Obama, servant of evil

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Obama, servant of evil

Post by Mr. Perfect »

The recent actions of one Barack Hussein Obama has forever altered the world power structure, as oppressive regimes like Assad, China and Russia can now operate with impunity internationally, subduing humanity to their will without resistance.

It's been fun to portray this as stupidity on Obama's part, but I think we all know from Obama's books, membership in Rev Wright's church, his friendships with domestic terrorists, and the affinity Tinker found in him (based on Tinker's long standing desire to see America cut down to size) that this was all according to plan. At every opportunity Obama has done whatever he could in his power to destroy America, with large swaths of America and of course the Euro left applauding manically at every turn. And so we see a rise in the forces of evil globally it becomes obvious they couldn't have done it without Obama.

As a veteran of the Cold War, I noticed a split in leftists around the world, two camps really, one that saw leftist state slavery as a global entity while the other saw state slavery's Mecca in Mother Russia, and were subservient to her. I think Obama clearly is in the latter camp.

http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013/09/ ... ace-prize/
n one of the most deft diplomatic maneuvers of all time, Russia’s President Putin has saved the world from near-certain disaster. He did so without the egoistical but incompetent American president, or his earnest but clueless Secretary of State, even realizing they had been offered a way out of the mess they’d created.

The eventful day started out Monday morning with the Obama administration making a full court press for an American attack on Syria: lobbying members of Congress, scheduling an historic series of presidential interviews with top news anchors, and sending Secretary Kerry to London to persuade our reluctant allies to scramble their jets, too.

Then Secretary Kerry made an off-hand comment that the only way an American attack would be called off is if the Syrians turn over all their chemical weapons to an international body. Then he added, “but that isn’t going to happen.”

In 24 hours an off-hand phrase was picked up by Putin, became a Kerry proposal and ultimately the Obama Peace plan, proving once again the Washington dictum that "success has many fathers."

The words were hardly out of his mouth when Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov essentially said, "we can live with that," and the Syrian Foreign Minister chimed in with "we can, too."

Meanwhile, the State Department dismissed it, saying Kerry didn’t really mean what he said, it was just a "rhetorical" answer to a hypothetical question.

It was as if Team Obama couldn’t take "yes" for an answer.

So, in stepped former Secretary Clinton, looking like the only adult in the room, to say that the Kerry Proposal made sense.

Well, that got Team Obama’s attention!

The president, never one to let a crisis go to waste, told journalists that the proposal was something he and Putin had discussed at the G-20 Summit last week.

By Tuesday night’s speech President Obama will surely be taking full credit, saying the Syrians and Russians caved only because Obama drew the "red line" a year ago, and threatened military action against Syria.

So in 24 hours an off-hand phrase was picked up by Putin, became a Kerry Proposal and ultimately the Obama Peace plan, proving once again the Washington dictum that "success has many fathers."

The fact is Obama seemed headed for an attack on Syria that no one wanted and few thought would succeed. Most thought it would only end in disaster, either with the U.S. drawn into an attack/retaliation cycle of escalation that could go on for years and spread into a regional war, or result in the overthrow of President Assad by an Al Qaeda affiliated rebels.

While the Russians may have toyed with the idea of letting American get bogged down in yet another losing Middle East war, they didn’t want to risk a war that might pull them in, or lose control of the Assad government to radical Sunni jihadists.

So Putin stepped in and threw Obama a lifeline.

For a few hours it seemed Obama might not grab at it. But he has, and will no doubt claim full credit for it being his idea all along.

The Washington press corps will no doubt believe him, as usual, and lavish their usual praise.

But the world knows that Vladimir Putin is the one who really deserves that Nobel Peace Prize.

It turns out that leading from behind left a big opening up front. Putin stepped right in. And Obama still hasn't figured it out.
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Re: Obama, servant of evil

Post by Demon of Undoing »

Obama looks like the weakest POS in foreign policy for maybe a hundred years. Carter was at least blinded by good intentions. Obama doesn't know whether he's shot, f*cked, snakebit or powder burnt.

