9/11-type terror allegations resurface in case of lost plane

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9/11-type terror allegations resurface in case of lost plane

Post by Doc »

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... plane.html
Malaysia Airline MH370: 9/11-style terror allegations resurface in case of lost plane

Evidence of a plot by Malaysian Islamists to hijack a passenger jet in a 9/11-style attack is being investigated in connection with the disappearance of Flight MH370
A woman writes on a board of messages and well-wishes dedicated to people involved with the missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner MH370
Left: Saajid Muhammad Badat. Right: A woman writes on a board of messages and well-wishes dedicated to people involved with the missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner MH370 Photo: PA/AP
Robert Mendick

By Robert Mendick, Robert Verkaik in London, Dean Nelson in Kuala Lumpur and Malcolm Moore in Beijing

8:54PM GMT 15 Mar 2014

An al-Qaeda supergrass told a court last week that four to five Malaysian men had been planning to take control of a plane, using a bomb hidden in a shoe to blow open the cockpit door.

Security experts said the evidence from a convicted British terrorist was “credible”. The supergrass said that he had met the Malaysian jihadists – one of whom was a pilot – in Afghanistan and given them a shoe bomb to use to take control of an aircraft.

A British security source said: “These spectaculars take a long time in the planning.”

The possibility of such a plot, hatched by the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers in New York, was bolstered by an admission by Najib Razak, Malaysia’s prime minister, that the Boeing 777’s communications systems had been deliberately switched off “by someone on the plane”.

– Flight MH370 had changed direction and altitude after communications devices had been deliberately disabled;

– The plane flew for up to seven hours after civilian radar lost touch with it;

– An unnamed official briefed that the plane had been hijacked although Mr Najib refused to confirm that was the case;

– The plane flew towards either Indonesia or to Kazakhstan after the transponder and messaging systems were disabled;

– Police searched the homes of both pilots for two hours over concerns one may have switched off the communications systems in a suicide bid;

– Chinese officials accused Malaysia of withholding information in a ratcheting up of diplomatic tensions between the two countries.

In evidence in a court case last Tuesday, Saajid Badat, a British-born Muslim from Gloucester, said that he had been instructed at a terrorist training camp in Afghanistan to give a shoe bomb to the Malaysians.

Giving evidence at the trial in New York of Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, Osama bin Laden’s son-in-law, Badat said: “I gave one of my shoes to the Malaysians. I think it was to access the cockpit.”

Badat, who spoke via video link and is in hiding in the UK, said the Malaysian plot was being masterminded by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the principal architect of 9/11.

According to Badat, Mohammed kept a list of the world’s tallest buildings and crossed out New York’s Twin Towers after the September 11, 2001 attacks with hijacked airliners as “a joke to make us laugh”.

Badat told the court last week that he believed the Malaysians, including the pilot, were “ready to perform an act.”

During the meeting, the possibility was raised that the cockpit door might be locked. Badat told the court: “So I said, 'How about I give you one of my bombs to open a cockpit door?’ ”

The disclosure that Malaysians were plotting a 9/11-style attack raises the prospect that both pilots were overpowered and the plane intended for use as a fuel-filled bomb. One possible target, if the scenario is correct, will have been the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, a symbol of Malaysia’s modernity and the world’s tallest buildings from 1998 until 2004.

Flight MH370 had been heading away from Kuala Lumpur over the South China Sea when it disappeared off civilian radar screens.

Satellites have tracked it returning towards land.

Badat, who was jailed for 13 years in 2005 for his part in a conspiracy with the “shoe bomber” Richard Reid to blow up a transatlantic jet, had given similar evidence in 2012.

In other words, his claims were first made long before the disappearance of Flight MH370.

In the earlier case, during the trial of Adis Medunjanin, an American who was later convicted of conspiring to blow up New York subways, Badat told prosecutors of the Malaysian shoe bomb plot.

Asked what he knew of the Malaysian group, he replied: “I learnt that they had a group, uh, ready to perform a similar hijacking to 9/11.”

