Conspiracy Theories, Crackpots, and other Looney Tunes

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Re: Israel

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Parodite wrote: Sun Jan 14, 2024 8:24 pm
Nonc Hilaire wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 4:04 pm We are seeing the importance of a closer analysis of Israel.

Bibi and Likud a criminal organization. Imprisoning Orthodox Jews as antisemitic for protesting Likud murder and warmongering.

Chabad tunnels in Brooklyn where Chabad were previously arrested for human trafficking and forced organ donation.

These are not our kind and generous Jewish friends. They are a criminal subculture using Judaism as a human shield.
Did you you ever wonder why you have this urge of needing Jews to be of the friendly type? Why it is of special interest to you? They have their criminals, psychos, their wonderful and loving ones, wise ones, not so wise ones, their IQ>150 ones, IQ <100 ones.. like any other randomised statistical average. Probably its only IQ and some survival skills they needed above average to survive. And chewing on holy texts also helps as a brain-trainer.

I Like your Judaism as a human shield, I'm sure that operates here or there. So does the no-shield for any Jew is allowed. Only a perfectly friendly Jew has the right to exist.

But wait, there is hope! There was one perfect Jew once, the Elvis King of Judaism who saves the world. Maybe there is a wisdom: by their own faith, Jews, the Chosen Ones, will be held to higher standards than the lower class gentiles. Nonc, thou arth forgiven ;) But Jesus already told you so.

Only an innocent Jew can take it to be crucified and then turn it into a victory, so that you can be saved without paying a price. Of course, maybe this Jesus story also was just a smart conspiracy to keep those blood-thirsty non-Jews pacified and off their Jewish backs. With Jews you never know... are they extremely cunning and smart, or am I just too stupid...

With all due respect, Parodite, risking "Treading dangerous waters", must be careful, looking at the big picture, there some reflection about your argumentation.

Worldwide, there 1 Billion Hindu population .. and .. max 15 million Jews

Looking into history books .. there no mention of anything about Hindu being present at world key events, they invisible .. but .. our beloved Jews very strongly present at any juncture in key historical events.

Question now arises why no Hindu present but always Jewish present ?

Debating David Goldman in ATOL, David said Key for Judaism is "Jewish school", he said without "Jewish school" there would be no Jews. Jewish schools raise the children with TALMUD.

One should look what is in TALMUD.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories, Crackpots, and other Looney Tunes

Post by Parodite »

David Goldman, I take him very seriously. Always a willingness to consider. As for his point about Talmud, the religious fundament of Jewish identity. He had a personal crisis in life around age 50. Was a secular Merry Lynch (tm) victim of nihilism & monetized materialism, so he cried and cried out his existential tears.

Then he reconnected to Orthodox Judaism and felt much better. Good for him! No pun intended. Now of course such a sequence of personal events might color his views on events in the outside world and history at large. Only human: our personal view is the only view we have.

The way I see "my" world: Judaism is a religious-ideological extension of a territorial-tribal and hence also cultural identity. Many examples of that. Judaism, i.e. "being Jewish" in particular is a pretty durable one. Question why "Jews in small numbers have a big presense wherever they are" is not simple to answer and in my estimation certainly not caused by one factor alone. A bit like climate change: never let anyone convince you that it is only one variable or parameter that drives it. David Goldman is to me the equivalent of a CO2 maniac in that regard.

I'm not sure about 1 billion Hindu not present in history. For Hindus themselves, I'm pretty sure, history that matters most is Hindu history. Maybe they also wonder why so few non-Hindi are involved in history that really matters.
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Re: China

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Seems this similar to Paris Hilton stunt .. She made clips giving Blow Jobs, put it on the net, claimed in media the clips were stollen, her rating skyrocketed and she signed Multi million Dollar endorsement with (I think) Diesel Jeans

Nobody had heard of this Piano Player Brendan Kavanagh .. now he in media .. Probably Chinese tourist were fake, maybe he hired them. :lol:

The naive folks are receptive for anything beating up @ Chinese.
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Re: China

Post by Typhoon »

Heracleum Persicum wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 5:25 am

Seems this similar to Paris Hilton stunt .. She made clips giving Blow Jobs, put it on the net, claimed in media the clips were stollen, her rating skyrocketed and she signed Multi million Dollar endorsement with (I think) Diesel Jeans

Nobody had heard of this Piano Player Brendan Kavanagh .. now he in media .. Probably Chinese tourist were fake, maybe he hired them. :lol:

The naive folks are receptive for anything beating up @ Chinese.
The woman was later identified as Adelina Zhang, a CCP agent who has hosted state functions for China in the UK for many years, rubbing elbows with some of Britain's top politicians.

