White privilege

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Re: White privilege

Post by manolo »

Simple Minded wrote:
Look on the bright side. In certain nations, cities, counties, or neighborhoods, you would be considered the other.

The binoids are always going to use two variables to define.

Yes, I've been on the wrong end of snobbery. They picked up on my slight Northern accent. I don't try to modify the accent, but it has softened over the years in education. Foreigners never notice, but the English bourgeois have a keen hunting nose.

Simple Minded

Re: White privilege

Post by Simple Minded »

manolo wrote:

Yes, I've been on the wrong end of snobbery. They picked up on my slight Northern accent. I don't try to modify the accent, but it has softened over the years in education. Foreigners never notice, but the English bourgeois have a keen hunting nose.


Thanks for verifying what I have often heard from my British friends. Over there, accent and perceived class trump other variables. The good news is that choosing to be a snob is optional, how others perceive you is their choice.

I would be interested in your opinion of Thomas Sowell's book White Liberals Black Rednecks. He writes that southern US redneck culture (for both whites and blacks) is the result of Northern Brits settling in the southern US, while southern Brits settled in the northern US. He thinks much of what is perceived as racism in the US is still the remnants of southern British snobbery.

Of course, TV shows like Andy of Mayberry, Hee Haw, and the Beverly Hillbillies reflected the stereotypes that southern Americans are inferior.
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Re: White privilege

Post by manolo »

Simple Minded wrote: Of course, TV shows like Andy of Mayberry, Hee Haw, and the Beverly Hillbillies reflected the stereotypes that southern Americans are inferior.

It's not just Southern Americans. I quoted a Chicago philosopher in my M.Phil thesis and was advised to replace him with Kant. More credibility. :o

Simple Minded

Re: White privilege

Post by Simple Minded »

manolo wrote:
Simple Minded wrote: Of course, TV shows like Andy of Mayberry, Hee Haw, and the Beverly Hillbillies reflected the stereotypes that southern Americans are inferior.

It's not just Southern Americans. I quoted a Chicago philosopher in my M.Phil thesis and was advised to replace him with Kant. More credibility. :o

Intellectual snobbery in Academia? Shirley you jest!

I would imagine a random population of 10,000 or so (medium size college?) would be large enough to display all positive and negative aspects of humans in general.
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Re: White privilege

Post by manolo »

Simple Minded wrote:
Intellectual snobbery in Academia? Shirley you jest!

I would imagine a random population of 10,000 or so (medium size college?) would be large enough to display all positive and negative aspects of humans in general.

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Re: White privilege

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


The speech of President Mugabe ! .. True Story :lol:

1. Racism will never end as long as white cars are still using black tyres.
2. Racism Will never end as long we still wash first white clothes, then other colours later.
3. Racism will never end if people still use black to symbolise bad luck and WHITE for peace!
4. Racism will never end if people still wear white clothes to weddings and black clothes to funerals.
5. Racism will never end as long as those who don't pay their bills are blacklisted not White listed. Even when playing the pool (snooker), you haven't won until you sink the black ball, and the white ball must remain on the table.


(Mugabe speech)

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Re: White privilege

Post by Doc »

"race" is a social-political construct The Idea of different "races" of humans has no scientific basis. Using "race" as a verb is to label oneself as "racist" culturally. People can't change who their parents were but they can join different cultures from the ones they are born to. Even a culture of "racism"
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Re: White privilege

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Racial privilege is used to obfuscate class conflicts. Race and gender battles are irrational, and prevent a material assessment of conflicts. The white, male Americans who face the brunt of the accusations belong to the middle class and lower. No one ever confronts the Marc Zuckerbergs of the world on their privilege in any sort of consequential way. Sure, you'll get the click-bait articles occasionally that mention them by name. You may even get some protests (which are usually started in impotence by those more upset about appearances of imbalance than anything of substance. But nothing is ever done about it.

And maybe a Zuckerberg is too big of a target, but if you work down from there (or start at Harvard, ) there are certain upper class signals that deflect this sort of confrontation away from people who have power and prestige. "He went to Harvard (or he has money), he can't be racist," is not an uncommon refrain in my experience. While stigmatizing racial animosity or racial preference as low class, the wealthy have been very adept at using it to cudgel those below them to fight each other and maintain their power.
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Re: White privilege

Post by Doc »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote:Racial privilege is used to obfuscate class conflicts. Race and gender battles are irrational, and prevent a material assessment of conflicts. The white, male Americans who face the brunt of the accusations belong to the middle class and lower. No one ever confronts the Marc Zuckerbergs of the world on their privilege in any sort of consequential way. Sure, you'll get the click-bait articles occasionally that mention them by name. You may even get some protests (which are usually started in impotence by those more upset about appearances of imbalance than anything of substance. But nothing is ever done about it.

