A secret threesome: Ayn Rand, Freddie and Fennie

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A secret threesome: Ayn Rand, Freddie and Fennie

Post by Parodite »

Mr. P., listen up.

Turns out that Freddie Mc and Fennie Dismay (who caused the biggest real estate bubble in US history and the 2008 crisis following) were in fact devout lovers of Ayn Rand! They removed some seriously stupid regulations and restrictions in order for banks to sell more and higher mortgages to any willing sucker even if the sucker couldn't afford it! So that's less government interference, Big Gvt Democrat Nanny no longer telling the kids what to sell or what to buy.

Consider this deeply Mr. P... You have been shitting on your fellow worshippers all along and after all... ;)

Thank you.
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Re: A secret threesome: Ayn Rand, Freddie and Fennie

Post by Mr. Perfect »

A fire takes 3 components, or it doesn't exist. An indictment takes and accusation + evidence that reaches probable cause. So far, no fire (indictment).

The current situation was caused by you and people like you Parodite. You are/were the problem. "Capitalist engine with social blobbity blob".
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Re: A secret threesome: Ayn Rand, Freddie and Fennie

Post by Parodite »

Accusation and evidence is there... how inconvenient for you. Freddie and Fennie did what all banks and free thinking $ lovers do; blindly deregulate and get as much as possible money from pocket a/b/c/ into your own. No matter when, how, how much, who is the sucker or what the longer term consequences are.

The crisis is caused by people in denial like you. You don't want to see nor admit, it would render your idiotic monomaniacal crusade against liberals and democrats meaningless. You will not confess but it doesn't matter. The fool on the hill. You don't understand this financial crisis at all.
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Re: A secret threesome: Ayn Rand, Freddie and Fennie

Post by Mr. Perfect »

It's very simple:

1) Government created Subprime
2) Government controlled central banking comprised of government created, regulated and insured currency

Find me the Ayn Rand capitalism in there. I see you didn't bring any evidence to the table.

Find me the capitalism in here:


You just don't have any facts on your side.
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Re: A secret threesome: Ayn Rand, Freddie and Fennie

Post by Parodite »

Mr. Perfect wrote:It's very simple:

1) Government created Subprime
2) Government controlled central banking comprised of government created, regulated and insured currency

Find me the Ayn Rand capitalism in there. I see you didn't bring any evidence to the table.

Find me the capitalism in here:


You just don't have any facts on your side.
This is funny. Ok.

Republicat Richard Baker starts with the need for conduct and standards be met re home owners (borrowing too much money) and tax payers needing to pay for the clean up when banks bubble and burst. This is a republican asking for regulation. Why does he ask for regulation? Because the Ayn Randian free thinkers of FmFm deregulated the system, allowing for banks to sell mortgages to people who can't afford it and unaware suckers to take the bite. With very bad consequences. FmFm also deregulated the role of gvt by allowing the gvt to bail failed banks out. That's real free thinking at work. Why not let business and gvt do business as they see fit? Gvt is also business as you know...people act out of personal interest in gvt as they do in business. Freedom is for all brother.. Ask Ayn Rand!

Then democrat Meeks shows how pissed off he is with the regulator. A true Randian indeed! Who needs regulators..Those incompetent fools who think they should regulate GSEs! He speaks like a true libertarian. Who needs heart surgery by some unqualified regulatory body? He said it. Ayn loves him. She gets all hot and sweaty.

Then repulican Royce askes for more regulations.. to stop those Randian libertarians.. in their tracks! He wants "a new regulatory structure"... what??? He sounds like a democrat OMG! Followed by democrat Clay...who called the entire investigation into illegal activity by FmFm "a lynching"! Who would want to investigate free men and women who act according their own best interest?? Ayn Rand finds republicans less and less sexy.. Gimme a hot black democratic libertarian who does away with regulations instead!

Rest is repeating of same. The republicans want firm regulation.. the democrats want freedom. Freedom for banks to sell what they want to whoever they want even if those are suckers that can't afford it. Responsibility back from government to buyers and sellers! FmFm showed that when banks and gvt are allowed to work together in freedom without regulation... things get much better. Especially for poor black people! People make mistakes.. also poor people who believe heaven is for free because they think they are entitled as victims of racism. Especially when they are black learning freedom the hard way is a good experience. The colored demopublic libertarians of FmFm did what nobody else was able to do before: give the poor black folks freedom which includes making mistakes and learn. Never promised you a rose garden, but they way up is right ahead, the skies are clearing up.