And Kerry? Monumental dumbass. So, so glad that i voted against that poser boob. By that time, Bush had done his worst, but Kerry looked to send worst to a whole other level. It diminishes the guilt I have for voting Bush in '04, somewhat.

Hillary? The Dems crapped their mess kit when they picked the black guy over the actually- capable woman that really did pay her dues. Married to Bill was some kind of dues. Clearly she's the smartest Democrat alive.

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Is Obama an Electioneering durian Savant.......

Post by monster_gardener »

Demon of Undoing wrote:Obama looks like the weakest POS in foreign policy for maybe a hundred years. Carter was at least blinded by good intentions. Obama doesn't know whether he's shot, f*cked, snakebit or powder burnt.

And Kerry? Monumental dumbass. So, so glad that i voted against that poser boob. By that time, Bush had done his worst, but Kerry looked to send worst to a whole other level. It diminishes the guilt I have for voting Bush in '04, somewhat.

Hillary? The Dems crapped their mess kit when they picked the black guy over the actually- capable woman that really did pay her dues. Married to Bill was some kind of dues. Clearly she's the smartest Democrat alive.

God help us.
Thank You VERY MUCH for your post, Bezerk Savant Demon of Undoing.
Obama looks like the weakest POS in foreign policy for maybe a hundred years. Carter was at least blinded by good intentions. Obama doesn't know whether he's shot, f*cked, snakebit or powder burnt.

Was thinking the same thing..........

Remembering Tinker Enki writing about how superlative Obama's electioneering skills are........

Wondering if maybe electioneering is the one of the few tasks, perhaps the only one, related to being president that Obama does well........

If maybe Obama borders on being an Electioneering durian Savant
According to psychiatrist Darold Treffert, almost all savants have prodigious memory which he describes as "very deep, but exceedingly narrow". It is narrow in the sense that savants may exhibit exceptional memory but have difficulty putting it to use. Some individuals with savant syndrome also have keen sense of priority, which can involve a broad understanding of politics, law, and a conceivably heightened vocabulary. Savant skills are usually found in one or more of five major areas: art, musical abilities, calendar calculation, mathematics and spatial skills.[1] 50% of savants have autism; the other 50% often have some other forms of central nervous system injury or disease.

A real Present Dunce ;) :twisted: :roll: of a President........

Probably not........ ;)

More likely Obama is just an especially Arrogant, Lazy, Lying, Duty Station Deserting, Red Lining Mouthy :twisted: , Son of a Bitch Eating Depraved Sinful Egotistical Chaos Monkey who unfortunately is currently President of US/Uz.......

Wondering if even Biden or Kerry would be better than this loser ........

NOTE: Just noticed that "1diot Savant" gets changed to "durian Savant" ;) :lol:

Actually very appropriate as durians are notorious for having a VERY offensive odor to many people.......
The edible flesh emits a distinctive odour that is strong and penetrating even when the husk is intact. Some people regard the durian as pleasantly fragrant; others find the aroma overpowering and revolting. The smell evokes reactions from deep appreciation to intense disgust, and has been described variously as almonds, rotten onions, turpentine, and raw sewage. The persistence of its odour has led to the fruit's banishment from certain hotels and public transportation in southeast Asia.

So Obama may be a Arrogant, Lazy, Lying, Duty Station Deserting, Red Lining Mouthy, Son of a Bitch Eating Dumb Ass of a Durian Savant :lol:

BTW Durians are prickly........ Like Obama sometimes seems to be..........

For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: Obama, servant of evil

Post by Enki »

Demon of Undoing wrote:Obama looks like the weakest POS in foreign policy for maybe a hundred years. Carter was at least blinded by good intentions. Obama doesn't know whether he's shot, f*cked, snakebit or powder burnt.
Nah, he's pulling some Sun Tzu lavender.
And Kerry? Monumental dumbass. So, so glad that i voted against that poser boob. By that time, Bush had done his worst, but Kerry looked to send worst to a whole other level. It diminishes the guilt I have for voting Bush in '04, somewhat.
Nah, he's playing the bad cop.
Hillary? The Dems crapped their mess kit when they picked the black guy over the actually- capable woman that really did pay her dues. Married to Bill was some kind of dues. Clearly she's the smartest Democrat alive.
I gotta disagree here. I think I am actually learning to appreciate how Obama is handling this. He's handling it the same way he's been handling Mr. Perfect. I stand by the position I've always had, that Obama is highly capable, just that I don't really appreciate what his capability has been put toward.

