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Practice May Be Part of the Validity of a Belief......

Post by monster_gardener »

Crocus sativus wrote:
monster_gardener wrote:
Ibrahim wrote:
Apollonius wrote:I'm in complete agreement with you Monster. I'm on record as recommending that Muslims convert to Buddhism, Christianity, or Epicureanism, but even Zoroastrism would be an improvement.
Equally feasible and ethically identical: everyone converts to Islam.
Thank You Very Much for your post, Ibrahim.
Equally feasible and ethically identical: everyone converts to Islam.
Not so...

Especially on the ethical angle ......


We all, born into a religion (exempting those imbeciles chosen one)

in that sense


starting with a blank sheet of paper, would have to chose one religion,

if so, for sure

Islam would not be the last choice

look, guys

all I have heard from you against Islam last few yrs, is, mostly the bloody history of Islam

Yes, bloody history

but, that is how sausage is (was) made (at that time)

Heart of the matter is : thought, school, philosophy, humanity, wisdom and many other aspect of a religion is what makes or brakes, and not the way it came to be

Have not heard from you guys any theological-philosophical argument yet against Islam

IMHO, debate about religion should be about thoughts and view of life and and , not about who killed whom and who rubbed whom

would a serious debate about Christian religion involve what (one of many) Pope was saying in Avignon ? ? .. Christianity is a thought , and the merit and validity of that thought must be debated .. same with any religion, including Islam .. how that thought and school was accepted has no relation to validity of that thought and philosophy

Thank You Very Much for your post, Azari.
We all, born into a religion
IMVHO, Not so......

Except perhaps for de facto Worship of Oneself as G_D

(exempting those imbeciles chosen one)
Again I warn you, you are dealing with a Fool... ;) :roll:

starting with a blank sheet of paper, would have to chose one religion,

if so, for sure

Islam would not be the last choice
Quite Right........

Some of the Aztec Gods & Similar Tribal Totems are worse..... Moloch for example...... :twisted: :evil:

OTOH IMVHO it would be much better to be very Sikh ;) than to be very Muslim in Many perhaps Most instances......

Have not heard from you guys any theological-philosophical argument yet against Islam
IIRC you have read at least one my posts about Ghazali and my Continual ;) Criticism of his Mischievous Occasionalism which can be used to justify just about any atrocity :evil:
You corrected my spelling ;) .....

IMHO, debate about religion should be about thoughts and view of life and and , not about who killed whom and who rubbed whom
I respectfully disagree......

What results from the programming G_d or Angles or a Benign or Malicious Meme does on Chaos Monkey Killer Ape Humanz should be part of the debate....

To be fair, It may be very important whether the programing was partial/inept/corrupted and possibly done on a Chaos Monkey a bit more insane than we usually are... ;) :twisted:

If an Angel is not careful about who he or she talks to & how, somebody like Mecca Mike Mo & Islam May Result...... :shock: :o :twisted: :evil: :roll:
would a serious debate about Christian religion involve what (one of many) Pope was saying in Avignon ? ?
Perhaps Yes it would.........

Remembering something about that Barber ;) Monk, William of Occam.... inventor of the Universe's Sharpest Razor ;) :twisted: :lol: 8-)

IIRC he had some business with the Pope in Avignon.......

And the Pope didn't like the shave
William of Ockham gave ;)
Christianity is a thought
St. John calls it "The Word".......

And says that the Word became a Person/Chaos Monkey....... :shock:
and the merit and validity of that thought must be debated .. same with any religion, including Islam ..
how that thought and school was accepted has no relation to validity of that thought and philosophy
Not so.....

If Memetic Medicine is not well accepted &/or has bad results like turning a significant number of the Chaos Monkeys to whom it is administered into Mobots....

Or Zombies like Voodoo can do ;) :twisted:

Then that is part of the debate about validity of use of that meme by Angels, Opossums* ;) oops I mean Apostles and Chaos Monkey practitioners & patients......

*May be I do almost mean Opossums...

Sometimes memes are designed to be So Simple "even an opossum" can Self-Administer....

Like the Nembutsu Honen was Honest enough to say was designed for simple people like him.......

Or the Jesus Prayer.....

In its BASIC Form ;)

100 Print "Jesus have Mercy on Me a Sinner"
110 Go to 100
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
Orion Must Rise: Killer Space Rocks Coming Our way
The Best Laid Plans of Men, Monkeys & Pigs Oft Go Awry
Woe to those who long for the Day of the Lord, for It is Darkness, Not Light
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Re: Israel Thread

Post by Ibrahim » ... m-1.483494
Haaretz wrote:Why is the birth rate in Israel's Ethiopian community declining?
Women say that while waiting in transit camps in Ethiopia they were coaxed into agreeing to injections of long-acting birth control drugs
Women who immigrated from Ethiopia eight years ago say they were told they would not be allowed into Israel unless they agreed to be injected with the long-acting birth control drug Depo Provera, according to an investigative report aired yesterday on the Israel Educational Television program "Vacuum."
Crocus sativus

Re: Israel Thread

Post by Crocus sativus »

Ibrahim wrote:. ... m-1.483494
Haaretz wrote:Why is the birth rate in Israel's Ethiopian community declining?
Women say that while waiting in transit camps in Ethiopia they were coaxed into agreeing to injections of long-acting birth control drugs
Women who immigrated from Ethiopia eight years ago say they were told they would not be allowed into Israel unless they agreed to be injected with the long-acting birth control drug Depo Provera, according to an investigative report aired yesterday on the Israel Educational Television program "Vacuum."


Ibrahim , I posted many articles about this in FT , was attacked


:lol: :lol:

Ethiopian Jews are reported to face widespread discrimination in jobs, housing and education in Israel.


January 6, 2010

NAZARETH, Israel // Health officials in Israel are subjecting many female Ethiopian immigrants to a controversial long-term birth control drug in what Israeli women’s groups allege is a racist policy to reduce the number of black babies.

The contraceptive, known as Depo Provera, which is given by injection every three months, is considered by many doctors as a birth control method of last resort because of problems treating its side effects.

However, according to a report published last week, use of the contraceptive by Israeli doctors has risen threefold over the past few years. Figures show that 57 per cent of Depo Provera users in Israel are Ethiopian, even though the community accounts for less than two per cent of the total population.

About 90,000 Ethiopians have been brought to Israel under the Law of Return since the 1980s, but their Jewishness has subsequently been questioned by some rabbis and is doubted by many ordinary Israelis.

Ethiopians are reported to face widespread discrimination in jobs, housing and education and it recently emerged that their blood donations were routinely discarded.

"This is about reducing the number of births in a community that is black and mostly poor," said Hedva Eyal, the author of the report by Woman to Woman, a feminist organisation based in Haifa, in northern Israel. "The unspoken policy is that only children who are white and Ashkenazi are wanted in Israel," she said, referring to the term for European Jews who founded Israel and continue to dominate its institutions.

Women’s groups were alerted to the widespread use of Depo Provera in the Ethiopian community in 2008 when Rachel Mangoli, who runs a day care centre for 120 Ethiopian children in Bnei Braq, a suburb of Tel Aviv, observed that she had received only one new child in the previous three years.

"I started to think about how strange the situation was after I had to send back donated baby clothes because there was no one in the community to give them to," she said.