As for:
1) Government created Subprime
2) Government controlled central banking comprised of government created, regulated and insured currency
Are you saying that non gvt banks started to trade in subprime mortages and other financial sh*t products coming from the gvt because they had to, or because they were simply very stupid, as stupid as their customers who bought mortgages they couldn't afford? What you take those people for in the free world of banking, idiots? Moneydroids that eat everything you stuff into their mouths? I think you understimate them.. they are slick sharks. They decided to trade in gvt sh*t (among other sh*t) and when their bank failed.. begged the gvt to bail them out. And then do like you.. blame the gvt all the same. Bad losers. Hypocrites.
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Re: A secret threesome: Ayn Rand, Freddie and Fennie

Post by Mr. Perfect »

I'm sorry to see you are more confused than I ever imagined.

In the effort to distill your fallacies to their most basic essence:

1) If a regulator "deregulates" it's actually not "deregulation". A regulator can only "deregulate" if they decide to remove themselves from existence and if they cease to exist. You consistently confuse "deregulation" with "loose regulation". "Loose" or "Tight" regulation is regulation all the same, the danger of too loose or too tight regulation is that human beings seem to think that if it comes from someone with a badge it's legitimate. It is not. Bills being paid on time determines legitimacy, not car salesmen with badges (politicians, apparatchiks, etc).

2) You labor under the error of that capitalism is "fast and loose" and communism is risk averse, while normally it's the opposite; the history of communist countries shows epic misallocation of capital into high risk ventures that are often not even completed, and since the government regulates itself and has little economic incentive to consider risk books have been written on the economic risks of those perverse incentives.

Democrats had a political incentive to boost Freddie Fannies involvement in their subprime schemes and ride it for all it was worth and not economic incentive to consider the risks, which is why through the regulatory process they pumped up government support of the subprime scheme through the non-freemarket entities at their disposal.

Republicans OTOH in the records see that hey, the Gov't is in control of this thing whether we like it or not and if so then maybe we should try to figure out WTH is going on here, acting as always like responsible mature adults and of course you aren't grasping that at the moment.

3) Capitalism is ideologically neutral on "loose" vs "tight" "regulation" since sometimes conditions justify either over the other, and since human beings are not capable of predicting certain things about the future the best way to assess risk is through unfettered markets, and not government entities that skew incentives and signals based on political and not economic considerations. Case in point, subprime/FreddieFannie/Federal Reserve all three having nothing to do with capitalism or free markets.

I hope to God this helps.
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Re: A secret threesome: Ayn Rand, Freddie and Fennie

Post by Parodite »

The title of this thread, I hoped and prayed for, would make clear how I think about your monomaniacal attack on liberals and democrats. Parody. You see, I don't care if it is repubs or demos who do stupid things. I'm interested in stupid things and what to do differently and better next time. I give a damn f*ck whether it was a dem or a rep doing stupid things.

Especially since if you look honestly at for instance the current crisis, it is impossible to blame democrats and liberals only. Meaningless. And you always evade (or overlook them, could be my bad) points I make, which makes discussing things with you nearly as useless as with Azari HP.

What about banks who out of their free will start to trade in subprime for instance? You never answered... Some dutch banks did same.. not all. Freely deciding to put money in subprime sh*t from the US. Are those bankers also democrat? Come on...

Look, if you decide to continue making yourself look like an durian, go ahead. Below you identify me as a commie sympathizer assuming I think communism is "risk-averse". Communism is big risk in my view.. why you smear me, oh so conveniently when you better focus on the issue and argument? Can't you just stop your bull sh*t? If to you this board is just a like a public toilet where you can't sh*t fart and stink freely, go ahead. I'll gladly leave you some privacy and be out of the way. Just let me know.
Mr. Perfect wrote:I'm sorry to see you are more confused than I ever imagined.

In the effort to distill your fallacies to their most basic essence:

1) If a regulator "deregulates" it's actually not "deregulation". A regulator can only "deregulate" if they decide to remove themselves from existence and if they cease to exist. You consistently confuse "deregulation" with "loose regulation". "Loose" or "Tight" regulation is regulation all the same, the danger of too loose or too tight regulation is that human beings seem to think that if it comes from someone with a badge it's legitimate. It is not. Bills being paid on time determines legitimacy, not car salesmen with badges (politicians, apparatchiks, etc).

2) You labor under the error of that capitalism is "fast and loose" and communism is risk averse, while normally it's the opposite; the history of communist countries shows epic misallocation of capital into high risk ventures that are often not even completed, and since the government regulates itself and has little economic incentive to consider risk books have been written on the economic risks of those perverse incentives.

Democrats had a political incentive to boost Freddie Fannies involvement in their subprime schemes and ride it for all it was worth and not economic incentive to consider the risks, which is why through the regulatory process they pumped up government support of the subprime scheme through the non-freemarket entities at their disposal.

Republicans OTOH in the records see that hey, the Gov't is in control of this thing whether we like it or not and if so then maybe we should try to figure out WTH is going on here, acting as always like responsible mature adults and of course you aren't grasping that at the moment.