Too many very smart individuals that I know that have worked directly for him gush about his capabilities as a leader in a way that they don't talk about anyone else and these are people who have worked directly with Hillary and Cuomo and the like.

The Obama is a dumbass narrative is just that a political narrative that the Mr. Perfects of the world are desperate to advance.

*shrugs* The anti-Obama narrative is in and of itself idiocracy. Almost none of the criticism of Obama is criticizing the real things that are worth criticizing. Hell, the commie socialist arguments, as far off base as they are, are closer to reality than the 'Obama is a dumbass' narrative. Dude is a motherfucking genius, straight up. Y'all are getting outmaneuvered every single day, and by imbibing the narrative you blind yourself to what he's really doing. You're so blinded by the shucking so that you can't see the jive.

Obama and Putin playing Good Cop - Bad Cop with Putin as the Good Cop is a master stroke. If they pull this off, I think Obama is one of the greatest statesmen in history. Not that he'll ever get credit from the right on it.
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Re: Obama, servant of evil

Post by Mr. Perfect »

As I said in another thread, Assad keeping his weapons after using them while Russia and China overtake America in control of the globe would be cheered by the likes of Tinker. Now that using chemical weapons is allowed internationally they will be used more often.

It is true that people committing suicide outsmart the people who try to stop them, so yes you are smarter than us in that sense.
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Re: Obama, servant of evil

Post by Mr. Perfect »

I know this whole episode has been deeply confusing for you Tinker so i will perhaps try to keep it as simple as possible, what is the endgame beneficial to Obama in allowing Assad to keep his weapons and use them with impunity.
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Re: Obama, servant of evil

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Is this what winning looks like Tinker? What do you like about this? Are you sure this isn't dumb cop vs dumber cop?

73 percent of the casualties in the Afghan War have happened on Barack Obama’s watch.

http://cnsnews.com/news/article/dennis- ... amas-watch
Twelve years ago today, nineteen al Qaeda terrorists hijacked four U.S. commercial airliners and flew them into the World Trade Towers, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania.

In the war that Congress authorized against al Qaeda only three days after that attack, the vast majority of the U.S. casualties have occurred in the last four and a half years during the presidency of Barack Obama.

In fact, according to the CNSNews.com database of U.S. casualties in Afghanistan, 73 percent of all U.S. Afghan War casualties have occurred since Jan. 20, 2009 when Obama was inaugurated.

The 91 U.S. casualties in Afghanistan so far in 2013 are more than those that occurred in the first two full calendar years of the war (2002 and 2003) combined, when 30 and 31 U.S. troops were killed there.

On Sept. 14, 2001, Congress approved a resolution authorizing the president “to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons.”

By October 2001, U.S. forces were engaged in Afghanistan, seeking to remove al Qaeda from the sanctuary it had used there to launch the Sept. 11, 2001 attack.

Since then, most of the leaders and participants in the 9/11 terrorist attacks have been killed or captured. But the United States not only remains at war in Afghanistan, it continues to suffer significant casualties there.

In total, 2,144 U.S. military personnel have given their lives fighting in and around Afghanistan as part of Operation Enduring Freedom.

1,575 of the U.S. military personnel who have sacrificed their lives in this cause were killed during the presidency of Barack Obama.

That means 73 percent of the casualties in the Afghan War have happened on Barack Obama’s watch.

