Zionism | Pro and Con

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Re: Zionism | Pro and Con

Post by Parodite »

Still waiting for your answer HP. I'm holding my breath! What lessons you learned from the past, and why obsess over Israel when the whole world is filled with illegal countries and borders red in tooth and claw?
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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: Zionism | Pro and Con

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Parodite wrote:Still waiting for your answer HP. I'm holding my breath! What lessons you learned from the past, and why obsess over Israel when the whole world is filled with illegal countries and borders red in tooth and claw?

I will, when I have time

in the meantime, have a look here

Zionist Canada bows to the holocaust religion

‘Ottawa has become Israel’s ‘lap poodle’

Harper and his lackeys in Parliament have incessantly praised the apartheid state of Israel (a nation birthed through ethnic cleansing and mass terror) and have vehemently denounced those who challenge or criticize Israeli imperialism and state-terrorism.

by Brandon Martinez

Officials of the Harper regime recently announced the construction of a new “holocaust” monument in Ottawa set to be completed in the fall of 2015.

The winning design for the National Holocaust Monument was unveiled Monday at the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa.

The winning design for the National Holocaust Monument was unveiled Monday at the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa.

“The monument features a large gathering space for ceremonies — with room for 1,000 visitors — enclosed by six triangular, concrete volumes to create the points of a star. … Monochromatic photographs by Burtynsky depicting Holocaust sites will be embedded upon concrete surfaces,” reported the Toronto Star.

Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird addresses the American Jewish Committee (AJC) Global Forum closing plenary in Washington, Wednesday, May 14, 2014. Photo: Cliff Owen/Associated Press

Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird addresses the American Jewish Committee (AJC) Global Forum closing plenary in Washington, Wednesday, May 14, 2014. Photo: Cliff Owen/Associated Press

It should come as no surprise that the Harper regime is backing this new holocaust monument project, considering that the ruling neo-conservatives in Ottawa have openly expressed their adherence to Jewish supremacist ideology on numerous occasions. Harper and his lackeys in Parliament have incessantly praised the apartheid state of Israel (a nation birthed through ethnic cleansing and mass terror) and have vehemently denounced those who challenge or criticize Israeli imperialism and state-terrorism.

At a May 14, 2014, speech before the American Jewish Committee’s Global Forum, Canada’s Foreign Minister John Baird told the room of Zionist fanatics that Israel is a “truly special nation” that is a “great example to the world.” A great example for what? Ethnic cleansing, mass murder and ruthless deception? Not shy to announce his belief in Jewish exceptionalism, the Zionist puppet foreign minister added that Israel is a “most extraordinary society.”
An iconoclastic and controversial new study by Norman G. Finkelstein

An iconoclastic and controversial new study by Norman G. Finkelstein

Many have argued that the holocaust promotion industry is an extortion racket designed to bolster Jewish privilege. By emphasizing Jewish victimhood above that of all other peoples, the Zionists aim to suffocate the public at large underneath a blanket of self-serving propaganda so that evidence of wrongdoing on the part of these tribal zealots will not see the light of day. Not only are Jews today not victims of any sort or underdogs in any sense of the term, they are in fact the most affluent and influential segment of every society in which they live. “Jewish families [are] among the wealthiest families in the United States. According to Forbes, 25 to 30 percent of U.S. multimillionaires and billionaires are Jewish,” noted James Petras in his book The Power of Israel in the United States. A similar situation to the one described by Petras also exists in Canada, Australia, Britain, Germany, France, etc.

The sages and holy men of holocaustianity have endeavored to promote this quasi-religion to the four corners of the earth. Hundreds of holocaust museums, memorials, monuments and research centres have been erected across Europe, Russia, North America, Latin America and even Asia. Hundreds of holocaust-themed films and television shows have been broadcasted throughout the Americas and Europe. Countless books, memoirs and other literature relating to the sacred Shoah have flooded the libraries and bookstores of all Western countries. Dozens of governments have created laws forbidding any revision of the rigid, one-sided narrative engineered by the winners of World War II.