She approached a local health clinic serving the 55 Ethiopian families in Bnei Braq and was told by the clinic manager that they had been instructed to administer Depo Provera injections to the women of child-bearing age, though he refused to say who had issued the order.

Ms Mangoli, who interviewed the women, said: "They had not been told about alternative forms of contraception or about the side effects or given medical follow-ups." The women complained of a wide range of side effects associated with the drug, including headaches, abdominal pain, fatigue, nausea, loss of libido and general burning sensations.

Depo Provera is also known to decrease bone density, especially among dark-skinned women, which can lead to osteoporosis in later life. Doctors are concerned that it is difficult or impossible to help women who experience severe side effects because the drug is in their system for months after it is injected.

The contraceptive’s reputation has also been tarnished by its association with South Africa, where the apartheid government had used it, often coercively, to limit the fertility of black women.

Traditionally, its main uses have been for women who are regarded as incapable of controlling their own reproduction or monitor other forms of birth control, and for women who suffer severe problems during menstruation.

Ms Eyal said she had been denied co-operation from government ministries, doctors and most of the health insurance companies while conducting her research.

Clalit, the largest health company, however, did provide figures showing that 57 per cent of its Depo Provera users were Ethiopian compared with a handful of women in other ethnic groups.

The health ministry was unavailable for comment.

When first questioned about Depo Provera in June 2008, the health minister of the time, Yaacov Ben Yezri, said the high number of Ethiopians in Israel using the drug reflected a "cultural preference" for injections among Ethiopians. In fact, according to figures of the World Health Organisation, three-quarters of women in Ethiopia using birth control take the oral pill.

"The answers we received from officials demonstrated overt racism," Ms Eyal said. "They suggested that Ethiopian women should be treated not as individuals but as a collective group whose reproduction needs controlling."

When Woman to Woman conducted an experiment by sending five non-Ethiopian women to doctors to ask for Depo Provera, all were told that it was prescribed only in highly unusual cases.

Ms Mangoli said it was extremely difficult to get immigrant Ethiopian families to speak out because they were afraid that their Jewishness was under suspicion and that they might be deported if they caused trouble.

However, women interviewed anonymously for the report stated that officials at absorption centres in Ethiopia advised them to take Depo Provera because there would be no funds to support their children if they got pregnant in Israel.

This policy appears to conflict with the stated goals of the country’s Demography Council, a group of experts charged with devising ways to persuade Jewish women to have more babies.

The council was established in response to what is widely seen in Israel as a "demographic war" with Palestinians, or the need to maintain a Jewish majority in the region despite high Palestinian birth rates. In a speech marking the council’s reconvening in 2002, the then social welfare minister, Shlomo Benizri, referred to "the beauty of the Jewish family that is blessed with many children".

Yali Hashash, a researcher at Haifa University, said attempts to restrict Ethiopian women’s fertility echoed practices used against Jewish women who immigrated to Israel from such Arab countries as Iraq, Yemen and Morocco in the state’s early years, in the 1950s and 1960s.

Many, she said, had been encouraged to fit IUDs when the device was still experimental because Israel’s leading gynecologists regarded Arab Jews as "primitive" and incapable of acting "responsibly".

Allegations of official racism towards Ethiopians gained prominence in 2006 when it was admitted that for many years all their blood donations had been discarded for fear that they might be contaminated with diseases.

There have also been regular reports of Ethiopian children being denied places in schools or being forced to attend separate classes.

In November a survey of employers in the main professions showed that 53 per cent preferred not to hire an Ethiopian.

Ruth Sinai, an Israeli social affairs reporter for Haaretz newspaper, wrote recently that the discrimination faced by the country’s 120,000 Ethiopians reflected in particular "doubts on the part of the country’s religious establishment about their Jewishness".


well, Ibrahim, don't waster your energy, folks here don't consider Ethiopians as human being, rather a sort of Mule .. and .. Zionist can not do anything wrong is the mindset here, isn't it so, Monster

Told you guys, Zionism worst than Nazism, much worst .. poor Adolf got just a bad name

Crocus sativus

Re: Israel Thread

Post by Crocus sativus »


Former assistant US Secretary of Defense and former US ambassador to Saudi Arabia Chas Freeman.


Hans, pls watch .. good for Monster, Azrael, DOC too

Crocus sativus

Re: Israel Thread

Post by Crocus sativus »

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Wrong Again, Azari. Bad Birth Control not Same as Birkenau

Post by monster_gardener »

Crocus sativus wrote:
Ibrahim wrote:. ... m-1.483494
Haaretz wrote:Why is the birth rate in Israel's Ethiopian community declining?
Women say that while waiting in transit camps in Ethiopia they were coaxed into agreeing to injections of long-acting birth control drugs
Women who immigrated from Ethiopia eight years ago say they were told they would not be allowed into Israel unless they agreed to be injected with the long-acting birth control drug Depo Provera, according to an investigative report aired yesterday on the Israel Educational Television program "Vacuum."


Ibrahim , I posted many articles about this in FT , was attacked


:lol: :lol:

Ethiopian Jews are reported to face widespread discrimination in jobs, housing and education in Israel.


January 6, 2010

NAZARETH, Israel // Health officials in Israel are subjecting many female Ethiopian immigrants to a controversial long-term birth control drug in what Israeli women’s groups allege is a racist policy to reduce the number of black babies.

The contraceptive, known as Depo Provera, which is given by injection every three months, is considered by many doctors as a birth control method of last resort because of problems treating its side effects.

However, according to a report published last week, use of the contraceptive by Israeli doctors has risen threefold over the past few years. Figures show that 57 per cent of Depo Provera users in Israel are Ethiopian, even though the community accounts for less than two per cent of the total population.

About 90,000 Ethiopians have been brought to Israel under the Law of Return since the 1980s, but their Jewishness has subsequently been questioned by some rabbis and is doubted by many ordinary Israelis.

Ethiopians are reported to face widespread discrimination in jobs, housing and education and it recently emerged that their blood donations were routinely discarded.

"This is about reducing the number of births in a community that is black and mostly poor," said Hedva Eyal, the author of the report by Woman to Woman, a feminist organisation based in Haifa, in northern Israel. "The unspoken policy is that only children who are white and Ashkenazi are wanted in Israel," she said, referring to the term for European Jews who founded Israel and continue to dominate its institutions.

Women’s groups were alerted to the widespread use of Depo Provera in the Ethiopian community in 2008 when Rachel Mangoli, who runs a day care centre for 120 Ethiopian children in Bnei Braq, a suburb of Tel Aviv, observed that she had received only one new child in the previous three years.

"I started to think about how strange the situation was after I had to send back donated baby clothes because there was no one in the community to give them to," she said.

She approached a local health clinic serving the 55 Ethiopian families in Bnei Braq and was told by the clinic manager that they had been instructed to administer Depo Provera injections to the women of child-bearing age, though he refused to say who had issued the order.

Ms Mangoli, who interviewed the women, said: "They had not been told about alternative forms of contraception or about the side effects or given medical follow-ups." The women complained of a wide range of side effects associated with the drug, including headaches, abdominal pain, fatigue, nausea, loss of libido and general burning sensations.

Depo Provera is also known to decrease bone density, especially among dark-skinned women, which can lead to osteoporosis in later life. Doctors are concerned that it is difficult or impossible to help women who experience severe side effects because the drug is in their system for months after it is injected.