Asked if he helped them, he said: “I provided them with one of my shoes because both had been, uh, both had explosives inserted into them.”

Prof Anthony Glees, director of the University of Buckingham’s Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies, said the prospect of an Islamist plot offered one explanation for why the Malaysian authorities “have not been telling us the whole truth”.

Prof Glees said: “I believed this was a hijacking as soon as we were told that the plane had altered its flight path.

“Evidence that it turned back to Malaysia means that this could easily have been a Malaysian Islamist plot to turn the plane into a 9/11-style bomb to fly it into a building in Kuala Lumpur.

“Now we know there is evidence of a Malaysian terror cell with ambitions to carry out such an attack and so this makes it even more credible.”

Prof Glees added: “Islamist terrorists in Malaysia present the country with a really serious political problem. The global repercussions of another 9/11 attack, including grounded aircraft and stock markets crashes, is something no government would want to face.”

James Healy-Pratt, head of aviation at Stuarts Law solicitors, said the lack of information from Malaysian authorities was in stark contrast to the reaction of French officials when an Air France plane – whose black box was not recovered for two years – crashed in the Atlantic in 2009. The lack of information suggested Malaysian authorities may have something to hide.

Mr Healy-Pratt, who represented 50 families in the Air France crash, said: “Compared to Air France there has been very little information given out. Serious questions need to be asked about how this has taken a week to get so little information. If it is terrorism that will have an effect on the Malaysian stock market and local economy.”

Last May, two Malaysian men were arrested for links to al-Qaeda and charged with joining the Tanzim al-Qaeda Malaysia group. In a separate incident two other men from Malaysia were held in Lebanon as they allegedly tried to cross into Syria to join Islamist extremists fighting the Assad regime.

In 2001 Yazid Sufaat, a biochemist and former army captain, was imprisoned for seven years under internal security laws on suspicion of being part of the Jemaah Islamiah network, the terrorist organisation behind a series of bombings in south east Asia including the Bali nightclub massacre in which 202 people were killed in 2002.

Yazid, who was released in 2008, was also suspected of providing lodging for two of the 9/11 hijackers. Malaysian sources, however, insisted Islamic terrorism carried out by Malaysian jihadists is unlikely since the country has only a tiny number of Muslim fundamentalists.

But after a week of wildly fluctuating theories, the admission by Malaysia’s prime minister yesterday that the plane had been deliberately re-routed and flown for hours with communication systems switched off to disguise its flight path provided the most significant clues yet as to what might have happened. Mr Najib stopped short of confirming Flight MH370 had been hijacked.

Mr Najib said in a press conference: “Based on new satellite information, we can say with a high degree of certainty that the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System was disabled just before the aircraft reached the east coast of Peninsular Malaysiapeninsular Malaysia. Shortly afterwards, near the border between Malaysian and Vietnamese air traffic control, the aircraft’s transponder was switched off. From this point onwards, the Royal Malaysian Air Force primary radar showed that an aircraft which was believed – but not confirmed – to be MH370 did indeed turn back. It then flew in a westerly direction back over Peninsular Malaysia before turning northwest.”

The new information appears to rule out previous theories that the plane suffered a sudden mid-air explosion, catastrophic equipment or structural failure, or a crash into the South China Sea.

As a result, the search in the South China Sea was called off and operations concentrated instead on two huge corridors –- one to the north of Malaysia and stretching as far as Kazakhstan and the other to the west across the Indian ocean to Indonesia.

Prior to the press conference, a senior Malaysian military official told one news agency that investigators now believed the plane was commandeered by a “skilled, competent and current pilot” who knew how to avoid radar.

Terrorism was originally suspected as a possible motive when it emerged that two Iranian men, travelling on stolen European passports, had managed to board the aircraft. They were ruled out as refugees trying to reach Europe via China.

All passengers will now be scrutinised again while the focus was also thrown on the plane’s two pilots – Capt Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53, and his First Officer, Fariq Abdul Hamid, 27. Mr Fariq broke post 9/11 security rules by allowing two female passengers into the cockpit on a previous flight.

