We're fighting for the soul of our nation

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We're fighting for the soul of our nation

Post by Doc »

https://leslynlewis.ca/blog/were-fighti ... ur-nation/
We're fighting for the soul of our nation

Imagine that in 2015 you were placed in a time machine, sent into the future and arrived in August 2022. Would you believe your eyes? Could anyone convince you that only seven years had passed?

We have lived through the nightmare of the past seven years, and even still it is hard to believe how much our society has declined in that time.

And while the COVID crisis exacerbated much of the decline, it was not the virus itself that actually caused the speedy fall of our most important institutions. It was government policies that have caused this rapid erosion of trust between Canada’s citizens and their elected officials.

Starting with the Emergencies Act, we now know that it was used as a political tool and " that the government lied about whether or not law enforcement had requested it."In fact, the very day before Trudeau’s dramatic press conference calling it a “last resort”, "he had actually been advised by key security advisors that they were nearing a breakthrough for a peaceful resolution.

Trudeau knew that the matter could be peacefully resolved, but he chose to use the Emergencies Act as a tool to make it seem that he resolved the conflict, that he was a strong leader, and that he acted out of the best interest of Canadians because he had no choice. I remind you that horses and militia style law enforcement was used to disperse the crowd that law enforcement deemed was under control and that a breakthrough of the protest was imminent.

When leaders use a crisis as a political opportunity, they act to selfishly further their political careers instead of acting in the best interest of Canadians. Selfish leadership erodes public trust and makes it harder to trust politicians when the next crisis hits.

Even something as tragic and traumatizing as COVID was used for political gain. I’ve met with elderly residents that were in tears when they found out that the vaccine did not prevent getting or transmitting COVID. These individuals refused to see their own children and grandchildren because they believed our Prime Minister, and now Canadians are left to deal with the guilt of how they treated strangers and even those whom they love the most.

Trudeau knew that the vaccines didn’t prevent transmission, all the while warning Canadians that it was dangerous to sit next to an unvaccinated person. As one of the only nations to prohibit their citizens from getting on federally operated planes, trains and boats, Trudeau doubled down on his lies to create division and fear and then opportunistically called an election that cost Canadians $650 million dollars. Families were torn apart, friendships lost, and he did it all to try to use hate and fear to win back his majority in an unnecessary election.

Even our most sacred institutions have been tarnished. The Military admitted to conducting propaganda experiments on Canadians during the early days of COVID.

The head of the RCMP appears to have been busted for interfering in a mass murder investigation for political purposes.

The mainstream media had to retract multiple stories about the freedom convoy that spread fear and greatly added to tensions amongst Ottawa residents.

Imagine going back to 2015 and telling yourself that in just seven years you couldn’t trust Canada’s top health officials to be honest about vaccines, the Prime Minister to tell the truth about National Security, the Military not to use propaganda on you, the RCMP to allow important investigations to proceed without interference and the media to not spread fake news about peaceful protesters. I could add that we have also seen the government fail to provide basic government services and take actual political prisoners.

Our nation is unrecognizable, except for one very important part.

I have traveled across this country for the past several months and have seen strength and goodness and love for their fellow citizens. Canadians are awake; they won’t be silenced. They are aware that they are being gaslit by having their concerns always dismissed as conspiracy theories.

We have hope that a strong Conservative Opposition can put the brakes on the further destruction of our democracy. We have hope for a future of courageous leaders that will rise above politics, not dumb down the issues with cheap slogans and talking points, but confront this real risk to our democracy. I have faith in our Conservative membership that you will see that we are at a precipice and that we need real courageous leadership to lead us back from the edge of this cliff.

Strong leadership will once again restore this nation as the freest and most prosperous nation in the world.
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: We're fighting for the soul of our nation

Post by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits »

She irons her jeans, she's evil.........
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Re: We're fighting for the soul of our nation

Post by Doc »

Miss_Faucie_Fishtits wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 4:41 am --QS_UyW2SY
The strange thing is Globalism is collapsing with the world economy. So Globalism apparently was a means to an end..


"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: We're fighting for the soul of our nation

Post by Apollonius »

Why globalism is the enemy of freedom - Roger Kimball, The Spectator, 29 December 2022
https://thespectator.com/topic/why-glob ... f-freedom/
... Consider the apparently unkillable dream of “world government,” a sort of farm-team try-out for what we now call “globalism.” It is as fatuous now as it was when H.G. Wells infused it with literary drama toward the beginning of the twentieth century.

A sterling contemporary example is the Great Reset, recently proposed by the Davos-based World Economic Forum, which seeks — and I quote — “to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions.” Exploiting the panic caused by the Covid-19 crisis, the WEF demands that “every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed.”

Here at last was an opportunity to enact a worldwide tax on wealth, a far-reaching (and deeply impoverishing) “green-energy” agenda, rules that would dilute national sovereignty and insinuate politically correct attitudes into the fabric of everyday life. All this was being promulgated for our own good, of course. But it was difficult to overlook the fact that the WEF plan involved nothing less than the absorption of liberty by the extension of bureaucratic power.

The true political ends of such elite enterprises are generally swaddled in emollient rhetoric about freedom and democracy — what we have recently been taught to call “our democracy.” Thus the PR surrounding the WEF’s Great Reset is festooned with talk of “stakeholder capitalism,” “equality,” “sustainability,” and other emetic items from the lexicon of socialistically oriented political obfuscation. The reality is far darker.

The globalist alternative dangled before us is a version of utopia. But like The Wizard of Oz, it is all show and no substance. Or rather, the substance is an erosion of traditional sources of strength and identity together with an assault on the middle class and its “deplorable” values as an impediment to the realization of beatitude.