The contraceptive’s reputation has also been tarnished by its association with South Africa, where the apartheid government had used it, often coercively, to limit the fertility of black women.

Traditionally, its main uses have been for women who are regarded as incapable of controlling their own reproduction or monitor other forms of birth control, and for women who suffer severe problems during menstruation.

Ms Eyal said she had been denied co-operation from government ministries, doctors and most of the health insurance companies while conducting her research.

Clalit, the largest health company, however, did provide figures showing that 57 per cent of its Depo Provera users were Ethiopian compared with a handful of women in other ethnic groups.

The health ministry was unavailable for comment.

When first questioned about Depo Provera in June 2008, the health minister of the time, Yaacov Ben Yezri, said the high number of Ethiopians in Israel using the drug reflected a "cultural preference" for injections among Ethiopians. In fact, according to figures of the World Health Organisation, three-quarters of women in Ethiopia using birth control take the oral pill.

"The answers we received from officials demonstrated overt racism," Ms Eyal said. "They suggested that Ethiopian women should be treated not as individuals but as a collective group whose reproduction needs controlling."

When Woman to Woman conducted an experiment by sending five non-Ethiopian women to doctors to ask for Depo Provera, all were told that it was prescribed only in highly unusual cases.

Ms Mangoli said it was extremely difficult to get immigrant Ethiopian families to speak out because they were afraid that their Jewishness was under suspicion and that they might be deported if they caused trouble.

However, women interviewed anonymously for the report stated that officials at absorption centres in Ethiopia advised them to take Depo Provera because there would be no funds to support their children if they got pregnant in Israel.

This policy appears to conflict with the stated goals of the country’s Demography Council, a group of experts charged with devising ways to persuade Jewish women to have more babies.

The council was established in response to what is widely seen in Israel as a "demographic war" with Palestinians, or the need to maintain a Jewish majority in the region despite high Palestinian birth rates. In a speech marking the council’s reconvening in 2002, the then social welfare minister, Shlomo Benizri, referred to "the beauty of the Jewish family that is blessed with many children".

Yali Hashash, a researcher at Haifa University, said attempts to restrict Ethiopian women’s fertility echoed practices used against Jewish women who immigrated to Israel from such Arab countries as Iraq, Yemen and Morocco in the state’s early years, in the 1950s and 1960s.

Many, she said, had been encouraged to fit IUDs when the device was still experimental because Israel’s leading gynecologists regarded Arab Jews as "primitive" and incapable of acting "responsibly".

Allegations of official racism towards Ethiopians gained prominence in 2006 when it was admitted that for many years all their blood donations had been discarded for fear that they might be contaminated with diseases.

There have also been regular reports of Ethiopian children being denied places in schools or being forced to attend separate classes.

In November a survey of employers in the main professions showed that 53 per cent preferred not to hire an Ethiopian.

Ruth Sinai, an Israeli social affairs reporter for Haaretz newspaper, wrote recently that the discrimination faced by the country’s 120,000 Ethiopians reflected in particular "doubts on the part of the country’s religious establishment about their Jewishness".


well, Ibrahim, don't waster your energy, folks here don't consider Ethiopians as human being, rather a sort of Mule .. and .. Zionist can not do anything wrong is the mindset here, isn't it so, Monster

Told you guys, Zionism worst than Nazism, much worst .. poor Adolf got just a bad name

Thank you very Much for your Post, Azari.

folks here don't consider Ethiopians as human being
NOT so........

What is described is Wrong with the possible exception of discarding the blood donations if there is increased transmission of blood borne pathogens in blood drawn from the Ethiopian Jews .

The people involved need to be dismissed from their jobs, sued and prosecuted if possible.

Zionist can not do anything wrong is the mindset here,
Not so.......

Review the thread....... 2nd post in fact.........
Told you guys, Zionism worst than Nazism, much worst .. poor Adolf got just a bad name
Thank you for your honesty, Azari but besides being ridiculous IMVHO this exposes your true feelings.

Attempting to Compare Bad Birth Control with Birkenau & Belsen by saying "Zionism worst than Nazism, much worst"......

Plus saying "poor Adolf got just a bad name".........

Gives the lie to your call for Israel to make a deal with Iran and "ME people" who have similar attitudes..... :evil: *

Been there, Done that, Going to Try to Avoid Doing it Again......

Image ... ation_camp ... ation_camp

*And similar........
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
Orion Must Rise: Killer Space Rocks Coming Our way
The Best Laid Plans of Men, Monkeys & Pigs Oft Go Awry
Woe to those who long for the Day of the Lord, for It is Darkness, Not Light
Crocus sativus

Re: Wrong Again, Azari. Bad Birth Control not Same as Birken

Post by Crocus sativus »

monster_gardener wrote:
Crocus sativus wrote:
Ibrahim wrote:. ... m-1.483494
Haaretz wrote:Why is the birth rate in Israel's Ethiopian community declining?
Women say that while waiting in transit camps in Ethiopia they were coaxed into agreeing to injections of long-acting birth control drugs
Women who immigrated from Ethiopia eight years ago say they were told they would not be allowed into Israel unless they agreed to be injected with the long-acting birth control drug Depo Provera, according to an investigative report aired yesterday on the Israel Educational Television program "Vacuum."


Ibrahim , I posted many articles about this in FT , was attacked


:lol: :lol:

Ethiopian Jews are reported to face widespread discrimination in jobs, housing and education in Israel.


January 6, 2010

NAZARETH, Israel // Health officials in Israel are subjecting many female Ethiopian immigrants to a controversial long-term birth control drug in what Israeli women’s groups allege is a racist policy to reduce the number of black babies.

The contraceptive, known as Depo Provera, which is given by injection every three months, is considered by many doctors as a birth control method of last resort because of problems treating its side effects.

However, according to a report published last week, use of the contraceptive by Israeli doctors has risen threefold over the past few years. Figures show that 57 per cent of Depo Provera users in Israel are Ethiopian, even though the community accounts for less than two per cent of the total population.

About 90,000 Ethiopians have been brought to Israel under the Law of Return since the 1980s, but their Jewishness has subsequently been questioned by some rabbis and is doubted by many ordinary Israelis.

Ethiopians are reported to face widespread discrimination in jobs, housing and education and it recently emerged that their blood donations were routinely discarded.

"This is about reducing the number of births in a community that is black and mostly poor," said Hedva Eyal, the author of the report by Woman to Woman, a feminist organisation based in Haifa, in northern Israel. "The unspoken policy is that only children who are white and Ashkenazi are wanted in Israel," she said, referring to the term for European Jews who founded Israel and continue to dominate its institutions.

Women’s groups were alerted to the widespread use of Depo Provera in the Ethiopian community in 2008 when Rachel Mangoli, who runs a day care centre for 120 Ethiopian children in Bnei Braq, a suburb of Tel Aviv, observed that she had received only one new child in the previous three years.

"I started to think about how strange the situation was after I had to send back donated baby clothes because there was no one in the community to give them to," she said.

She approached a local health clinic serving the 55 Ethiopian families in Bnei Braq and was told by the clinic manager that they had been instructed to administer Depo Provera injections to the women of child-bearing age, though he refused to say who had issued the order.

Ms Mangoli, who interviewed the women, said: "They had not been told about alternative forms of contraception or about the side effects or given medical follow-ups." The women complained of a wide range of side effects associated with the drug, including headaches, abdominal pain, fatigue, nausea, loss of libido and general burning sensations.