Under President George W. Bush, from 2001 until Jan. 20, 2009, 569 U.S. military personnel were killed in and around Afghanistan fighting in Operation Enduring Freedom.
- See more at: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/dennis- ... xNJ1f.dpuf
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Re: Obama, servant of evil

Post by Mr. Perfect »

"Winning". "Outsmarting".

http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2013 ... ign-Policy
A new poll has found a majority of Americans believe that President Barack Obama's handling of foreign policy is worse than or no better than President George W. Bush.
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Re: Obama, servant of evil

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Tinker, it seems like once again you've greediliy lapped up the conditioning given to you by your left wing media product minders, you turned your will over to them, but for the heck of it, how does jumping headlong into the deep end of a tar pit and then getting out because someone else threw you a rope qualify as genius? In your own words.
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The Tarpit May be Obama's Goal

Post by monster_gardener »

Mr. Perfect wrote:Tinker, it seems like once again you've greediliy lapped up the conditioning given to you by your left wing media product minders, you turned your will over to them, but for the heck of it, how does jumping headlong into the deep end of a tar pit and then getting out because someone else threw you a rope qualify as genius? In your own words.
Thank You VERY Much for your post, Mr. Perfect.
how does jumping headlong into the deep end of a tar pit and then getting out because someone else threw you a rope qualify as genius?
If making a fool clown out yourself and your family/clan/nation and reducing its reputation/power is the goal, then such a dumb ass stunt could be considered genius of a evil sort....... :evil: *

The Tarpit May be Obama's Goal for US :evil: :evil: :evil:

Though I suspect Obama and his allies would prefer to call it something like "easing the transition to a progressive multi-polar world under one world government" or something similar.........

* Hat Tip to you........ Believe your OP said something similar..........
Last edited by monster_gardener on Thu Sep 12, 2013 1:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Obama, servant of evil

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Well I did say that in another thread, that giving China and Russia control of the globe while legalizing the use of chemical weapons would be cheered by Tinker and the Obama demographic. So yes this would be genius from that perspective. And yes, as you read the OP that is what I said to Tinker, but due to conditioning and projection he missed that.

Obama is a servant of evil, and so is Tinker. They serve evil together.
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Re: Obama, servant of evil

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Enki wrote: Too many very smart individuals that I know that have worked directly for him gush about his capabilities as a leader in a way that they don't talk about anyone else and these are people who have worked directly with Hillary and Cuomo and the like.
This is one of the things they say the anti-Christ is able to do. Impress liberals with his genius. But not anyone else.
The Obama is a dumbass narrative is just that a political narrative that the Mr. Perfects of the world are desperate to advance.
Actually Obama is a dumb@$$, his destroy America agenda has been implemented at a glacial pace. Hillary would have had single payer, banned guns, kindergarten sex rooms, child rearing camps and world government within a few months of her inauguration. Never send a child to do a man's job.
*shrugs* The anti-Obama narrative is in and of itself idiocracy.
Obama himself has been an administration of idiocracy, unless your goal has been to destroy the black community, enrich whites to filthy levels and bankrupt a nation. Unless that.
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Re: Obama, servant of evil

Post by Azrael »

Obama bombs Syria, and he is a servant of Al Qaeda. Obama doesn't bomb Syria, and he's a servant of Assad.

I guess that proves he's a servant of evil. :roll:

Before Republicans got quite so stupid, they thought it was a good thing when people they didn't like were fighting against each other.
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Re: Obama, servant of evil

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Did you even read your own post. :shock:

They were fighting just fine before Obams opened his big mouth, then he let a perfectly mundane event force him to give global power to Russia and China and created a precedent for future chemical weapon use. Dumb@$$ all around unless that's what you wanted to happen. Evil or dumb@$$, I'll let you all decide.
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Hot Foot Obama Servant of Himself........

Post by monster_gardener »

Azrael wrote:Obama bombs Syria, and he is a servant of Al Qaeda. Obama doesn't bomb Syria, and he's a servant of Assad.

I guess that proves he's a servant of evil. :roll:

Before Republicans got quite so stupid, they thought it was a good thing when people they didn't like were fighting against each other.
Thank You Very Much for your post, Azrael.
Obama bombs Syria, and he is a servant of Al Qaeda. Obama doesn't bomb Syria, and he's a servant of Assad.
My theory is that Obama is a servant of himself..........
I guess that proves he's a servant of evil. :roll:
That is what being the servant of a Depraved, Sinful, Egotistical Chaos Monkey often/usually entails...........