Witnesses said the two men’s houses were visited by police for two hours yesterday in the hunt for clues. Foreign intelligence agencies are now expected to assist in sifting through the passenger lists to identify suspects.

The pilot and co-pilot because are regarded as the most likely to have the specialist aviation expertise to locate and switch off radar, satellite and other transponders to remove the aircraft from the 'grid’ before changing its direction.

But investigators said there was no evidence against members of the crew and it was possible that some of its passengers also had the knowledge required.

On Saturday, James Wood, the brother of one of the three Americans aboard MH370, said that the Malaysian prime minister's announcement "gives us a little hope, as ironic as that might sound".

"If they're wanting to hurt people they would do it right then and there. But if they're wanting to do something later then at least it gives us hope that there's still life and that we're going to have an opportunity to see our family again," he said.
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Re: 9/11-style terror allegations resurface in case of lost

Post by Doc »

Doc wrote:http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... plane.html
Malaysia Airline MH370: 9/11-style terror allegations resurface in case of lost plane


The primary target appears to be China. If the plane flew south there is nothing but ocean.

https://maps.google.com/maps?q=-30+95&h ... 67&t=h&z=5

To the North is southern Kazakhstan Lots of sparsely populated plains.

https://maps.google.com/maps?q=42,+70&h ... 88&t=m&z=5

The Malaysians put it here:

https://maps.google.com/maps?q=42,+70&h ... 88&t=h&z=8

Lots of dry lake beds.

Malaysian Officials Lead Media to Speculate Missing Plane Could Have Landed Safely
by Matt Wilstein | 12:03 pm, March 15th, 2014 VIDEO 91

With the revelation from Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak that officials in that country “can say with a high degree of certainty” that Malaysia Airlines flight 370 was taken off course by “deliberate action” comes a new sense of hope for the families of the 239 people who were on board when it disappeared. The remote possibility that the plane could have landed safely has begun to emerge as a new media narrative on CNN, which has been the leader of speculation on this story, as well as on other outlets.

In his remarks, Prime Minister Razak did not say anything specific about the possibility that the plane is on land somewhere, only that his government has “conducted search operations over land” in addition to the South China Sea, the Straits of Malacca, the Andaman Sea and the Indian Ocean. But the Malaysian government did release the image below, showing two arcs in red that they say represent the possible last known locations for the flight before its satellite communication was cut. The northern arc goes through western China along extending to eastern Kyrgyzstan:

A subsequent tweet from BBC Myanmar/Burma correspondent Jonah Fisher is gaining a lot of attention for its suggestion that the plane is “most likely” on land somewhere near Chinese/Kyrgyz border:
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Re: 9/11-style terror allegations resurface in case of lost

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Mods, doc, I'm wondering if this can be moved to the main Current Events forum, it seems like it has global implications.
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Re: 9/11-style terror allegations resurface in case of lost

Post by Endovelico »

Could the plane have been high-jacked and some government decided to shoot it down and now refuses to acknowledge it? Shooting a plane down rather than letting another 9/11 happen is definitely within the possibilities.
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Re: 9/11-style terror allegations resurface in case of lost

Post by YMix »

Mr. Perfect wrote:Mods, doc, I'm wondering if this can be moved to the main Current Events forum, it seems like it has global implications.
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Re: 9/11-style terror allegations resurface in case of lost

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Re: 9/11-style terror allegations resurface in case of lost

Post by Doc »

Hoosiernorm wrote:Image
Indeed. No doubt that Dr Strangehair has already pointed out this:

4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42

The plane will be found here


https://www.google.com/maps/place/4%C2% ... :0x0?hl=en
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Re: 9/11-style terror allegations resurface in case of lost

Post by Doc »