Depo Provera is also known to decrease bone density, especially among dark-skinned women, which can lead to osteoporosis in later life. Doctors are concerned that it is difficult or impossible to help women who experience severe side effects because the drug is in their system for months after it is injected.

The contraceptive’s reputation has also been tarnished by its association with South Africa, where the apartheid government had used it, often coercively, to limit the fertility of black women.

Traditionally, its main uses have been for women who are regarded as incapable of controlling their own reproduction or monitor other forms of birth control, and for women who suffer severe problems during menstruation.

Ms Eyal said she had been denied co-operation from government ministries, doctors and most of the health insurance companies while conducting her research.

Clalit, the largest health company, however, did provide figures showing that 57 per cent of its Depo Provera users were Ethiopian compared with a handful of women in other ethnic groups.

The health ministry was unavailable for comment.

When first questioned about Depo Provera in June 2008, the health minister of the time, Yaacov Ben Yezri, said the high number of Ethiopians in Israel using the drug reflected a "cultural preference" for injections among Ethiopians. In fact, according to figures of the World Health Organisation, three-quarters of women in Ethiopia using birth control take the oral pill.

"The answers we received from officials demonstrated overt racism," Ms Eyal said. "They suggested that Ethiopian women should be treated not as individuals but as a collective group whose reproduction needs controlling."

When Woman to Woman conducted an experiment by sending five non-Ethiopian women to doctors to ask for Depo Provera, all were told that it was prescribed only in highly unusual cases.

Ms Mangoli said it was extremely difficult to get immigrant Ethiopian families to speak out because they were afraid that their Jewishness was under suspicion and that they might be deported if they caused trouble.

However, women interviewed anonymously for the report stated that officials at absorption centres in Ethiopia advised them to take Depo Provera because there would be no funds to support their children if they got pregnant in Israel.

This policy appears to conflict with the stated goals of the country’s Demography Council, a group of experts charged with devising ways to persuade Jewish women to have more babies.

The council was established in response to what is widely seen in Israel as a "demographic war" with Palestinians, or the need to maintain a Jewish majority in the region despite high Palestinian birth rates. In a speech marking the council’s reconvening in 2002, the then social welfare minister, Shlomo Benizri, referred to "the beauty of the Jewish family that is blessed with many children".

Yali Hashash, a researcher at Haifa University, said attempts to restrict Ethiopian women’s fertility echoed practices used against Jewish women who immigrated to Israel from such Arab countries as Iraq, Yemen and Morocco in the state’s early years, in the 1950s and 1960s.

Many, she said, had been encouraged to fit IUDs when the device was still experimental because Israel’s leading gynecologists regarded Arab Jews as "primitive" and incapable of acting "responsibly".

Allegations of official racism towards Ethiopians gained prominence in 2006 when it was admitted that for many years all their blood donations had been discarded for fear that they might be contaminated with diseases.

There have also been regular reports of Ethiopian children being denied places in schools or being forced to attend separate classes.

In November a survey of employers in the main professions showed that 53 per cent preferred not to hire an Ethiopian.

Ruth Sinai, an Israeli social affairs reporter for Haaretz newspaper, wrote recently that the discrimination faced by the country’s 120,000 Ethiopians reflected in particular "doubts on the part of the country’s religious establishment about their Jewishness".


well, Ibrahim, don't waster your energy, folks here don't consider Ethiopians as human being, rather a sort of Mule .. and .. Zionist can not do anything wrong is the mindset here, isn't it so, Monster

Told you guys, Zionism worst than Nazism, much worst .. poor Adolf got just a bad name


folks here don't consider Ethiopians as human being
NOT so........

What is described is Wrong with the possible exception of discarding the blood donations if there is increased transmission of blood borne pathogens in blood drawn from the Ethiopian Jews .

The people involved need to be dismissed from their jobs, sued and prosecuted if possible.


:lol: :lol: .. people involved

come on, Monster

this was offcial Zionist policy, state policy

Look, Monster .. European and Russian Jew don't consider they memeber of Hebrew tribe .. they know they not (Ben Gurion said Palestinians are the real Hebrew tribe Jews) .. they look down to Hebrew tribe, for them Hebrew tribe same or worst than Arab .. Chief Rabbi of Israel, on the record, said, Arab Jews more primitive than Arab Muslims (tragedy is, he might have a case) .. know some Bagdadi Jew that escaped to Tehran when Iraq King fell.

Israel is meant a home for Europeans and Russians that were rejected by Europe and Russia, they were looking for somewhere secure .. and not for Ethipian or Arab or Morocan or Algerian Jews (they were living happily like any other citizen, no need to flee)

European and Russian Jews do not mix with that (in their opinion lavender) folk .. Ashkenazim Jews would marry an Iranian Kurd or Azari Muslim girl but not an Iranian Jewish girl (many such cases)

In short, Europeann and Russian Jews are viciose racist .. when they look down to European and Russian non Jews imagine how they look @ Ethipian or Arab (no matter if Jew) .. you remember that Israeli Ambassador in Australia saying to Australians Israeli a European nation, one of your white guys and not one of those, yes, he was dismissed (to saying it lowd)

monster_gardener wrote:.
Crocus sativus wrote:.

Zionist can not do anything wrong is the mindset here,

Not so.......

Review the thread....... 2nd post in fact.........


come on

monster_gardener wrote:.
Crocus sativus wrote:.

Told you guys, Zionism worst than Nazism, much worst .. poor Adolf got just a bad name


Thank you for your honesty, Azari but besides being ridiculous IMVHO this exposes your true feelings.

Attempting to Compare Bad Birth Control with Birkenau & Belsen by saying "Zionism worst than Nazism, much worst"......

Plus saying "poor Adolf got just a bad name".........

Gives the lie to your call for Israel to make a deal with Iran and "ME people" who have similar attitudes..... :evil: *


Bin on the record, many times, saying Zionist much worst than Nazism

Zionism has many elements of Nazism and some

Yes, said many times, ME (and Iran) will accommodate a Jewish home for European and Russian converts

but, not on Zionism principals

that is what am keep repeating, they must ask permission to enter and not elbow in .. meaning rights of Palestinians must be upheld

Zionist, think Palestine is Ukraine, to be depopulated and settled by Germans .. Adolf considered Ukrainians as Unter-Mensch same as Shamir considered (said on US TV) Palestinians mosquitoes on the wall

Monster, as humanist, no difference between Germans, Ukrainian, Palestinian, Ethiopian and Hebrew tribe .. same human beings .. if you expected Azari siding with Zionists to screw ME people, you @ the wrong address

monster_gardener wrote:.

Been there, Done that, Going to Try to Avoid Doing it Again ......

Image ... ation_camp ... ation_camp

*And similar.......