And maybe a Zuckerberg is too big of a target, but if you work down from there (or start at Harvard, ) there are certain upper class signals that deflect this sort of confrontation away from people who have power and prestige. "He went to Harvard (or he has money), he can't be racist," is not an uncommon refrain in my experience. While stigmatizing racial animosity or racial preference as low class, the wealthy have been very adept at using it to cudgel those below them to fight each other and maintain their power.
I think people like Zuckerburg make a lot of money by giving the impression that they are cool because they are not "racist".
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: White privilege

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Why are white people expats
the rest of us
are immigrants ?


In the lexicon of human migration there are still hierarchical words, created with the purpose of putting white people above everyone else.

One of those remnants is the word “expat”.

What is an expat ?

And who is an expat ?

According to Wikipedia,

“an expatriate (often shortened to expat) is a person temporarily or permanently residing in a country other than that of the person’s upbringing. The word comes from the Latin terms ex (‘out of’) and patria (‘country, fatherland’)”.

Defined that way, you should expect that any person going to work outside of his or her country for a period of time would be an expat, regardless of his skin colour or country. But that is not the case in reality; expat is a term reserved exclusively for western white people going to work abroad.

Africans are immigrants.

Arabs are immigrants.

Asians are immigrants.

However, Europeans are expats because they can’t be at the same level as other ethnicities.

They are superior.

Immigrants is a term set aside for ‘inferior races’.

Don’t take my word for it.

The Wall Street Journal, the leading financial information magazine in the world, has a blog dedicated to the life of expats and recently they featured a story ‘Who is an expat, anyway?’.

Here are the main conclusions :

“Some arrivals are described as expats; others as immigrants; and some simply as migrants. It depends on social class, country of origin and economic status. It’s strange to hear some people in Hong Kong described as expats, but not others. Anyone with roots in a western country is considered an expat … Filipino domestic helpers are just guests, even if they’ve been here for decades. Mandarin-speaking mainland Chinese are rarely regarded as expats … It’s a double standard woven into official policy.”

The reality is the same in Africa and Europe.

Top African professionals going to work in Europe are not considered expats.

They are immigrants. Period.

“I work for multinational organisations both in the private and public sectors. And being black or coloured doesn’t gain me the term “expat”. I’m a highly qualified immigrant, as they call me, to be politically correct,” says an African migrant worker.

Most white people deny that they enjoy the privileges of a racist system.

And why not ?

But our responsibility is to point out and to deny them these privileges, directly related to an outdated supremacist ideology. If you see those “expats” in Africa, call them immigrants like everyone else. If that hurts their white superiority, they can jump in the air and stay there. The political deconstruction of this outdated worldview must continue.

:lol: ... true

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Re: White privilege

Post by noddy »

satire ?
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Re: White privilege

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

noddy wrote:satire ?

noddy, last you were sayin you came to Australia

You immigrant or ex-pat ? :)

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Re: White privilege

Post by manolo »


I think it is beyond question that a white face is a great advantage in the Western world. This (before I am accused) is not a moral prescription, but an observable fact.

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Re: White privilege

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

manolo wrote:Folks,

I think it is beyond question that a white face is a great advantage in the Western world. This (before I am accused) is not a moral prescription, but an observable fact.


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Re: White privilege

Post by noddy »

manolo wrote:Folks,

I think it is beyond question that a white face is a great advantage in the Western world. This (before I am accused) is not a moral prescription, but an observable fact.

for this word to mean something this quality must be unique to white people which it isnt.

blahs with the right connections do best in blahistan, everyone else is an outsider - this is true of every culture on the planet most of the time, except when an outsider has qualities that impress the locals, which is a rarer event.

we used to have other words which didnt come out of loony tunes victim school which dealt with this subject, like nepotism.

in melanesia its not acutally good enough to be melanesian and look and talk the same, you must also come from the same village or near by.
Simple Minded

Re: White privilege

Post by Simple Minded »

noddy wrote:
manolo wrote:Folks,

I think it is beyond question that a white face is a great advantage in the Western world. This (before I am accused) is not a moral prescription, but an observable fact.

for this word to mean something this quality must be unique to white people which it isnt.

blahs with the right connections do best in blahistan, everyone else is an outsider - this is true of every culture on the planet most of the time, except when an outsider has qualities that impress the locals, which is a rarer event.