Endovelico wrote:Could the plane have been high-jacked and some government decided to shoot it down and now refuses to acknowledge it? Shooting a plane down rather than letting another 9/11 happen is definitely within the possibilities.
The most likely thing that happened is that the one of the pilots took control of the plane He pre-programed the flight path in over the south China sea. Then took the plane to 45,000 feet to kill everyone on board including himself. 777s aren't design to go that high. Rapidly depressurize the cabin or depressurze and cut off the oxygen and everyone is dead. The plane then flew on auto pilot to the south Indian Ocean where it ran out of fuel and crashed in 20,000 some feet of water.
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Re: 9/11-style terror allegations resurface in case of lost

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Maybe landed somewhere, repainted the plane, and trying to sell it :lol: :lol: .. http://www.trade-a-plane.com/

From the start, things looked fishy

If Americans and Russians and Chinese, with all those military satellites that can read a newspaper from the orbit (US claimed this capacity already in 1960's, Nikita Khrushchev time), have missed this plane flying for 8 hrs when alarm bells were going on worldwide and approximate position was known and satellites could be focused on, if those powers still have no clue where the plane is, if so, how could they find a "stealth" bomber or "stealth" ICBM (new ones fly ZigZag) ? ? ?

CNN on 24/7 coverage of this :lol: .. come on

America needs a crisis to generate (rubbish) "content" for all those TV channels

Looks to me a game played .. the plane landed somewhere and they 4got to report

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Re: 9/11-style terror allegations resurface in case of lost

Post by YMix »

Doc wrote:The most likely thing that happened is that the one of the pilots took control of the plane He pre-programed the flight path in over the south China sea. Then took the plane to 45,000 feet to kill everyone on board including himself. 777s aren't design to go that high. Rapidly depressurize the cabin or depressurze and cut off the oxygen and everyone is dead. The plane then flew on auto pilot to the south Indian Ocean where it ran out of fuel and crashed in 20,000 some feet of water.
Why do that instead of just crashing into the ocean/a mountain at high speed?
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Simple Minded

Re: 9/11-style terror allegations resurface in case of lost

Post by Simple Minded »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

CNN on 24/7 coverage of this :lol: .. come on

America needs a crisis to generate (rubbish) "content" for all those TV channels
Putin & Kerry engineered this to distract Merikan attention away from that funny sounding place over there somewhere between Russia and Yurp. ;)

And as you are well aware, both Kerry & Putin are Joos! :)
Simple Minded

Re: 9/11-style terror allegations resurface in case of lost

Post by Simple Minded »

YMix wrote:
Doc wrote:The most likely thing that happened is that the one of the pilots took control of the plane He pre-programed the flight path in over the south China sea. Then took the plane to 45,000 feet to kill everyone on board including himself. 777s aren't design to go that high. Rapidly depressurize the cabin or depressurze and cut off the oxygen and everyone is dead. The plane then flew on auto pilot to the south Indian Ocean where it ran out of fuel and crashed in 20,000 some feet of water.
Why do that instead of just crashing into the ocean/a mountain at high speed?
Cause the aliens wouldn't let them! duh! :)
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Re: 9/11-style terror allegations resurface in case of lost

Post by YMix »

“There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country’s so innocent? Take a look at what we’ve done, too.” - Donald J. Trump, President of the USA
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Easier Way to Die...........

Post by monster_gardener »

YMix wrote:
Doc wrote:The most likely thing that happened is that the one of the pilots took control of the plane He pre-programed the flight path in over the south China sea. Then took the plane to 45,000 feet to kill everyone on board including himself. 777s aren't design to go that high. Rapidly depressurize the cabin or depressurze and cut off the oxygen and everyone is dead. The plane then flew on auto pilot to the south Indian Ocean where it ran out of fuel and crashed in 20,000 some feet of water.
Why do that instead of just crashing into the ocean/a mountain at high speed?
Thank You Very MUCH for your post, YMix.

Possibly because it might be an easier death.......

AIUI hypoxia can put one under VERY quickly.....