The man who escalates the argument into threats and accuses the piano player of “racism” for calling the Chinese flag “communist” is Newton Leng. He works as a consultant for Financial Times and is a member of the IOE Confucius Institute, a well known front organization for the CCP operating in numerous western countries. The Confucius Institute has been investigated on a number of occasions for infiltration of key British organizations and for the promotion of the Chinese communist ideology in western schools.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories, Crackpots, and other Looney Tunes

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

“Christ has no body now but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks with compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks among His people to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses His creation.”

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Re: China

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Typhoon wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 12:17 pm
Heracleum Persicum wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 5:25 am

Seems this similar to Paris Hilton stunt .. She made clips giving Blow Jobs, put it on the net, claimed in media the clips were stollen, her rating skyrocketed and she signed Multi million Dollar endorsement with (I think) Diesel Jeans

Nobody had heard of this Piano Player Brendan Kavanagh .. now he in media .. Probably Chinese tourist were fake, maybe he hired them. :lol:

The naive folks are receptive for anything beating up @ Chinese.
The woman was later identified as Adelina Zhang, a CCP agent who has hosted state functions for China in the UK for many years, rubbing elbows with some of Britain's top politicians.

The man who escalates the argument into threats and accuses the piano player of “racism” for calling the Chinese flag “communist” is Newton Leng. He works as a consultant for Financial Times and is a member of the IOE Confucius Institute, a well known front organization for the CCP operating in numerous western countries. The Confucius Institute has been investigated on a number of occasions for infiltration of key British organizations and for the promotion of the Chinese communist ideology in western schools.

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Re: Conspiracy Theories, Crackpots, and other Looney Tunes

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

“Christ has no body now but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks with compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks among His people to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses His creation.”

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Re: Conspiracy Theories, Crackpots, and other Looney Tunes

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Parodite wrote: Thu Jan 18, 2024 2:13 pm David Goldman, I take him very seriously. Always a willingness to consider. As for his point about Talmud, the religious fundament of Jewish identity. He had a personal crisis in life around age 50. Was a secular Merry Lynch (tm) victim of nihilism & monetized materialism, so he cried and cried out his existential tears.

Then he reconnected to Orthodox Judaism and felt much better. Good for him! No pun intended. Now of course such a sequence of personal events might color his views on events in the outside world and history at large. Only human: our personal view is the only view we have.

The way I see "my" world: Judaism is a religious-ideological extension of a territorial-tribal and hence also cultural identity. Many examples of that. Judaism, i.e. "being Jewish" in particular is a pretty durable one. Question why "Jews in small numbers have a big presense wherever they are" is not simple to answer and in my estimation certainly not caused by one factor alone. A bit like climate change: never let anyone convince you that it is only one variable or parameter that drives it. David Goldman is to me the equivalent of a CO2 maniac in that regard.

I'm not sure about 1 billion Hindu not present in history. For Hindus themselves, I'm pretty sure, history that matters most is Hindu history. Maybe they also wonder why so few non-Hindi are involved in history that really matters.

Fact that growing up within Talmud education makes one Jewish is "accurate" .. that is valid for all "religions" .. those Pakistani children in "Madrassa" going through same experience.

Means Jewish is not (anymore) being of "Hebrew tribe" but a religion like any other Abrahamite religions .. making the notion that Somebody called Moses promised Palestine to Ashkenazim a "scam".

Iranians do not care about any promise Moses has made but agree that Europeans have been very mean to Ashkenazim, and, our beloved Ashkenazim need a home where they can be safe and have a happy life .. but it must be faire to indigini.

I personally know many Western jewish and like them.

Re David Goldman, "book smart" but "lacks wisdom" :D

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Re: Conspiracy Theories, Crackpots, and other Looney Tunes

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Yes, let's get around to the indigenous: the Samaritians. :)

The great irony is that there is an avenue of argument for those into all speculative manner of higher criticism, that the obsession with matching a land & people was the cardinal influence Persia had on the Jewish religion.

That and/or the economic policies of the Seleucids making papyrus more expensive, leading to anthologies on parchment and greater centrality around a Jerusalem temple who could both afford it and had a ready supply of lamb skin to write upon.


Of course, there may have been raison d'etat going on. Selucids policy was to separate Medinat-Yehud from Egypt. Aram+Caanan must have a border with Egypt...and later the Greeks.

But the fight with Greco-Romans was internecinal. From the Selucids on, the territory and peoples of Persia are the most Hellenized group out there. Where is the home of Plato? Iran.

Fights with the western barbarians is a civil conflict on who is most greek; much as frankish divisional inheritance between his three sons set a direct path for the world wars.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories, Crackpots, and other Looney Tunes

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2024 4:00 am
Yes, let's get around to the indigenous: the Samaritians. :)

The great irony is that there is an avenue of argument for those into all speculative manner of higher criticism, that the obsession with matching a land & people was the cardinal influence Persia had on the Jewish religion.