3) Capitalism is ideologically neutral on "loose" vs "tight" "regulation" since sometimes conditions justify either over the other, and since human beings are not capable of predicting certain things about the future the best way to assess risk is through unfettered markets, and not government entities that skew incentives and signals based on political and not economic considerations. Case in point, subprime/FreddieFannie/Federal Reserve all three having nothing to do with capitalism or free markets.

I hope to God this helps.
All fine but not following from anything I said. Just in your mind.

Again... why did non-gvt banks decide to trade in subprime? If somebody sells you a toxic cake, you will eat it anyways? Because that is what you are supposed to do ? Good boy! Or sell it to somebody else who doesn't know its crap yet? Why is it that you like sh*t traders so much?
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Re: A secret threesome: Ayn Rand, Freddie and Fennie

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Parodite wrote:The title of this thread, I hoped and prayed for, would make clear how I think about your monomaniacal attack on liberals and democrats. Parody. You see, I don't care if it is repubs or demos who do stupid things. I'm interested in stupid things and what to do differently and better next time. I give a damn f*ck whether it was a dem or a rep doing stupid things.
Yes but when 90% of the problem is always emanating from one source efficiency says just go ahead and blot out the source for eternity. It;s just quicker and more efficient.
All fine but not following from anything I said. Just in your mind.
Well if we can come to some agreement on them then perhaps we're making progress.

Look, if you decide to continue making yourself look like an durian, go ahead. Below you identify me as a commie sympathizer assuming I think communism is "risk-averse". Communism is big risk in my view.. why you smear me, oh so conveniently when you better focus on the issue and argument? Can't you just stop your bull sh*t? If to you this board is just a like a public toilet where you can't sh*t fart and stink freely, go ahead. I'll gladly leave you some privacy and be out of the way. Just let me know.
The danger with people that think as you do is that IME with lefty moderates 99% of the time when the real commies show you guys just relent to them. So no, it's not some smack talking thing on my part it's a real danger. Remember the Matrix? That movie? Where the bad guy software characters could assume control of the normal citizens walking around. Non commie leftists/"moderates" often are much the same, when the real commies show up they just give in. I don't take this lightly.
What about banks who out of their free will start to trade in subprime for instance? You never answered... Some dutch banks did same.. not all. Freely deciding to put money in subprime sh*t from the US. Are those bankers also democrat? Come on...

Again... why did non-gvt banks decide to trade in subprime? If somebody sells you a toxic cake, you will eat it anyways? Because that is what you are supposed to do ? Good boy! Or sell it to somebody else who doesn't know its crap yet? Why is it that you like sh*t traders so much?
I'm actually relieved you were able to come up with this yourself, very few people do. The answer is simple, but sometimes is difficult to grasp at first. It may take me two or three times before I say it right so bear with me.

IT"S THE NATURE OF BUBBLES. It's what makes a bubble a bubble. When you hand out free money, SOMEBODY WILL ALWAYS TAKE IT, unless you are in heaven. IT doesn't have to be many people, in fact lots and lots of banks were not exposed to subprime. But the reality is that when you create gov't bubbles somebody's always going to take the money. In my entire business career I never did bubble business, ever, along with many other people, but the money I could have taken just went to someone else who did. And at the highest levels, always Harvard Democrats. hmmm, look away nothing to see there.

It's that simple. I maybe didn't say it exactly right, but it is what it is. You give out funny munny, particularly when the issuer has quotas to make, eventually someone is going to take it.
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Re: A secret threesome: Ayn Rand, Freddie and Fennie

Post by Parodite »

Mr. Perfect wrote:
Parodite wrote:The title of this thread, I hoped and prayed for, would make clear how I think about your monomaniacal attack on liberals and democrats. Parody. You see, I don't care if it is repubs or demos who do stupid things. I'm interested in stupid things and what to do differently and better next time. I give a damn f*ck whether it was a dem or a rep doing stupid things.
Yes but when 90% of the problem is always emanating from one source efficiency says just go ahead and blot out the source for eternity. It;s just quicker and more efficient.
I don't care if it's 90%, 95% or 38%. What I've found with people doing stupid things, or outright criminal, or just being greedy, naive, misinformed or all of that.. is that they may wear certain identity tags that however have very little do with their actual behavior. More telling are general traits like character and moral backbone. Hardly political.
All fine but not following from anything I said. Just in your mind.
Well if we can come to some agreement on them then perhaps we're making progress.
We are for a fact much in agreement. Probably some details are not discussed. Often the devil is in tiny details. Or a big elephant in the room we all may overlook. Hell, most of the time I agree with Ibrahim! Maybe I should speak out more often when I agree with others, it might prevent them to read too much between the lines of things that aint there. :P