Before Republicans got quite so stupid, they thought it was a good thing when people they didn't like were fighting against each other.
Not that simple in Syria...........

But even Obama should be able to do better if he wants to........

What do you do when a bad guy who's protecting your cousin but doesn't like you throws acid at another even worse bad guy (who wants to kill your cousin and you) and some neighborhood kids get splashed but both bad guys are still in action........

Do you take on the bad guy who's protecting your cousin..........

Or do you stay out of the fight and text your cousin to get her ass out of there as soon as she has a chance......

Or do you mostly mouth off at the bad guy protecting your cousin and threaten to give him a hot foot like Obama does with Assad....;) :twisted: :lol: :roll:
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: Obama, servant of evil

Post by Demon of Undoing »

Yeah, what exactly is Obama winning here, besides the Russians giving him an excuse not to do something he shouldn't have ever even mentioned? I mean, it's accidental. Or it's intentionally legitimizing chemical weapons anywhere, as long as those trustworthy Russians and Chinese approve? I mean, chemical weapons are permissible by default, but this is just putting a blue ribbon on a turd. Why do it? Where exactly do you see a victory for Obama here? Tell me you don't think there's actually going to be less chemical weapons, less war , or better US position here.

I just don't see how this isn't a comedy of errors. Obama may be a genius to people that really don't know jack about foreign policy, but he's completely unimpressive, across the board, with those that do. Even the players themselves.
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Re: Hot Foot Obama Servant of Himself........

Post by Azrael »

D o U wrote:Yeah, what exactly is Obama winning here, besides the Russians giving him an excuse not to do something he shouldn't have ever even mentioned? I mean, it's accidental. Or it's intentionally legitimizing chemical weapons anywhere, as long as those trustworthy Russians and Chinese approve? I mean, chemical weapons are permissible by default, but this is just putting a blue ribbon on a turd. Why do it? Where exactly do you see a victory for Obama here? Tell me you don't think there's actually going to be less chemical weapons, less war , or better US position here.

I just don't see how this isn't a comedy of errors. Obama may be a genius to people that really don't know jack about foreign policy, but he's completely unimpressive, across the board, with those that do. Even the players themselves.
It's good cop, bad cop. If Obama wants Assad to give something up -- and giving up chemical weapons is a major concession -- the threat of force may have been necessary. This way, Putin gets to look like a major statesman, Assad gets to avoid getting bombed and Obama gets Assad to give up chemical weapons.

Of course Republicans are going to bash Obama over this. They'll bash him over anything.
Last edited by Azrael on Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hot Foot Obama Servant of Himself........

Post by Azrael »

monster_gardener wrote:
Azrael wrote:Obama bombs Syria, and he is a servant of Al Qaeda. Obama doesn't bomb Syria, and he's a servant of Assad.

I guess that proves he's a servant of evil. :roll:

Before Republicans got quite so stupid, they thought it was a good thing when people they didn't like were fighting against each other.
Thank You Very Much for your post, Azrael.
You're welcome.
Obama bombs Syria, and he is a servant of Al Qaeda. Obama doesn't bomb Syria, and he's a servant of Assad.
My theory is that Obama is a servant of himself..........
So your theory is that he's a politician.
I guess that proves he's a servant of evil. :roll:
That is what being the servant of a Depraved, Sinful, Egotistical Chaos Monkey often/usually entails...........
So your theory is that he's a politician.

Before Republicans got quite so stupid, they thought it was a good thing when people they didn't like were fighting against each other.
Not that simple in Syria...........
Nothing is simple in Syria.
But even Obama should be able to do better if he wants to........

What do you do when a bad guy who's protecting your cousin but doesn't like you throws acid at another even worse bad guy (who wants to kill your cousin and you) and some neighborhood kids get splashed but both bad guys are still in action........

Do you take on the bad guy who's protecting your cousin..........

Or do you stay out of the fight and text your cousin to get her ass out of there as soon as she has a chance......

Or do you mostly mouth off at the bad guy protecting your cousin and threaten to give him a hot foot like Obama does with Assad....;) :twisted: :lol: :roll:
Well, if you don't give Assad a hard time, you'll be accused of helping Iran, Hezbollah, etc.