In his book The Holocaust Industry, Jewish scholar Norman Finkelstein labeled these practitioners of professional victimhood “a repellent gang of plutocrats, hoodlums and hucksters.” One such charlatan was Herman Rosenblatt who appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show multiple times and attained a movie deal based on his fallacious fibbing. After admitting that climactic portions of his memoir An Angel at the Fence were manufactured, he unapologetically told ABC News: “It was not a lie because in my imagination I believed it.”

Misha Defonseca Author of fake Holocaust memoir ordered to return $22.5m to publisher. Photo: Sipa Press/Rex

Misha Defonseca Author of fake Holocaust memoir ordered to return $22.5m to publisher. Photo: Sipa Press/Rex

Another holocaust faker, Misha Defonseca, was ordered by a judge to pay back her publisher $22.5 million after it was revealed that her best-selling 1997 memoir, Misha: A Mémoire of the Holocaust Years, was entirely fictional. Defonseca claimed that as a young girl she journeyed across Europe in search of her parents who were taken away to a German concentration camp during WW2, and that amid her search she was taken care of and raised by a pack of wolves who adopted her as one of their own. “It’s not the true reality, but it is my reality,” Defonseca told The Guardian. “There are times when I find it difficult to differentiate between reality and my inner world,” the mythomaniac explained.

Binjamin Wilkomirski’s 1994 holocaust memoir Fragments was exposed as a fraud. He was never interned in any camp and actually lived in neutral Switzerland during the war. Rudolf Vrba admitted on the stand at the Toronto trial of Ernst Zundel in 1985 that his memoir I Cannot Forgive was an “artistic picture” that contained embellishments and exaggerations.
Shimon Peres awarding Nobel Peace Prize recipient Elie Wiesel the Presidential Medal of Distinction, at a ceremony in New York City, November 25, 2013 for preserving memory of Shoah . (photo credit: Mark Neyman/GPO/Flash90)

Shimon Peres awarding Nobel Peace Prize recipient Elie Wiesel the Presidential Medal of Distinction, at a ceremony in New York City, November 25, 2013 for preserving memory of Shoah . (photo credit: Mark Neyman/GPO/Flash90)

Elie Wiesel, the veritable pope of the holocaust religion, has long been suspected of at least partially fabricating his story of survival. In his memoir Night, he tells of how a doctor performed surgery on his infected foot while interned at the “death camp” Auschwitz. One might ask: what is the purpose of a doctor in a “death camp”?

Then, reported Wiesel, he and his sick father chose to evacuate that camp in January of 1945 alongside the retreating German Army and SS-men instead of waiting for the Soviets to arrive.

Miraculously he survived this supposedly “genocidal” ordeal.

Wiesel collects hundreds of thousands of dollars in speaking fees to preach “tolerance” to the world, while simultaneously advocating vicious hatred of German people.

“Every Jew, somewhere in his being, should set apart a zone of hate -healthy virile hate- for what the German personifies and for what persists in the German,” the man once described by the Chicago Tribune as a ‘beacon for human rights’ wrote in his 1968 book Legends of Our Time. The unscrupulous pretender and money-getter has shown callous disregard for the human rights of Palestinians because their oppressors are members of a master class of “chosen people” of which Wiesel is a Learned Elder.

Also not visible on Wiesel’s “human rights” radar are the tens of millions of Russians and Eastern Europeans, mostly Christians, who were starved, shot, tortured and enslaved by the Jewish-dominated Bolshevik regime in Russia. “Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity,” wrote the Israeli journalist Sever Plocker in an op-ed for Ynet News. “Even if we deny it,” the Jewish writer concluded, “we cannot escape the Jewishness of ‘our hangmen,’ who served the Red Terror with loyalty and dedication from its establishment.”

Why have Stalin’s Jewish executioners and secret police torturers not received the same level of scrutiny that the Nazis have? Why have there been no Hollywood movie depictions of what happened in Stalinist Russia? When the subject has been broached, kosher commentators and careerist historians have been reluctant to note the fact that a large percentage of the top officials of the Soviet regime and the post-WW2 communist regimes of Eastern Europe were Jewish chauvinists.

When in 2009 the Ukrainian security service published a list of Soviet and Communist Party officials responsible for the Holodomor – the famine-genocide sponsored by Moscow in 1932 that took the lives of 6-7 million Ukrainians – Jewish groups cried foul, contending that publicizing such a list was a bad idea because most of the names on it were Jewish and would thus cause anti-Jewish sentiments, reported the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Instead of learning about the true nature of this unspeakable crime and the culprits responsible, Ukrainians should just “forget history” — at least that is what the Israeli politician Shimon Peres implored them to do in a 2010 speech.