Increasingly, Western societies are reverting to a species of bifurcated society in which a tiny group of elites rules over a docile but imperfectly contented mass. What happens when the engines of prosperity falter is anyone’s guess. The commentator John O’Sullivan has spoken of the advent of “sacrificial utopia.” Only someone innocent of the writings of Orwell, and the machinations of communist despotism, will think that an ironical designation.

Why it isn’t mad to oppose the World Economic Forum - Samuel Gregg, The Spectator, 31 December 2022
https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/the ... an-cometh/

The World Economic Forum (WEF) and its long-serving founder and Executive Chairman, Professor Klaus Schwab, are the subjects of many insane conspiracy theories. This NGO, which again this January will bring together politicians, business leaders, journalists, academics, and assorted celebrities in Davos, has been accused, among other things, of being a secret cabal of paedophiles who used the Covid-19 pandemic to harvest children’s blood so as to hasten in a Satanic New World Order.

It isn’t mad, however, to regard the WEF as a dangerous force in global politics. The WEF is a dangerous force in global politics. To adapt Joseph Heller, just because you are paranoid, doesn’t mean the WEF isn’t after you. A shared distrust of the WEF brings together anti-capitalists on the left and culture-warriors on the right. But that distrust is based on a misunderstanding of what the WEF is these days really all about.

The day the music died - Tom Hayen, OffGuardian, 31 December 2023
https://off-guardian.org/2022/12/31/the ... usic-died/

You’ll own nothing, and be happy.” Ha ha. I wonder if Schwab regrets saying that. Actually the phrase originated in 2016 from Danish MP Ida Auken’s essay “Welcome to 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy, and Life has Never Been Better” written for the World Economic Forum.

Not sure why the WEF would embrace such a seemingly derogatory message. But they did (although it is no longer found on their website).

The phrase caught on and Schwab has been inextricably linked to the expression. Sounds like something just about any of those WEF Cretans would say. I am pretty certain Schwab’s Best Boy Harari adores the concept. You can obviously see how demented anyone who seriously utters this is. You would have to be demented if you are thinking people would nod their head and exclaim “can’t wait!”

Schwab must think it is something people are excited about. A man totally out of touch with the people he wants to enslave. He probably honestly thinks he is a nice grandpa to his people, or maybe, as this statement suggests, he couldn’t care less what the useless eaters think.
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Re: We're fighting for the soul of our nation

Post by Apollonius »

A Canadian dystopia - Meghan Murphy, Spiked, 3 January 2023
https://www.spiked-online.com/2023/01/0 ... -dystopia/

Justin Trudeau's ‘liberal’ government is riding roughshod over liberty.

Bored of its reputation as inclusive, open-minded and accepting, Canada opted for an authoritarian rebrand last year.
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Re: We're fighting for the soul of our nation

Post by Doc »

Apollonius wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 8:39 pm A Canadian dystopia - Meghan Murphy, Spiked, 3 January 2023
https://www.spiked-online.com/2023/01/0 ... -dystopia/

Justin Trudeau's ‘liberal’ government is riding roughshod over liberty.

Bored of its reputation as inclusive, open-minded and accepting, Canada opted for an authoritarian rebrand last year.
Reminds me of George HW Bush and his evil twin Skippy.
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: We're fighting for the soul of our nation

Post by Apollonius »

Jagmeet Singh is an empty suit, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma - Jordan Peterson, Rex Murphy, National Post, 10 February 2023
https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jagmee ... -an-enigma
The NDP leader is sacrificing what his party stands for in order to keep Justin Trudeau in power

... What has the NDP become, under Jagmeet Singh? A wing; a side-car; a crutch to the establishment, a cringing, back-biting and spineless supporter of the increasingly deranged practices and insane economics of the present-day Liberals.

Elected as a figurehead of inclusion; campaigning as a pseudo-celebrity; in bed with the Liberals; incapable of putting forward any concrete policies, let alone a vision; propping up a scandal-ridden, corrupt, ideologically-addled regime, hell-bent on destroying the last vestiges of Canada’s economy and international reputation: can anyone at all answer the question: Who is Jagmeet Singh, and what the hell is he doing?

And Tommy Douglas — by some measures the most well-respected political figure in Canadian history — spins away sadly/madly in his grave.
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Re: We're fighting for the soul of our nation

Post by Apollonius »

Canada is not only an authoritarian state; it is a racist state:

Affirmative Action in Jail Sentencing - Karl Stack, 10 February 2023
https://karlstack.substack.com/p/affirm ... sentencing
the court system in Canada is broken, and it's only going to get worse

On December 31, 2020, a 17-year old man in Calgary was pulled over for a routine traffic violation by 37-year old police officer Sgt. Andrew Harnett.

After being stopped for ~45 minutes, the man fled the traffic stop with Harnett attached to the vehicle, dragging Harnett into oncoming traffic, where he was hit by a car and died. The fleeing man left Harnett’s corpse on the cold pavement, went home, slept, and then turned himself in to police the next day.

Sgt. Harnett left behind a pregnant wife whose child will now grow up fatherless because some entitled prick refused to get a traffic ticket.

That driver who refused to get a ticket has brown skin — he’s middle-eastern. Needless to say, that shouldn’t matter one iota, but sadly Canada’s “justice” system is heavily based on skin color. The killer knew this, and milked it for all it's worth.
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Re: We're fighting for the soul of our nation

Post by Doc »

"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: We're fighting for the soul of our nation

Post by Apollonius »

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