Look, if you decide to continue making yourself look like an durian, go ahead. Below you identify me as a commie sympathizer assuming I think communism is "risk-averse". Communism is big risk in my view.. why you smear me, oh so conveniently when you better focus on the issue and argument? Can't you just stop your bull sh*t? If to you this board is just a like a public toilet where you can't sh*t fart and stink freely, go ahead. I'll gladly leave you some privacy and be out of the way. Just let me know.
The danger with people that think as you do is that IME with lefty moderates 99% of the time when the real commies show you guys just relent to them.
I think that is paranoid and delusional. Maybe it is only 70%, or even 1,1%? Who cares? Go case by case.. That was your own advice elsewhere and I agree. I don't know anybody for a fact that would relent to real commies. Commies are also hard to come by lately..
So no, it's not some smack talking thing on my part it's a real danger. Remember the Matrix? That movie? Where the bad guy software characters could assume control of the normal citizens walking around. Non commie leftists/"moderates" often are much the same, when the real commies show up they just give in. I don't take this lightly.
I'm with you here. All centralized power should be met with equal force and criticism, monitoring. Political, social and economic monopolies are like bubbles of power. We should keep our swords ready to pop them in time.
What about banks who out of their free will start to trade in subprime for instance? You never answered... Some dutch banks did same.. not all. Freely deciding to put money in subprime sh*t from the US. Are those bankers also democrat? Come on...

Again... why did non-gvt banks decide to trade in subprime? If somebody sells you a toxic cake, you will eat it anyways? Because that is what you are supposed to do ? Good boy! Or sell it to somebody else who doesn't know its crap yet? Why is it that you like sh*t traders so much?
I'm actually relieved you were able to come up with this yourself, very few people do. The answer is simple, but sometimes is difficult to grasp at first. It may take me two or three times before I say it right so bear with me.

IT"S THE NATURE OF BUBBLES. It's what makes a bubble a bubble. When you hand out free money, SOMEBODY WILL ALWAYS TAKE IT, unless you are in heaven. IT doesn't have to be many people, in fact lots and lots of banks were not exposed to subprime. But the reality is that when you create gov't bubbles somebody's always going to take the money. In my entire business career I never did bubble business, ever, along with many other people, but the money I could have taken just went to someone else who did. And at the highest levels, always Harvard Democrats. hmmm, look away nothing to see there.

It's that simple. I maybe didn't say it exactly right, but it is what it is. You give out funny munny, particularly when the issuer has quotas to make, eventually someone is going to take it.
I agree that bubbles are there to stay, they come and go. Part of economic life. And as you say that is how they operate, people interact and become part of bubbles.

It is however self-destructive to stop there, concluding that there is no bubble-management possible. Not sure that is what you think, but the way you talk about them sometimes sounds like you talk about the weather. "Sometimes there are storms, tornadoes, and bubbles in the economy...what can a man do..."

There are all kinds of bubblelistic mechanisms at work that societies decided to regulate. For instance taking something that is there for grabs and because you need it and just take. Am hungry, need bread, see bread.. so take bread! But it considered to be owned by somebody else, so society starts to regulate things calling it stealing. Then there is the sex bubble, always ready to grow and pop. See nice attractive women, imagine sex with her, off spring possible.. go to woman and do what nature tells you to do. But societies decided that this bubble needs regulation lest it disintegrates socially. But then arises a new type of bubble: the power bubble, centralizing power and even morality. Law and police. That can become too much.. so kill the king! Kill the Tzar! Kill the Gvt! And on and on.. Maybe life is like breathing in and out between anarchy and monopoly. Between too much chaos and too much order.

Would you therefor agree that these types of bubbles in the financial industry are more than just natural phenomena we can't do anything about? As natural as those bubbles are, it is as natural to try regulate them making them less destructive. You create a playing field.. limits.. allowing bubbles to bubble and pop without too much damage. You kind of try to domesticate them to serve your needs. At the same time you don't want to domesticate and control too much; you'd end up with a fat poodle sleeping on the couch all day that only costs you money. A dead soup without bubbles. As undesired as a too hot boiling soup that sets the kitchen on fire. Somewhere in between, so me thinks, exist the right mix of controls and let-go... Not static, always adapting to a changing reality. But always staying away from the extremes.

So I'm interested to hear from people like you who know the financial industry inside out, how at this point it best be regulated. Re-regulated. Without taking the oxygen out and regulating it to death.. but also making sure it won't set the house on fire, i.e. try to keep that risk as low as possible.

To just remove government and central banking won't do it for me. It would still be a business like any other business. People don't like to buy baby milk that kills their babies. Or financial products that suddenly blow up in their faces because there were hidden risks not mentioned on the product labels. Where can I go to when a snake oil salesman sold me poison that ruined my life? The court indeed. So there have to be laws.. oversight, monitoring, law enforcement etc. Paint it for me.
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