Some say in as few as ~3 seconds.......... :shock:

And can feel like getting drunk..... :)

Versus clenched knuckles riding the plane down while screaming "Tawkalt ala Allah"/"I rely on God" :roll:

For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Maybe In the Millenium........ Time Travelers......

Post by monster_gardener »

Simple Minded wrote:
YMix wrote:
Doc wrote:The most likely thing that happened is that the one of the pilots took control of the plane He pre-programed the flight path in over the south China sea. Then took the plane to 45,000 feet to kill everyone on board including himself. 777s aren't design to go that high. Rapidly depressurize the cabin or depressurze and cut off the oxygen and everyone is dead. The plane then flew on auto pilot to the south Indian Ocean where it ran out of fuel and crashed in 20,000 some feet of water.
Why do that instead of just crashing into the ocean/a mountain at high speed?
Cause the aliens wouldn't let them! duh! :)
Thank You VERY Much for your post, Simple Minded.

Doesn't have to be Aliens......

Could be Time Travelers! :shock:
Millennium features a civilization that has dubbed itself "The Last Age". Due to millennia of warfare of every type (nineteen nuclear wars alone), the Earth has been heavily polluted and humanity's gene pool irreparably damaged. They have thus embarked on a desperate plan; time travel into the past, collect healthy humans, and send them to an uncontaminated planet to rebuild civilization.

The time travelers can only take people that will have no further effect on the timeline: those who have vanished without a trace, or died without being observed; otherwise they would be changing the past, which risks a temporal paradox and perhaps even a catastrophic breakdown of the fabric of time. Though they collect everyone they can, they exert a great deal of effort on those destined to die in various disasters such as sinking ships and crashing airplanes (and once a century of Roman soldiers lost and dying in the North African desert). As such incidents leave no survivors to report interference and change the timeline, they can freely remove the living but soon-to-die victims, and replace them with convincing corpses they have manufactured in the future......uses a "time gate" to appear in the bathroom aboard an airplane in flight. Dressed to look like flight attendants, they begin to bluff the passengers into entering the bathroom where they are pushed into the gate, to arrive in the future. After large numbers of people disappear, the remaining passengers become suspicious. The future team then uses special weapons to stun them before throwing them through the gate.

For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Maybe The Twilight Zone or The Langoliers....

Post by monster_gardener »

Hoosiernorm wrote:Image
Thank You Very Much for your post, Hoosier Norm.......

Maybe they passed The Outer Limits ;) and flew into the Twilight Zone :shock:
An unlikely break of the time barrier finds a commercial airliner sent back into the prehistoric age and then to New York City of 1939........en route from London to New York City. About 50 minutes from Idlewild Airport (now called JFK), Captain Farver and his crew notice that their Boeing 707 is drastically increasing speed, repeatedly crossing some kind of barrier. With much of their equipment malfunctioning, including radio communications, they eventually realize they have been thrown back in time when they see no signs of civilization but spot a grazing Sauropod Dinosaur. They increase altitude in an attempt to cross the barrier again and to return to 1961, but arrive above the 1939 New York World's Fair instead. Realizing that they can't land all the passengers in 1939 at LaGuardia Airport, and low on fuel, the captain decides to keep trying to return "home" to 1961. "All I ask is that you remain calm", he informs the passengers over the P.A. system, "...and pray".


Maybe the un-Timely ;) arrival of The Langoliers........ :shock:
On a cross-country red-eye flight from Los Angeles to Boston, ten passengers awaken to find that the crew and most of their fellow passengers have disappeared, leaving the Boeing 767[1] airliner under the control of the autopilot (a Lockheed L-1011 is substituted in the TV adaptation).