That and/or the economic policies of the Seleucids making papyrus more expensive, leading to anthologies on parchment and greater centrality around a Jerusalem temple who could both afford it and had a ready supply of lamb skin to write upon.


Of course, there may have been raison d'etat going on. Selucids policy was to separate Medinat-Yehud from Egypt. Aram+Caanan must have a border with Egypt...and later the Greeks.

But the fight with Greco-Romans was internecinal. From the Selucids on, the territory and peoples of Persia are the most Hellenized group out there. Where is the home of Plato? Iran.

Fights with the western barbarians is a civil conflict on who is most greek; much as frankish divisional inheritance between his three sons set a direct path for the world wars.


All "Religions" in Abrahamite sense, ALL, with no exemption, come from "Persia". Their "Roots" are "Zoroastrianism", all the Mythos you have in Judaism, Christian and Islam ARE "Zoroastrian Myths", Paradise and Hell is Zoroastrian invention.

Hebrew tribe was a North African, Ethiopian tribe .. Pagan tribe

Judaism we know today took shape after Babylonian episode, in Persia.

Christianity too is mostly based on Zoroastrian Mithraism, as Romans were Mithra worshippers, Vatican on Mithra temple.

Re Samaritans and jews and 12 Tribes of Israel all these "made up" and have no historical base.

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Re: Conspiracy Theories, Crackpots, and other Looney Tunes

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

It's not the 19th century anymore and the orientalism fervor has broken on subsequent recoveries and sobrieties. Avestan literature, outside some poetry, is not old enough and compiled selectively in late antiquity (though there are those who disagree). The Sassinids made it the state religion; its position in the Achaemenid is a lot more complicated. A generous reading of the little we have is that while Magush were well-entrenched, it is a fair debate on what the religion exactly was.

And it's the Basilica di San Clemente on top of a Mithras gathering spot. The Roman Mithras is another topic, and one little connected to ol'Elam/Medes/etc.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories, Crackpots, and other Looney Tunes

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2024 6:09 am It's not the 19th century anymore and the orientalism fervor has broken on subsequent recoveries and sobrieties. Avestan literature, outside some poetry, is not old enough and compiled selectively in late antiquity (though there are those who disagree). The Sassinids made it the state religion; its position in the Achaemenid is a lot more complicated. A generous reading of the little we have is that while Magush were well-entrenched, it is a fair debate on what the religion exactly was.

And it's the Basilica di San Clemente on top of a Mithras gathering spot. The Roman Mithras is another topic, and one little connected to ol'Elam/Medes/etc.


Judaism we know today, Christianity and Islam are not old, not older than 2500 yrs

Zoroastrianism @least 4000, more probably, 5000+ yrs old

Zoroastrianism "invented" Religion in sense we understand today .. What Egyptians, Greek had can not be defined as "Religion" in today's sense.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories, Crackpots, and other Looney Tunes

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

The beauty with speculation is it could be almost anything, and depends how one weighs what's available.

We have Achaemenid royal inscriptions and the similarities between the 17 Gathas and the Rig-Veda.

The Gathas aren't full of biographical data; and the common source obviously shared by the Vedas and Gathas doesn't help because there is linguistic diversion. Maybe even by religion considering one's words for lord&demons are flipped to the exact opposite as the other.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories, Crackpots, and other Looney Tunes

Post by noddy »

Iranian and northern Indian history is quite blurry, being ethnosupremicist about it is not going to work.

Its as bad as the greeks claiming to be the origin of culture.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories, Crackpots, and other Looney Tunes

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2024 10:16 am The beauty with speculation is it could be almost anything, and depends how one weighs what's available.

We have Achaemenid royal inscriptions and the similarities between the 17 Gathas and the Rig-Veda.

The Gathas aren't full of biographical data; and the common source obviously shared by the Vedas and Gathas doesn't help because there is linguistic diversion. Maybe even by religion considering one's words for lord&demons are flipped to the exact opposite as the other.

Interesting .. appreciate

Always love to learn more .. followed many links and articles from your above link

I think, there is another separate side/aspect to be looked at re "Arya -Arian" people (separate from racial side) .. the "cultural" side

Ariyans, In "Persian Hemisphere", were "distinct" in many respects .. all religions by today's definition, real "human" eternal philosophy, inception of all "modern science", scientific thinking and methods, Universal Human Rights, Mystics, high civilization etc etc , the inception was in Persia the Aryan land.

Importance of Aryan, IMVHO, is much more "cultural, civilizational" than racial.

As is mentioned in many of those articles, Arian means "Noble" .. Nobless must be earned AND Noblesse oblige

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Re: Conspiracy Theories, Crackpots, and other Looney Tunes

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Yes, noble is a possibility; some argue that it is closer to peer or companion, or maybe even free-man.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories, Crackpots, and other Looney Tunes

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

It's iron age economics-- arranging of households.