Extract from Norman Finkelstein's "The Holocaust Indusry"

Napoleon said : History is a pack of lies we all agree upon

Monster, most said about WWII is a lie, and, Jewish Saga of that time not what you think, must be researched "by unbiased 3rd party", we still don't know what happened and why it happened and who did it and and .. yes, you guys did a lat of bad things, and, still, now, you doubling down on those bad things :lol:

Going to start a new thread about "Oliver Stone's new fascinating documentary series on Showtime that talks about the key WWII and post war events"

Happy relearning, Monster


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Wrong & Wrong Again Azari

Post by monster_gardener »

Crocus sativus wrote:
monster_gardener wrote:
Crocus sativus wrote:
Ibrahim wrote:. ... m-1.483494
Haaretz wrote:Why is the birth rate in Israel's Ethiopian community declining?
Women say that while waiting in transit camps in Ethiopia they were coaxed into agreeing to injections of long-acting birth control drugs
Women who immigrated from Ethiopia eight years ago say they were told they would not be allowed into Israel unless they agreed to be injected with the long-acting birth control drug Depo Provera, according to an investigative report aired yesterday on the Israel Educational Television program "Vacuum."


Ibrahim , I posted many articles about this in FT , was attacked


:lol: :lol:

Ethiopian Jews are reported to face widespread discrimination in jobs, housing and education in Israel.


January 6, 2010

NAZARETH, Israel // Health officials in Israel are subjecting many female Ethiopian immigrants to a controversial long-term birth control drug in what Israeli women’s groups allege is a racist policy to reduce the number of black babies.

The contraceptive, known as Depo Provera, which is given by injection every three months, is considered by many doctors as a birth control method of last resort because of problems treating its side effects.

However, according to a report published last week, use of the contraceptive by Israeli doctors has risen threefold over the past few years. Figures show that 57 per cent of Depo Provera users in Israel are Ethiopian, even though the community accounts for less than two per cent of the total population.

About 90,000 Ethiopians have been brought to Israel under the Law of Return since the 1980s, but their Jewishness has subsequently been questioned by some rabbis and is doubted by many ordinary Israelis.

Ethiopians are reported to face widespread discrimination in jobs, housing and education and it recently emerged that their blood donations were routinely discarded.

"This is about reducing the number of births in a community that is black and mostly poor," said Hedva Eyal, the author of the report by Woman to Woman, a feminist organisation based in Haifa, in northern Israel. "The unspoken policy is that only children who are white and Ashkenazi are wanted in Israel," she said, referring to the term for European Jews who founded Israel and continue to dominate its institutions.

Women’s groups were alerted to the widespread use of Depo Provera in the Ethiopian community in 2008 when Rachel Mangoli, who runs a day care centre for 120 Ethiopian children in Bnei Braq, a suburb of Tel Aviv, observed that she had received only one new child in the previous three years.

"I started to think about how strange the situation was after I had to send back donated baby clothes because there was no one in the community to give them to," she said.

She approached a local health clinic serving the 55 Ethiopian families in Bnei Braq and was told by the clinic manager that they had been instructed to administer Depo Provera injections to the women of child-bearing age, though he refused to say who had issued the order.

Ms Mangoli, who interviewed the women, said: "They had not been told about alternative forms of contraception or about the side effects or given medical follow-ups." The women complained of a wide range of side effects associated with the drug, including headaches, abdominal pain, fatigue, nausea, loss of libido and general burning sensations.

Depo Provera is also known to decrease bone density, especially among dark-skinned women, which can lead to osteoporosis in later life. Doctors are concerned that it is difficult or impossible to help women who experience severe side effects because the drug is in their system for months after it is injected.

The contraceptive’s reputation has also been tarnished by its association with South Africa, where the apartheid government had used it, often coercively, to limit the fertility of black women.

Traditionally, its main uses have been for women who are regarded as incapable of controlling their own reproduction or monitor other forms of birth control, and for women who suffer severe problems during menstruation.

Ms Eyal said she had been denied co-operation from government ministries, doctors and most of the health insurance companies while conducting her research.

Clalit, the largest health company, however, did provide figures showing that 57 per cent of its Depo Provera users were Ethiopian compared with a handful of women in other ethnic groups.

The health ministry was unavailable for comment.

When first questioned about Depo Provera in June 2008, the health minister of the time, Yaacov Ben Yezri, said the high number of Ethiopians in Israel using the drug reflected a "cultural preference" for injections among Ethiopians. In fact, according to figures of the World Health Organisation, three-quarters of women in Ethiopia using birth control take the oral pill.

"The answers we received from officials demonstrated overt racism," Ms Eyal said. "They suggested that Ethiopian women should be treated not as individuals but as a collective group whose reproduction needs controlling."

When Woman to Woman conducted an experiment by sending five non-Ethiopian women to doctors to ask for Depo Provera, all were told that it was prescribed only in highly unusual cases.

Ms Mangoli said it was extremely difficult to get immigrant Ethiopian families to speak out because they were afraid that their Jewishness was under suspicion and that they might be deported if they caused trouble.

However, women interviewed anonymously for the report stated that officials at absorption centres in Ethiopia advised them to take Depo Provera because there would be no funds to support their children if they got pregnant in Israel.

This policy appears to conflict with the stated goals of the country’s Demography Council, a group of experts charged with devising ways to persuade Jewish women to have more babies.

The council was established in response to what is widely seen in Israel as a "demographic war" with Palestinians, or the need to maintain a Jewish majority in the region despite high Palestinian birth rates. In a speech marking the council’s reconvening in 2002, the then social welfare minister, Shlomo Benizri, referred to "the beauty of the Jewish family that is blessed with many children".

Yali Hashash, a researcher at Haifa University, said attempts to restrict Ethiopian women’s fertility echoed practices used against Jewish women who immigrated to Israel from such Arab countries as Iraq, Yemen and Morocco in the state’s early years, in the 1950s and 1960s.

Many, she said, had been encouraged to fit IUDs when the device was still experimental because Israel’s leading gynecologists regarded Arab Jews as "primitive" and incapable of acting "responsibly".

Allegations of official racism towards Ethiopians gained prominence in 2006 when it was admitted that for many years all their blood donations had been discarded for fear that they might be contaminated with diseases.

There have also been regular reports of Ethiopian children being denied places in schools or being forced to attend separate classes.

In November a survey of employers in the main professions showed that 53 per cent preferred not to hire an Ethiopian.

Ruth Sinai, an Israeli social affairs reporter for Haaretz newspaper, wrote recently that the discrimination faced by the country’s 120,000 Ethiopians reflected in particular "doubts on the part of the country’s religious establishment about their Jewishness".


well, Ibrahim, don't waster your energy, folks here don't consider Ethiopians as human being, rather a sort of Mule .. and .. Zionist can not do anything wrong is the mindset here, isn't it so, Monster

Told you guys, Zionism worst than Nazism, much worst .. poor Adolf got just a bad name


folks here don't consider Ethiopians as human being
NOT so........

What is described is Wrong with the possible exception of discarding the blood donations if there is increased transmission of blood borne pathogens in blood drawn from the Ethiopian Jews .

The people involved need to be dismissed from their jobs, sued and prosecuted if possible.


:lol: :lol: .. people involved

come on, Monster

this was offcial Zionist policy, state policy

Look, Monster .. European and Russian Jew don't consider they memeber of Hebrew tribe .. they know they not (Ben Gurion said Palestinians are the real Hebrew tribe Jews) .. they look down to Hebrew tribe, for them Hebrew tribe same or worst than Arab .. Chief Rabbi of Israel, on the record, said, Arab Jews more primitive than Arab Muslims (tragedy is, he might have a case) .. know some Bagdadi Jew that escaped to Tehran when Iraq King fell.