Ukrainians are commanded by the Zionists to forget their history; as are the Palestinians. But we, the ‘gullible goyim,’ must “never forget” what allegedly happened to the self-styled chosen ones during the Second World War. In this New World Order of Malthusian mayhem and Orwellian mind control, the Zionists hope to lock us in a mental dungeon where unwelcome thoughts are extirpated with ruthless efficiency and cold determination.

Unfortunately for them, the truth can only be hidden from public sight but never extinguished.
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Re: Zionism | Pro and Con

Post by Parodite »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:
Parodite wrote:Still waiting for your answer HP. I'm holding my breath! What lessons you learned from the past, and why obsess over Israel when the whole world is filled with illegal countries and borders red in tooth and claw?

I will, when I have time
You seem to have a lot of time on your hands.
in the meantime, have a look here
:lol: Thanks! My favorite website. Damn.. you fit in there so perfectly HP! ;)

Finkelstein is one of those mixed up Jews who wants Jews and Israelis to be perfect... so perfect... and better than the rest, that he simply can't have it when Jews or Israelis behave as average as any people in the world with their own reservoirs of border-liners, con-men, thiefs, drama queens, making a buck on the holocaust if they can. In the mean time the majority of Jews and Israelis are like any other majority of people; living through the day, work, drink, eat, raise kids, pay bills etc. and don't give a damn what those border-liners do or think. (nor consult HP)
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Re: Zionism | Pro and Con

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


The title of this thread should not include "PRO" .. Zionist is worst than NAZISM, much worst , there is no PRO for it

And you guys defending these criminals

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Re: Zionism | Pro and Con

Post by Parodite »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:CaibEqx2m_k

The title of this thread should not include "PRO" .. Zionist is worst than NAZISM, much worst , there is no PRO for it

And you guys defending these criminals

The IDF claims they were not there with charged ammo.

1. Maybe IDF is lying?
2. Maybe IDF not lying, and shooting was action of vigilante soldier(s)?
3. Maybe kids were shot by other Palestinians in order to blame Israel and put pressure on them?
4. Maybe.. things will be cleared up.
5. Many Israelis (Zionists) demand clarifications from their govt and IDF.. and action taken if IDF soldier(s) did this
6. The disregard for each others humanity is now well known, but there are Israeli (Zionist) groups who together with Palestinian groups seek reconciliation, condemnation of all violence. Again, not all is black and white.

Your use of the word Zionism is peculiar. You just mean the state of Israel. Given that you consider the state of Israel an illegal country that ought not be... and that Iran Grande Royal will put things straight.. a Zionist, the way you use it, is simply anybody who recognizes Israel as a nation state among other nation states who accept each other as such. Since most countries don't see reason nor morals in declaring any other recognized nation as illegal.. the vast majority of the world must be pro-Zionist.

Zionists of course, do criticize the current Israeli gvt. Many Israelis (Zionists) are actually very critical of it. As there are people who criticize the current gang of clerics that autocratically rules Iran and impedes democratic progress, but who will not go as far as saying that Iran is illegal.. or that being pro-Iran means you are supporting Mullah-Nazis.

It all begs the question though, why you are not crying and super angry over Assad massacring thousands of innocent people. He is not as efficient as the Nazis were... and he is certainly not the only gang leader engaging in atrocities now in Syria... but that doesn't change the facts of what he is doing. You are simply selectively outraged... or whitewashing it when it serves your biases. Your moral compass appears totally broken.