The Achaemenids encouraged long-term economic development and stability by investing in a lot of public works [to put it as an anachronism] and introducing the satrapy model which encouraged long term cities, working towards nationhood, a centralized temple (which being the iron age was also a bank), and so on and so forth.

Maybe the most stability in the area since the Bronze Age collapse.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories, Crackpots, and other Looney Tunes

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote: Tue Mar 05, 2024 9:45 am It's iron age economics-- arranging of households.

The Achaemenids encouraged long-term economic development and stability by investing in a lot of public works [to put it as an anachronism] and introducing the satrapy model which encouraged long term cities, working towards nationhood, a centralized temple (which being the iron age was also a bank), and so on and so forth.

Maybe the most stability in the area since the Bronze Age collapse.

Zoroastrianism was a very strict “Cast System” .. “Pre-Islam” Persia was a Cast System culture.

Royalty Nobles - Zoroastrian Priests - and everybody else.

Education, literacy, was reserved only for Royalty Nobles and Zoroastrian Priests .. As their numbers were small, the "talent pool” for science etc etc was negligent.

On the other side, to control and administer the vast empire (from China and Nile), Pers*ans were top “state administrators”.

Persian state administrators administered 1000 yrs uninterrupted the Persian empire, administered Ottoman Empire, Mongul Empire, Turkic tribe empire.

After Arab invasion of Persia, Islam take-over of Persia, Cast-System was abolished , education and literacy was for all, that is when Persian talent in many fields exploded

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Re: Conspiracy Theories, Crackpots, and other Looney Tunes

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Victoria Nuland, destroyer of Ukraine and neo-con warmonger extraordinaire, is resigning per a press release. ... ia-nuland/

Posted here because she was rumored to have been killed in the Ukraine (along with Gen. Austin).

All the press I have seen is using old images. I would normally expect her to hold a press conference, but perhaps that is not possible.
“Christ has no body now but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks with compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks among His people to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses His creation.”

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Re: Conspiracy Theories, Crackpots, and other Looney Tunes

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Nonc Hilaire wrote: Tue Mar 05, 2024 8:14 pm Victoria Nuland, destroyer of Ukraine and neo-con warmonger extraordinaire, is resigning per a press release. ... ia-nuland/

Posted here because she was rumored to have been killed in the Ukraine (along with Gen. Austin).

All the press I have seen is using old images. I would normally expect her to hold a press conference, but perhaps that is not possible. ... ne-sooner/

Nuland Should Have Gone Sooner

She deserved to leave in disgrace, not retire on her own terms after being passed over for a promotion

For more than three decades, under six presidents (but notably not Donald Trump), Nuland pushed American foreign policy in a neoconservative direction and sowed instability around the globe.

But the truth is that Nuland’s retirement probably does not signal much of an ideological shift at State. The primary motivation may well be sour grapes : Nuland was passed over for a promotion last year when China specialist Kurt Campbell was elevated to the number 2 spot under Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Nuland’s friends vented to Puck reporter Julia Ioffe about how much more qualified she was than Campbell for a gossipy piece published under the headline “Bad Blood at State.”


She has half a million Ukrainian blood on her hand

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Re: Conspiracy Theories, Crackpots, and other Looney Tunes

Post by Juno »

...and not a few Russians as well, among many, many others.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories, Crackpots, and other Looney Tunes

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote: Mon Mar 04, 2024 10:28 am Yes, noble is a possibility; some argue that it is closer to peer or companion, or maybe even free-man.

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Re: Conspiracy Theories, Crackpots, and other Looney Tunes

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

IMG_4762.jpeg (127.71 KiB) Viewed 1528 times
“Christ has no body now but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks with compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks among His people to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses His creation.”

Teresa of Ávila
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Re: Conspiracy Theories, Crackpots, and other Looney Tunes

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


The Persi*n plateau served as hub for Homo sapiens
after the main out of Africa dispersal

A combination of evidence, based on genetic, fossil and archaeological findings, indicates that Homo sapiens spread out of Africa between ~70-60 thousand years ago (kya).

However, it appears that once outside of Africa, human populations did not expand across all of Eurasia until ~45 kya.

The geographic whereabouts of these early settlers in the timeframe between ~70-60 to 45 kya has been difficult to reconcile. Here we combine genetic evidence and palaeoecological models to infer the geographic location that acted as the Hub for our species during the early phases of colonisation of Eurasia.

Leveraging on available genomic evidence we show that populations from the Persi*n Plateau carry an ancestry component that closely matches the population that settled the Hub outside Africa.

With the paleoclimatic data available to date, we built ecological models showing that the Persi*n Plateau was suitable for human occupation and that it could sustain a larger population compared to other West Asian regions, strengthening this claim.


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