Israel is meant a home for Europeans and Russians that were rejected by Europe and Russia, they were looking for somewhere secure .. and not for Ethipian or Arab or Morocan or Algerian Jews (they were living happily like any other citizen, no need to flee)

European and Russian Jews do not mix with that (in their opinion lavender) folk .. Ashkenazim Jews would marry an Iranian Kurd or Azari Muslim girl but not an Iranian Jewish girl (many such cases)

In short, Europeann and Russian Jews are viciose racist .. when they look down to European and Russian non Jews imagine how they look @ Ethipian or Arab (no matter if Jew) .. you remember that Israeli Ambassador in Australia saying to Australians Israeli a European nation, one of your white guys and not one of those, yes, he was dismissed (to saying it lowd)

monster_gardener wrote:.
Crocus sativus wrote:.

Zionist can not do anything wrong is the mindset here,

Not so.......

Review the thread....... 2nd post in fact.........


come on

monster_gardener wrote:.
Crocus sativus wrote:.

Told you guys, Zionism worst than Nazism, much worst .. poor Adolf got just a bad name


Thank you for your honesty, Azari but besides being ridiculous IMVHO this exposes your true feelings.

Attempting to Compare Bad Birth Control with Birkenau & Belsen by saying "Zionism worst than Nazism, much worst"......

Plus saying "poor Adolf got just a bad name".........

Gives the lie to your call for Israel to make a deal with Iran and "ME people" who have similar attitudes..... :evil: *


Bin on the record, many times, saying Zionist much worst than Nazism

Zionism has many elements of Nazism and some

Yes, said many times, ME (and Iran) will accommodate a Jewish home for European and Russian converts

but, not on Zionism principals

that is what am keep repeating, they must ask permission to enter and not elbow in .. meaning rights of Palestinians must be upheld

Zionist, think Palestine is Ukraine, to be depopulated and settled by Germans .. Adolf considered Ukrainians as Unter-Mensch same as Shamir considered (said on US TV) Palestinians mosquitoes on the wall

Monster, as humanist, no difference between Germans, Ukrainian, Palestinian, Ethiopian and Hebrew tribe .. same human beings .. if you expected Azari siding with Zionists to screw ME people, you @ the wrong address

monster_gardener wrote:.

Been there, Done that, Going to Try to Avoid Doing it Again ......

Image ... ation_camp ... ation_camp

*And similar.......


Extract from Norman Finkelstein's "The Holocaust Indusry"

Napoleon said : History is a pack of lies we all agree upon

Monster, most said about WWII is a lie, and, Jewish Saga of that time not what you think, must be researched "by unbiased 3rd party", we still don't know what happened and why it happened and who did it and and .. yes, you guys did a lat of bad things, and, still, now, you doubling down on those bad things :lol:

Going to start a new thread about "Oliver Stone's new fascinating documentary series on Showtime that talks about the key WWII and post war events"

Happy relearning, Monster


Thank You Very Much for your post, Azari.
Look, Monster .. European and Russian Jew don't consider they memeber of Hebrew tribe .. they know they not (Ben Gurion said Palestinians are the real Hebrew tribe Jews) .. they look down to Hebrew tribe, for them Hebrew tribe same or worst than Arab .. Chief Rabbi of Israel, on the record, said, Arab Jews more primitive than Arab Muslims (tragedy is, he might have a case) .. know some Bagdadi Jew that escaped to Tehran when Iraq King fell.

Israel is meant a home for Europeans and Russians that were rejected by Europe and Russia, they were looking for somewhere secure .. and not for Ethipian or Arab or Morocan or Algerian Jews (they were living happily like any other citizen, no need to flee)

European and Russian Jews do not mix with that (in their opinion lavender) folk .. Ashkenazim Jews would marry an Iranian Kurd or Azari Muslim girl but not an Iranian Jewish girl (many such cases)
With due respect Azari, based on my personal experience.....

Not so.......

At one time lived near a community of Jews & Israeli Jews.....

Ranging from Very Tan Mizaris to Blond Europeans.... Made friends with most of of them including both the Blonds and the Tans.....

And if Israel is not a home for all Jews then I am surprised the Israelis make to such efforts to bring all these very diverse Jews to Israel.......

BTW the Black Jew problem is nothing new, goes back to Moses' Black Wife, but G_D has already spoken decisively against discrimination by striking Moses' sister Miriam with leprosy when she hassled him for marrying a Black woman........

Have mentioned this before.........

Hopefully G_d will with the Help of Haaretz ;) work to get this abuse corrected quickly if not done already.......

Bin on the record, many times, saying Zionist much worst than Nazism

The best rational, if self serving reason, I can think of for this statement is wanting to reestablish Persian Dominion of some sort over the Middle East and hoping to use defeating Israel as a means to this end hoping to ingratiate Iran with the Sunni Arabs or Reasonable Facsimiles Thereof ;) :twisted: who otherwise hate the Shiite :twisted: in Persian guts as much or more according to some accounts than they hate the Israeli Jews.....
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Crocus sativus

Re: Wrong & Wrong Again Azari

Post by Crocus sativus »

monster_gardener wrote:.
Crocus sativus wrote:.

Look, Monster .. European and Russian Jew don't consider they memeber of Hebrew tribe .. they know they not (Ben Gurion said Palestinians are the real Hebrew tribe Jews) .. they look down to Hebrew tribe, for them Hebrew tribe same or worst than Arab .. Chief Rabbi of Israel, on the record, said, Arab Jews more primitive than Arab Muslims (tragedy is, he might have a case) .. know some Bagdadi Jew that escaped to Tehran when Iraq King fell.

Israel is meant a home for Europeans and Russians that were rejected by Europe and Russia, they were looking for somewhere secure .. and not for Ethipian or Arab or Morocan or Algerian Jews (they were living happily like any other citizen, no need to flee)

European and Russian Jews do not mix with that (in their opinion lavender) folk .. Ashkenazim Jews would marry an Iranian Kurd or Azari Muslim girl but not an Iranian Jewish girl (many such cases)


With due respect Azari, based on my personal experience.....

Not so.......

At one time lived near a community of Jews & Israeli Jews.....

Ranging from Very Tan Mizaris to Blond Europeans.... Made friends with most of of them including both the Blonds and the Tans .....

This not anecdotal, said B4 in FT forum, was raised in Munich with German Jews, know inside out what talking, Monster

monster_gardener wrote:.

And if Israel is not a home for all Jews then I am surprised the Israelis make to such efforts to bring all these very diverse Jews to Israel.......

:lol: numbers, critical numbers

Ashkenazim know, to withstand millions of Pali and Arabs, they need numbers, critical numbers

that is why they importing all those vicious Russian criminals (not even Jews), give them free housing (paid by Americans) on Pali land .. they think they can create a fait accompli

Slogan was Jewish Nation, now, the new slogan is Israeli Nation .. meaning, those guys are a Nation, bring some Ethiopians, some Moroccans, some Somali, maybe even some non Jewish (christian or Muslim) Philippine, and, Bingo, you a Nation :lol:

monster_gardener wrote:.

BTW the Black Jew problem is nothing new, goes back to Moses' Black Wife, but G_D has already spoken decisively against discrimination by striking Moses' sister Miriam with leprosy when she hassled him for marrying a Black woman ........
not my domain of expertice, can not comment

monster_gardener wrote:.
Crocus sativus wrote:.