Welcome in the Middle East.
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Re: Zionism | Pro and Con

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Parodite, think about "Apartheid South Africa" and "present South Africa"

Said many times (and debated), Israel should be "ONE STATE" like Switzerland, with 2 CANTONS .. Pali Canton & Jewish CANTON .. military should be in hand of Jews for next 50 yrs .. each CANTON should manage it's own affair, laws, parliament, and "governor & government" (like provinces in Canada, States in US) .. the laws in each Canton should respect international laws .. President should alternate, foreign policy must adhere to "Pali & Jewish" interest meaning a Middle Eastern interest foreign policy (as that state would be a ME country) .. each CANTON has her own immigration policy (like Quebec in Canada decides it's own immigration) and and

Notion, people from Estonia and Latvia and Ukraine, chased out of their homes, come to Palestine and do the same what was done to them by you guys, is same as Adolf was doing in "EAST" for "Volk ohne Lebensraum", Adolf too called, population in EAST resisting, terrorist and hang them publicly

In that sense, an "Apartheid Israel" will have same destiny as "Apartheid SA", world has changes and will not accept trying establish facts by force .. Russia would have failed taking-in Crimea if the Crimean people themselves, supervised and validated by international voting team (I think UN), would have not voted to join Russia (hence not a single bullet was fired)


Parodite, aim is not Israel somehow staying put (what you guys call "exists") .. aim is a SAFE and prosperous HOME, in peace not only with it's neighbors but cooperation and being part of, for 100s of yrs to come, being accepted and taken into the family (in ME) .. people who advocate force are no friends of Jewish people and Israel

In that sense, West can not be a mediator, for many reason .. Arabs and Jews are the 2 party of dispute, Turkey (cousins of Attila) does not have the cultural and civilization background .. that leaves only Iran as "HONEST" mediator

Cyrus the Persian episode .. Pomegranates paid for construction of 2nd temple (the Rubbies usurped the money), Pomegranates paid a 2nd time for construction of 2nd temple .. Hebrew tribe mostly settling in Persia after the Babylon episode, entire Persian cities were Jewish, is said at a time 1/3 of Persian population was Jewish .. Judaism as we know today took shape in Persia after Hebrew tribe settled in Persia, Iran has more Jewish "Holly Places" than Israel has .. Iran taking in East European Jews during Hitler Episode, facilitate jews transit to Israel .. Iranian Nation and population consider Iranian Jews (and Christians and Zoroastrians) as equal and treating as such .. and and and many other things of that nature

All the above makes Iran the only HONEST mediator between Jews and Arabs

Now Iran is taking over leadership for NEW Middle East and FIXING the Israel issue would VALIDATE Iranian leadership credential

Israel, Ashkenazim have realized this, looks America too realized this, Saudi coming back from cold (after being defeated in Syria, they invited Zarif to Jeddha)

China and Persian Nation comin back

Simple Minded

Re: Zionism | Pro and Con

Post by Simple Minded »

I heard a great line the other day from Adam Corolla:

"Where are the people complaining about the lack of Jewish roofers?"
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Re: Zionism | Pro and Con

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Simple Minded wrote:I heard a great line the other day from Adam Corolla:

"Where are the people complaining about the lack of Jewish roofers?"
Their union demand that each work crew include a fiddler is pricing them out of the market. I guess capitalism just doesn't value tradition.
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Simple Minded

Re: Zionism | Pro and Con

Post by Simple Minded »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:
Simple Minded wrote:I heard a great line the other day from Adam Corolla:

"Where are the people complaining about the lack of Jewish roofers?"
Their union demand that each work crew include a fiddler is pricing them out of the market. I guess capitalism just doesn't value tradition.
As usual, the consumer is the driver. The concept of Big Roofing controlled by the Builderburgers is a myth!

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Re: Zionism | Pro and Con

Post by Typhoon »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:
Simple Minded wrote:I heard a great line the other day from Adam Corolla:

"Where are the people complaining about the lack of Jewish roofers?"
Their union demand that each work crew include a fiddler is pricing them out of the market. I guess capitalism just doesn't value tradition.
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Re: Zionism | Pro and Con

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Typhoon wrote:
Nonc Hilaire wrote:
Simple Minded wrote:I heard a great line the other day from Adam Corolla:

"Where are the people complaining about the lack of Jewish roofers?"
Their union demand that each work crew include a fiddler is pricing them out of the market. I guess capitalism just doesn't value tradition.

:lol: :lol:
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Re: Zionism | Pro and Con

Post by Parodite »

The belief that Jews control or try control the world... is enough to give them enormous power. Therefore, the anti-Semite is the Jew's best friend and will even fix his roof when needed. That seems to explain it sufficiently dodnt it. :P
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