The remaining passengers are Brian Engle, an off-duty airline pilot traveling to Boston to attend his ex-wife's funeral; Dinah Bellman, a young blind girl with psychic powers headed to Boston for an operation to restore her sight; fifth-grade teacher Laurel Stevenson, who takes to watching over Dinah; Nick Hopewell, who initially claims to be a "junior attache" and "mechanic" for the British Embassy; Don Gaffney, a retired tool-and-die engineer on a trip to see his grandchild; Rudy Warwick, a perpetually hungry businessman; Albert Kaussner, a talented Jewish teen violinist heading to a prestigious school of the arts; Bethany Simms, a teenager being sent by her family to drug rehab; Bob Jenkins, a successful mystery writer who acts as the voice of logic; and Craig Toomy, an irritable investment banker on the verge of a psychotic breakdown due in part to excessive pressure put on him by his mentally abusive father. They realize that only those who were sleeping at the moment of the event which seems to have occurred - whatever it may have been - are now left on the plane. Engle takes control from the autopilot and lands the plane in Bangor, Maine for safety reasons, despite Toomy's aggressive and angry protests to continue on to Boston.

Upon arrival, the airport is abandoned with no signs of life. Everything seems gloomy; there are no odors, electricity, or echoes anywhere. The weather patterns are motionless, there are rapid shifts from day to night, food and drinks are tasteless, and matches simply sputter out. One by one, beginning with sharp-eared Dinah, they soon hear a "radio static" like sound in the distance. The sound appears to be threatening and dangerous and the group eventually reaches a consensus that they must leave before it arrives. Craig believes it to be "the Langoliers", monsters he was afraid of as a child, who go after those who are lazy and waste time.

Unable to get to his business meeting at Boston's Prudential Tower, Craig snaps, hallucinating his angry, Type A personality father, who tells him that the Langoliers are coming after him and will eat him if he does not get to his business meeting on time. He then takes Bethany as a hostage and shoots Albert, who escapes injury since the bullet from the gun was as "worn down" as everything else in this strange place. Craig is then subdued and tied up by the others.

Bob begins to speculate that they have flown through a "time rip", resembling the aurora borealis, that the airline had earlier spotted over the Mojave Desert. He postulates that the world they are in is the past, a place that forbids time travelers to observe or interfere with past events, instead being a deserted world that time and everything else has left behind. To return to their own time, Bob theorizes, they must fly back through the "rip", which may still be there. However, this seems to be impossible because the plane has little to no fuel remaining and Engle insists that the plane cannot be refueled because the jet fuel is just as "worn out" and "used up" like everything else in the dead world.

Albert soon discovers, by noting how much brighter the plane appears compared to its surroundings, that the plane is the only thing there that has life. He brings in matches from the terminal on to the plane and, after a few failed attempts, is eventually able to successfully light a match. Albert comes to the conclusion that the plane has "present time" and when things from outside are brought on board they eventually catch up to the present time. The survivors work together to refuel the plane to prepare to escape the looming static noise, eventually syphoning the jet fuel from an abandoned Delta Boeing 727 into the Boeing 767 (pumped from an underground fuel tank to the L-1011 in the TV adaptation).

Meanwhile, Craig, now completely insane, escapes and rampages through the airport. Believing the others to be manifestations of the Langoliers, he stabs Dinah in the chest, flees once more, and shortly afterwards kills Mr. Gaffney. Albert disables Craig and leaves him badly injured on the airport floor. Nick comes across the scene and, after calming Albert and sending him back to the plane, is tempted to kill Craig, but is dissuaded at the last moment after reflecting upon an earlier brief discussion with the injured Dinah who insisted Craig must not be killed as they "need him".

While the plane is in its final preparations to depart Bangor, Dinah telepathically communicates with Craig and persuades him that his board meeting is being held on the runway. Craig struggles to make his way outside and hallucinates arriving at the meeting. There, in his mind, he has the breakdown he wished for before his boss and the entire board of directors, screaming that he deliberately cost the company millions of dollars; ensuring his disgrace and firing as a way of relieving the intense pressure he has felt throughout his life, thereby getting even with his father and putting his demons to rest. Craig's father then appears at the meeting table, angry and enraged. Craig confronts his father telling him that he doesn't frighten him anymore and that he made up the story of the Langoliers just to keep him in line. Craig's father smirks at the remarks and then proceeds to summon the monsters.