Bin on the record, many times, saying Zionist much worst than Nazism


The best rational, if self serving reason, I can think of for this statement is wanting to reestablish Persian Dominion of some sort over the Middle East and hoping to use defeating Israel as a means to this end hoping to ingratiate Iran with the Sunni Arabs or Reasonable Facsimiles Thereof ;) :twisted: who otherwise hate the Shiite :twisted: in Persian guts as much or more according to some accounts than they hate the Israeli Jews.....

Down the road, Pomegranates Civilization will dominate "and some", in that respect, neither Arabs nor Jews will be a factor

Heart of Abrahamite religions is Zoroastrianism .. all those Saga of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, in reality Zoroastrian Sagas and personalities .. unfortunately, Hebrew tribe, used Zoroastrian spirit and ideas, for self interest (chosen people) and things got to an awful path throwing humanity back 1000s of yrs, best is to throw " Moses & Miriam & Yussef, & Moh etc" out of the window and 4get about it .. in that sense, it is for Iranians to put back things to the original spirit and path .. meaning new ideas that conform to new age and modernity, that human of 2600 yrs ago not same human of today

West deep to the eyeball into materialism, lost any humanism.

Israel not a player in all this .. afaik, Yəhōwāh never claimed 2B an humanist, last I heard of him he was asking for Gold and Goat and blood :lol: .. 2B fair, Zionist never claimed 2B humanist

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Re: Israel Thread

Post by Azrael »

Crocus sativus wrote:.

Former assistant US Secretary of Defense and former US ambassador to Saudi Arabia Chas Freeman.


Hans, pls watch .. good for Monster, Azrael, DOC too

Very interesting. Thanks.

He's right and rather brave to speak in public, especially considering the nastiness of the attacks against him.
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Re: Wrong & Wrong Again Azari

Post by HAL 10000 »

Crocus sativus wrote: European and Russian Jews do not mix with that (in their opinion lavender) folk .. Ashkenazim Jews would marry an Iranian Kurd or Azari Muslim girl but not an Iranian Jewish girl (many such cases)



The situation has changed dramatically during the last few decades. Currently there is a lot of intermarriage between various ethnic groups in Israel.

This article is from 1999: ... n-upswing/
Today," says Ido, "most parents are only concerned about a potential spouse's character, not his or her ethnic origins. And among people of our generation, this is certainly the case."

Sociologist Peres reports some fascinating studies and statistics about integration under the chuppah.

*Some 24 percent of all Jewish marriages in Israel are "mixed," compared to less than 10 percent several decades ago. A random distribution of marriages would bring the figure for Sephardic-Ashkenazic matches up to 50 percent.

*The divorce rate for "mixed couples" is 24 percent, which is lower than the figure for pairs in which husband and wife are both Ashkenazic (30 percent) but higher than the rate of breakups among the "pure Sephardic" group (20 percent).

*Sociological studies show that children from "mixed" families are more popular and successful than other youngsters. Their multicultural background seems to prepare them for making friends with almost every kid in the schoolyard.

Furthermore, this article is already nearly 15 years old. Currently, there is a lot more intermarriage than in 1999, and I would say from my observations in Israel that well over 30 % of all marriages, maybe 35 % or 40 % of marriages are mixed.

Also, it is important to note that German and Russian Jews are very different from each other, and there are many divisions among Mizrahi and Sephardic (real Spanish Sephardic Jews). Colloquially the word "Sephardic" is used to denote both the Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews.
The name HAL is derived from "Heuristically Programmed ALgorithmic Computer." HAL 10000 is the new generation computer destined to become the successor to HAL 9000, as suggested in Arthur C. Clarke's book.
Crocus sativus

Re: Israel Thread

Post by Crocus sativus »


Haaretz :

' Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds '


A U.S. intelligence report predicts growing conflicts between secular Israelis and the ultra-Orthodox and settlers, with the Palestinians getting a state based on the 1967 borders with land swaps by 2030.


Crocus sativus

Re: Israel Thread

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:D :D :lol:

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Re: Israel Thread

Post by Taboo »

Azrael wrote:
Crocus sativus wrote:.

Former assistant US Secretary of Defense and former US ambassador to Saudi Arabia Chas Freeman.


Hans, pls watch .. good for Monster, Azrael, DOC too

Very interesting. Thanks.

He's right and rather brave to speak in public, especially considering the nastiness of the attacks against him.
I like Charles Freeman -- it's interesting that one could never dream of seeing this on American MSM - speaks a bit about Cable News media freedom in the US, does it not.

However, my take home point is that Shevardnaze's granddaughter is very cute and rather smart. Almost makes me want to move to Moscow and stay in Russia a bit longer...

PS: Freeman's (2010?) "America's Misadventures in the Middle East" is a pearl and a must read for any who haven't done so already.
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Re: Israel Thread

Post by Hans Bulvai »

Crocus sativus wrote:.

Former assistant US Secretary of Defense and former US ambassador to Saudi Arabia Chas Freeman.


Hans, pls watch .. good for Monster, Azrael, DOC too

Killing children is only ok sometimes I guess... :cry:
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Re: Israel Thread

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Re: Israel Thread

Post by Alexis »


“Hava Nagila” (הבה נגילה, literally "Let us rejoice") is a Jewish traditional folk song in Hebrew

Transliteration / Hebrew text / English translation
Hava nagila הבה נגילה Let's rejoice
Hava nagila הבה נגילה Let's rejoice
Hava nagila ve-nismeḥa הבה נגילה ונשמחה Let's rejoice and be happy (repeat)
Hava neranenah הבה נרננה Let's sing
Hava neranenah הבה נרננה Let's sing
Hava neranenah ve-nismeḥa הבה נרננה ונשמחה Let's sing and be happy (repeat)
Uru, uru aḥim! !עורו, עורו אחים Awake, awake, brothers!
Uru aḥim be-lev sameaḥ עורו אחים בלב שמח Awake brothers with a happy heart (repeat line four times)
Uru aḥim, uru aḥim! !עורו אחים, עורו אחים Awake, brothers, awake, brothers!
Be-lev sameaḥ בלב שמח With a happy heart

Also refer to Psalm 118
1 Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
for his steadfast love endures forever!
2 Let Israel say,
“His steadfast love endures forever.”
3 Let the house of Aaron say,
“His steadfast love endures forever.”
4 Let those who fear the Lord say,
“His steadfast love endures forever.”

Be happy and Rejoice! :D
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Re: Israel Thread

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Israel Supreme Court Overturns Ban on Arab Politician......

Post by monster_gardener »

Thank You Very Much for the Thread, Monster Gardener ;)
Israel's Supreme Court on Sunday overturned a decision by the Central Elections Committee banning Arab-Israeli politician Haneen Zuabi from standing in next month's snap general election.

"Following a hearing on 27/12/2012, it was decided unanimously to reject the Central Elections Committee's decision... to prevent representative Haneen Zuabi from standing for elections for the 19th Knesset," a summary of the court's decision said.

The summary, which was released ahead of the full decision later on Sunday, did not explain why the court was overturning the committee's decision, but confirmed that Zuabi would be able to stand in the January 22 vote.

A member of the Arab-Israeli leftwing Balad party, Zuabi is a controversial figure in Israeli society.

A firebrand critic of the government, Zuabi has regularly tangled with rightwing members of the Knesset, who sought to disqualify her from running in the next election.

