reddit has issues with a new censor bot. It was supposed to cut down on reposting but it mistakenly picked up many good posts containing links.
Did I mention that I search Reddit and found zero articles about this?
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: Hydra | The Deep State. Thread 2

Post by Doc »


30. It seemed to strike no one as strange that a “Foreign Influence” task force was forwarding thousands of mostly domestic reports, along with the DHS, about the fringiest material:

"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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