Two creatures, followed by hundreds more, resembling giant meatball-like monsters expanding and contracting with semicircular caves as mouths and chainsaw-like teeth leaving trails of black nothingness in their wake, emerge from the forest and head for the plane, consuming everything in their paths. Craig flees in terror and heads for the terminal. The first two Langoliers follow him past the plane, eventually catching up to him and tripping him on the ground making him sitting prey. Too injured to get up, Craig pleads to his father that he promises to be a "good boy" if he makes them go away but the Langoliers eat him, anyway. This event, much to the horror of the other passengers who helplessly watch, allows Engle enough time to get the plane moving towards the runway.

In the plane, Bob offers the idea that the Langoliers are the timekeepers of eternity; their purpose is to clean up what is left of the past by eating it and that they themselves and the plane would have been eaten if Dinah had not forced Craig out to attract them. The plane takes off and, as they turn to the west, the passengers watch the rest of the land below falling into a formless, black void. As the aircraft heads back to Los Angeles, they discuss their pasts. Nick reveals himself as a specialist in the British Army, on a mission to assassinate the girlfriend of a Boston politician funding the Irish Republican Army. Dinah speaks to Laurel about how her life is ending happily and being able to see everything; then quietly succumbs to her injuries. Nick confesses his feelings for Laurel and his hopes of a romance with her after returning home. Albert and Bethany reveal a similar attraction to each other. All the characters realize that they have considerable regrets in their pasts and that the trip through the rip has allowed them to come to terms with their actions.

Bob's theory about rediscovering the "time rip" pans out, but at the last moment, averting sure disaster, he realizes that they should be asleep to survive going through the rip again. Nick volunteers to fly the plane through, knowing full well this will cost him his life. He takes a moment to ask Laurel to pass a message to his father, explaining that he, Nick, was going to leave the "business." The cabin pressure is decreased and all but Nick, breathing through an emergency oxygen mask, fall into a deep sleep. Nick vanishes as the plane passes through the rift, leaving only his teeth fillings and an artificial knee behind.

The survivors awaken unharmed, with the exception of nosebleeds caused by the air pressure drop. Seemingly, nothing has changed. The plane lands in a deserted Los Angeles. When they check outside; however, the passengers are able to smell the remains of the burnt jet fuel and they soon again hear a noise. It is not the ominous sound of the Langoliers, but a relaxing hum. Inside the airport, sounds echo and food has taste. Bob and Albert conclude that now the time rift brought them a short distance into the future and that this is not a dead world, but one waiting for the present to catch up. The group takes shelter against a wall to avoid the soon-to-appear human traffic in the airport. They begin to see colors with holograms of people and activity going on. A flash hits them and they find themselves in the present again. The novella and TV adaption ends with the group happy to be back and going outside for some fresh air.
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: 9/11-type terror allegations resurface in case of lost p

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Some interesting conjectures :

http://www.debka.com/article/23764/US-R ... st-attack-

The US, Russia and China Sunday, March 16 contributed their military satellites to the search for the Malaysian Boeing 777, missing without a trace for nine days with 239 people aboard. US drones have also been diverted from the Afghanistan war to the hunt, which is focusing increasingly on the former Soviet republics of Central Asia.


1. The contents of the plane’s cargo :

Did it contain some illicit freight that would have given one or more hijackers a motive to seize control of the plane, force it to land at a remote spot and vanish with their prize ?

That scenario would leave the fate of the passengers and crew up in the air. They may still be alive and marooned in some wild corner of the world.

2. Many parts of the Silk Road nations of Kirgizstan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are broad desert wastelands. They all have abandoned derelict military and air bases left over from the defunct Soviet empire. Military satellites and drones manned by experts have the best chance of pinpointing MH370 in this sort of country.

It is now believed that the last contact with MH370 was beamed from the ground, meaning that the plane had not spent hours aloft but somewhere on land, which is why the Malaysian transport minister disclosed Sunday that the search now covered “areas of land in 11 countries.”