They argue that she fails to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, and backed enemies of the state by participating in a 2010 Gaza-bound flotilla that was raided by Israeli commandos in an operation that killed nine Turkish activists.

Speaking to public radio after the court ruling, Zuabi said she was happy with the result.

"I welcome the Supreme Court's decision. This is what I expected," she said. ... politician


Don't Try this at Home! if you are in Most Muslim Controlled Territories......

Don't try to do similar to what Zuabi has done as the result could be fatal...... :twisted: :evil:
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: Israel Thread

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The percentage of Palestinians supporting such operations has reached 50.9 percent, up from 29.3 percent in January 2011

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Re: Israel Thread

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" Either [you accept] the Zionists and everything they want, or else it is war "

Israeli-Palestinian negotiations are "a waste of time and opportunities" as Arabs and Muslims get nothing out of engagement with "the descendants of apes and pigs," current Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi asserted in September 2010, according to newly translated interviews published this week by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

In the first interview, aired on Lebanon's Al-Quds TV on September 23, 2010, Morsi denounced the Palestinian Authority as a creation of "the Zionist and American enemies for the sole purpose of opposing the will of the Palestinian people." Therefore, he stressed, "No reasonable person can expect any progress on this track."

"Either [you accept] the Zionists and everything they want, or else it is war," Morsi said, "This is what these occupiers of the land of Palestine know – these blood-suckers, who attack the Palestinians, these warmongers, the descendants of apes and pigs."
In a separate interview translated by MEMRI, aired on the same network on March 20, 2010, Morsi affirmed that "The Zionists have no right to the land of Palestine.... What they took before 1947-8 constitutes plundering, and what they are doing now is a continuation of this plundering. By no means do we recognize their Green Line. The land of Palestine belongs to the Palestinians, not to the Zionists."

Monster, this soooo funny .. Morsi could pull a Khomeini :lol:

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Re: Israel Thread

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


The Palestinian Representative's Speech at the UN

'Before beginning my talk I want to tell you something about Moses. When he struck the rock and it brought forth water, he thought, 'What a good opportunity to have a bath!' He removed his clothes, put them aside on the rock and entered the water. When he got out and wanted to dress, his clothes had vanished. An Israeli had stolen them.'

The Israeli representative jumped up furiously and shouted, 'What are you talking about? The Israelis weren't there then.'

The Palestinian representative smiled and said:

'And now that we have made that clear, I will begin my speech.'


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Iron Rod Apes & Rakish Orion Pigs vs. the "Best of Peoples"*

Post by monster_gardener »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:Q3NCiaozL0k

" Either [you accept] the Zionists and everything they want, or else it is war "

Israeli-Palestinian negotiations are "a waste of time and opportunities" as Arabs and Muslims get nothing out of engagement with "the descendants of apes and pigs," current Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi asserted in September 2010, according to newly translated interviews published this week by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

In the first interview, aired on Lebanon's Al-Quds TV on September 23, 2010, Morsi denounced the Palestinian Authority as a creation of "the Zionist and American enemies for the sole purpose of opposing the will of the Palestinian people." Therefore, he stressed, "No reasonable person can expect any progress on this track."

"Either [you accept] the Zionists and everything they want, or else it is war," Morsi said, "This is what these occupiers of the land of Palestine know – these blood-suckers, who attack the Palestinians, these warmongers, the descendants of apes and pigs."
In a separate interview translated by MEMRI, aired on the same network on March 20, 2010, Morsi affirmed that "The Zionists have no right to the land of Palestine.... What they took before 1947-8 constitutes plundering, and what they are doing now is a continuation of this plundering. By no means do we recognize their Green Line. The land of Palestine belongs to the Palestinians, not to the Zionists."

Monster, this soooo funny .. Morsi could pull a Khomeini :lol:

Iron Rod Apes & Rakish Orion Pigs vs. the "Best of Peoples"*

Thank You Very Much for your post, Azari.
Monster, this soooo funny
It can be in a sitcom way......... Funny to watch on TV or the Net........

Not so funny when it happens to you, the Northern Hemisphere and maybe the World..........
the descendants of apes and pigs
The descendants of the Ape and the Pig have the Iron Rod and the Iron Rake to beat those who claim to be the "Best of People" into dust and rake the remains into the Compost Pile of history.......... :o :shock: :o

If necessary...........

The Pig would really rather go on a Star Trek ;) and Just Chase ;) Green Orion ;) Star Women......... 8-) :lol:



But the Ape has come out of the fiery furnace alive....

And doesn't trust anymore........

Don't Mess with the Ape......

Over a Piece of Land Smaller than a Persian Pistachio Plantation....

Better to Build your own cloud trapeze and go to the stars like the Pig and the Bear, the Dragon & the Euroz ..........

And the Ape if we can persuade him........

*Actually just Chaos Monkeys who think they are.........
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: Israel Thread

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Noam Chomsky : Americans are kept in the dark about consequences of a possible nuclear-armed Mideast, and the US's potential role

"Iranian threat" is overwhelmingly a Western obsession, shared by Arab dictators, though not Arab populations.

As numerous polls have shown, although citizens of Arab countries generally dislike Iran, they do not regard it as a very serious threat. Rather, they perceive the threat to be Israel and the United States; and many, sometimes considerable majorities, regard Iranian nuclear weapons as a counter to these threats.

In high places in the U.S., some concur with the Arab populations' perception, among them Gen. Lee Butler, former head of the Strategic Command. In 1998 he said, "It is dangerous in the extreme that in the cauldron of animosities that we call the Middle East," one nation, Israel, should have a powerful nuclear weapons arsenal, which "inspires other nations to do so."

Still more dangerous is the nuclear-deterrent strategy of which Butler was a leading designer for many years. Such a strategy, he wrote in 2002, is "a formula for unmitigated catastrophe," and he called on the United States and other nuclear powers to accept their commitment under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) to make "good faith" efforts to eliminate the plague of nuclear weapons.

Nations have a legal obligation to pursue such efforts seriously, the World Court ruled in 1996: "There exists an obligation to pursue in good faith and bring to a conclusion negotiations leading to nuclear disarmament in all its aspects under strict and effective international control." In 2002, George W. Bush's administration declared that the United States is not bound by the obligation.

A large majority of the world appears to share Arab views on the Iranian threat. The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) has vigorously supported Iran's right to enrich uranium, most recently at its summit meeting in Tehran last August.

India, the most populous member of the NAM, has found ways to evade the onerous U.S. financial sanctions on Iran. Plans are proceeding to link Iran's Chabahar port, refurbished with Indian assistance, to Central Asia through Afghanistan. Trade relations are also reported to be increasing. Were it not for strong U.S. pressures, these natural relations would probably improve substantially.

China, which has observer status at the NAM, is doing much the same. China is expanding development projects westward, including initiatives to reconstitute the old Silk Road from China to Europe. A high-speed rail line connects China to Kazakhstan and beyond. The line will presumably reach Turkmenistan, with its rich energy resources, and will probably link with Iran and extend to Turkey and Europe.

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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: Israel Thread

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul, in Israel : " it will be harder and harder to be a friend if we are out of money "

Paul, who is a long-time opponent of giving foreign aid, said that it was one thing if you were giving foreign assistance out of your savings, but it was something very different if “you are borrowing from one country to give to another. You have to wonder how wide that is, and what the repercussions will be."

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