If Bush were in charge, perhaps we'd have hundreds of thousands of Americans on the ground, with thousands getting killed and tens of thousands getting disabled. It would be worse than Iraq. Syria isn't going to look pretty regardless of what Obama does.

If Obama, with the help of Putin, manages to get Assad to give up chemical weapons, it would be yet another foreign policy triumph, and Obama has already had several, such as getting rid of the two terrorists with the most American blood on their hands: Gaddafi and bin Laden.

Bush's foreign policy triumph -- defeating Saddam Hussein -- was a triumph for Iran.
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Re: Hot Foot Obama Servant of Himself........

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Azrael wrote:.

Bush's foreign policy triumph -- defeating Saddam Hussein -- was a triumph for Iran.


So what ? ?

What is wrong with Iran ? ?


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Re: Hot Foot Obama Servant of Himself........

Post by Typhoon »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:
Creates civilization humanity has seen, next biggest being China .. not attacked anybody last 500 yrs

The Tibetans, Vietnamese, and Koreans would disagree.
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Re: Hot Foot Obama Servant of Himself........

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Azrael wrote: It's good cop, bad cop. If Obama wants Assad to give something up -- and giving up chemical weapons is a major concession -- the threat of force may have been necessary. This way, Putin gets to look like a major statesman, Assad gets to avoid getting bombed and Obama gets Assad to give up chemical weapons.
I suppose you believe in the Easter bunny and fairies. Even top Democrats are all over the news not believing it. Some people are very gullible by nature.
Of course Republicans are going to bash Obama over this. They'll bash him over anything.
See your post here on George Bush. And the Obama bashing is hardly limited to Republicans.
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Re: Obama, servant of evil

Post by Demon of Undoing »

So the idea is that Assad is going to give up his weapons under Russian supervision.

"Fox guarding the henhouse" comes close.

He's already putting terms and conditions on it. He's been handed a long, drawn out, political process. We said we'd get out of CWs under Nixon. We still have several thousand tons. We have really good excuses for that. Assad, as a smaller and poorer nation, will have more.

Assad's grand kids will still have them to use. Assuming he isn't beheaded on TV by Islamists.
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Re: Obama, servant of evil

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Where did these good cop/bad cop talking points originate? They are pretty desperate.

Putin just waltzed in, dictated complicated terms that will not come to fruition and then rubbed our nose in it because he could.

And furthermore, making Putin "look like a great statesmen" isn't really a concession you want to brag about.

He's not head of client state #5, he's in charge of an powerful rival who is looking to kick you in the teeth. One that members of both parties, both in the machine and out of it, didn't believe needed "propping." You know these people: they are the one a brilliant political strategist appeases or pacifies first and foremost 'cause their closer to the throne than the chinless guy running Syria or that big bear who spied from Milan to Minsk....

I'm glad we aren't bombing Syria- but I'm pretty sure I just watched Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers political savvy go down in real time (and with the English dubbing.)

EDIT: I can't stress enough that Putin and the Russians aren't playthings or children that you can make "to look," like it was all a game of dress up with Polly Pockets. He acted like a "great statemen" because he stopped more conflict on the international stage by taking control of the conversation and dictating when the US gets to use weapons and when they can't. There isn't going back on that until the Russians flub one.
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Re: Obama, servant of evil

Post by Azrael »

Putin didn't "dictate" anything to Obama. If Obama actually wants to fire missiles at Syria, Putin can't stop him.

If we can get Assad from using chemical weapons, and Al Qaeda from taking over Syria, we're doing pretty well.
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Re: Obama, servant of evil

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Obama came to power, Democratic party nominating him, the political elite and establishment accepting him, by committing to follow the "grand plan" for ME which was put in motion by Carter's time .. he would be W. Bush continuation in foreign policy

In that sense, military attack on Syria was pre-programmed long ago


looks to me

unless I mistaken

Obama looking for all excuses he can grab, to backtrack from disaster .. makes sense, as fact on the ground have changed and other facts now prevail than 1980's

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