3. The cockpit is being painstakingly searched for clues. One theory is that the hijackers lurked in the plane before the passengers boarded after they were smuggled in through the cargo hold. They may have belonged to the East Turkestan Liberation Organization-ETLO, the Uyghur separatist movement of the northwest Chinese province of Xinjiang.

This conjecture opens up more complex potentials, such as the possible refueling of the airliner for use by the hijackers as an instrument of deadly massacre, echoing the 9/11 atrocities perpetrated by al Qaeda against New York and Washington.

Speculation on those lines has brought the US, Russia and China into the heart of the search and the investigation.

4. Another possibility under consideration is a sudden cyber attack on the plane. These methods are advanced enough these days to control, navigate and bring a large aircraft 75 meters long with a 61-meter wing span like the Boeing 777 down to earth almost intact at a preset location.

Iran, apparently with Chinese expert assistance, managed to bring down the RQ-170 Sentinel, America’s most secret UAV, by this method. The Israeli army downed an Iranian drone launched from Lebanon by an Iranian Revolutionary Guards cyber team in October, 2012.

Loth to expose its advanced cyber capabilities, Israel held to the story that the Iranian drone was shot down by its fighter jets.

If the Malaysian airliner was indeed commandeered by this means, the attackers may not have intended to go all the way and were forced to think fast and decide how to end the episode without leaving incriminating leads behind them. Dumping the plane in a remote place would answer this need.

5. US intelligence and security investigators were focusing Sunday on the two pilots, Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53, who has logged 18,000 flying hrs. on similar aircraft, and co-pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid, 27, for answers to the key conundrums of the mystery.

Both their homes in Kuala Lumpur have been searched. The flight simulator found in the captain’s home is being carefully checked for telltale flight routes.
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Re: 9/11-type terror allegations resurface in case of lost p

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Seems like the crazy pilot theory is starting to degrade; the plane still has to go somewhere. The plane has to go somewhere. That fact seems to invalidate all theories. Where is the plane. If it is in the ocean they would have found it by now. And you can't hide it in any airport.
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Re: 9/11-type terror allegations resurface in case of lost p

Post by Typhoon »

May the gods preserve and defend me from self-righteous altruists; I can defend myself from my enemies and my friends.
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Re: 9/11-type terror allegations resurface in case of lost p

Post by Mr. Perfect »

An electrical system would have triggered the ACARS system.
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Re: 9/11-type terror allegations resurface in case of lost p

Post by Hoosiernorm »

Mr. Perfect wrote:An electrical system would have triggered the ACARS system.
An electrical fire would explain that though.
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Re: 9/11-type terror allegations resurface in case of lost p

Post by Mr. Perfect »

No it wouldn't. Unless every single electrical system became instantly disabled at the same time either ACARS or a simple SOS radio signal would've gone right out.

So this scenarios requires every electrical system to go down instantly at the same time, which is without any explanation. And where is the airplane.
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Re: 9/11-type terror allegations resurface in case of lost p

Post by Simple Minded »

If one applies William of Ockham's Razor, the answer keeps coming up ... Aliens!
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Re: 9/11-type terror allegations resurface in case of lost p

Post by Typhoon »

Simple Minded wrote:
If one applies William of Ockham's Razor, the answer keeps coming up ... Aliens!
I have to disagree. It is Rapture Rupture(tm).

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Re: 9/11-type terror allegations resurface in case of lost p

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

3/19 update

Malaysia confirms it has new radar data on missing plane flying over another country (but won't say where for security reasons)
Malaysia says it has 'some radar data' on missing flight MH370
Officials say they are 'not at liberty' to release data from other countries
Relatives of missing stormed press conference where news was revealed
Distressed family held up banners saying government had 'let them down'
Pilot had programmed a remote island into his home flight simulator
FBI will help analyse any electronic files deleted from the simulator
Search is now underway involving 26 countries in two search 'corridors'
Officials are focusing search on area in southern Indian Ocean
They dismissed previous claims plane was spotted over the Maldives

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... asons.html
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