we used to have other words which didnt come out of loony tunes victim school which dealt with this subject, like nepotism.

in melanesia its not acutally good enough to be melanesian and look and talk the same, you must also come from the same village or near by.
I hear that in some cultures, rather than use fingerprints to catch the criminals, they use carbon footprints........
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Re: White privilege

Post by noddy »

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Re: White privilege

Post by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits »

Have we decided to discuss cis-privilege, yet?.......'>>..........
She irons her jeans, she's evil.........
Simple Minded

Re: White privilege

Post by Simple Minded »

Miss_Faucie_Fishtits wrote:Have we decided to discuss cis-privilege, yet?.......'>>..........
This pretty much covers it:

12.Wronging me is taken seriously*
1.Those who wrong me are expected to know that it is hurtful, and are considered blameworthy whether or not they intended to wrong me.
2.I have easy access to people who understand that this wrong is not acceptable, and who will support me.
3.I have easy access to resources and people to educate someone who wronged me, if I am not feeling up to it.
4.If I am being wronged, I can expect that others who are around will notice.

I suspect a lot of it boils down to most "offenders" are not psychic enough to read the minds of the "offendees" much of the time. And if they were, they probably decided not to, shortly after they started.

The offendees really need to speak up more. Otherwise, most of the time, we either won't notice them, or not realize how special they are.

I look forward to the day when we all become less sensitive, less empathetic, more indifferent and say "F**k you!" as often as we did in the good ole days.......
Last edited by Simple Minded on Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Simple Minded

Re: White privilege

Post by Simple Minded »

Simple Minded wrote:
I hear that in some cultures, rather than use fingerprints to catch the criminals, they use carbon footprints........
and of course, we all know what color carbon is..... right?
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Re: White privilege

Post by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits »

Simple Minded wrote:
Miss_Faucie_Fishtits wrote:Have we decided to discuss cis-privilege, yet?.......'>>..........
This pretty much covers it:

12.Wronging me is taken seriously*
1.Those who wrong me are expected to know that it is hurtful, and are considered blameworthy whether or not they intended to wrong me.
2.I have easy access to people who understand that this wrong is not acceptable, and who will support me.
3.I have easy access to resources and people to educate someone who wronged me, if I am not feeling up to it.
4.If I am being wronged, I can expect that others who are around will notice.

I suspect a lot of it boils down to most "offenders" are not psychic enough to read the minds of the "offendees" much of the time. And if they were, they probably decided not to, shortly after they started.

The offendees really need to speak up more. Otherwise, most of the time, we either won't notice them, or not realize how special they are.

I look forward to the day when we all become less sensitive, less empathetic, more indifferent and say "F**k you!" as often as we did in the good ole days.......
hurr, yeah........ but you left out :

1a. It is your responsibility to know or find out what is wrong by me. In other words, edumacate yerself yeh fookin' dumb barstid......;)...........


1b. Claiming to make inquiry by mental telepathy is deemed mockery and insensitive to telekinetic-enabled individuals. Stahp it...........
She irons her jeans, she's evil.........
Simple Minded

Re: White privilege

Post by Simple Minded »

Miss_Faucie_Fishtits wrote:
hurr, yeah........ but you left out :

1a. It is your responsibility to know or find out what is wrong by me. In other words, edumacate yerself yeh fookin' dumb barstid......;)...........


1b. Claiming to make inquiry by mental telepathy is deemed mockery and insensitive to telekinetic-enabled individuals. Stahp it...........
c'mon now kitten. You know me well enough by now to know that I would never do or say anything that would offend a smoking hot mama like yerself! ;)

Be real sugar britches! Its not that I don't know what might offend you, but that I consider you emotionally mature enough to deal with fookin' dumb barstids. I can't be the first one you have ever met. :)

Have you considered praying to noddy, the patron saint of indifference, for guidance?

Regarding psychics, I actually know a couple. I've given up on trying to filter my thoughts when I am around them. I just console myself with thinking I'm probably not as deranged as most people they come into contact with on a regular basis.
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Re: White privilege

Post by noddy »

below the cis checklist, first serious comment.
Cissexual privilege is the privilege of having a body that matches the sex your brain expects.
im opressed, i knew it.
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Re: White privilege

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Is it politically correct to call cissexuals cissies?
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Re: White privilege

Post by noddy »

i thought the correct word was teenagers, which as traditional are full of hormones, curiosity and uncertainty, a potent brew.

i must admit to loving the 'im moar sensitive than joo' social justice warrior thing- the earnest knight in shining armour never gets old
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