
Mr. Perfect
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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Ibrahim wrote: Actually the rhetoric from GOP candidates on defense is pretty shocking. They all roundly criticize Obama for being soft and undercutting the military, when in fact he has expanded direct action against suspected terrorists,
There is no evidence to support this, it's just an MSM impression.
and increased defense spending every year (though mostly due to prior commitments). And they all claim that Obama is weak on Iran, when he has stated that all military options are still "on the table" and that Iran's nuclear ambitions are "unacceptable."
He also promised to close Gitmo in 1 year (along with many other things) and of course...
So if the current GOP candidates still think Obama is a big liberal pussy its difficult to imagine the scope of international murder that these candidates hope to institute should they win the Presidency. Sane American voters are forced to choose between awful and worse than awful.
I think it is honest (GOP) vs. less than honest.
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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by Mr. Perfect »

AzariLoveIran wrote: reason this sort of things regularly happen, is, west does not consider Afghan, Iraqi, Libyan, Palestinians and and and as humans .. Abu Ghoreib mentality .. like Germans thought of Russians and Ukrainians .. a level below humans

one can not create an image of that space at home, in western media, and, expect, the kids rounded up on the street and sent to Afghanistan to kill behave as Mr. Gentleman

Look how America's presidential GOP candidates talk so easily about bombing Iran .. or that durian Giuliani

Newt Gingridge saying Islam lavender, media , Zionist saying Muslim terrorist, that clown Santorum (winning Kansas landslide) and wondering why they burn Koran in Afghanistan

what do you expect ?
Az, this cake was baked a very long time ago, afraid our iranin/muslim friends dramatically misplayed their hands, out smarted by tribal forces at every turn. Time to reap the rewards/whirlwhind I'm afraid.

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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »

Mr. Perfect wrote:.
AzariLoveIran wrote:.

reason this sort of things regularly happen, is, west does not consider Afghan, Iraqi, Libyan, Palestinians and and and as humans .. Abu Ghoreib mentality .. like Germans thought of Russians and Ukrainians .. a level below humans

one can not create an image of that space at home, in western media, and, expect, the kids rounded up on the street and sent to Afghanistan to kill behave as Mr. Gentleman

Look how America's presidential GOP candidates talk so easily about bombing Iran .. or that durian Giuliani

Newt Gingridge saying Islam lavender, media , Zionist saying Muslim terrorist, that clown Santorum (winning Kansas landslide) and wondering why they burn Koran in Afghanistan

what do you expect ?

Az, this cake was baked a very long time ago, afraid our iranin/muslim friends dramatically misplayed their hands, out smarted by tribal forces at every turn. Time to reap the rewards/whirlwhind I'm afraid.



Yes, MP, cake took 65 yrs to bake

Now America in to the eyeballs

and sinkin

said many times

things done

pack and leave as long as you can leave from tarmac .. unless you craving to escape (again) from the roof

pack, take Rhubarb, and leave, before the Untermensch gets you :lol:

You have no chance

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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Well Az, the west will never leave the ME I'm afraid, ME countries will not let us. Nearly every country begs us to stay, need help, advisors and so forth. i don't like it any more than you, but is the reality for the foreseeable future.
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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »

Mr. Perfect wrote:.

Well Az, the west will never leave the ME I'm afraid, ME countries will not let us. Nearly every country begs us to stay, need help, advisors and so forth. i don't like it any more than you, but is the reality for the foreseeable future.

Ever since its creation, the US has had a role to play in combat operations worldwide. Today the country’s public opinion is dominated by warfare, making American society all-too-easily manipulated and turned against practically any country.

­The US has a strong record of persuading the public that war is the only way.

A military industrial complex worth billions of dollars is largely America’s driving force. Deeply rooted in the system, it would serve no purpose if there was no one to fight.

“If there were no more enemies left, there would be a loss of a sense of mission,” anti-war activist and journalist Don Bebar told RT.

Serving Americans are on permanent stand-by to deploy to battle zones on command.

“The US army flag has 183 campaign ribbons on it. Those 183 ribbons each represent wars,” Iraq war veteran Matthis Chiroux from New York shared with RT.

“When you compare that to the 236 years that we’ve actually been around as a country, you’re talking about a war on average of once every year and three months,” he calculated.

As a consequence of the American bellicosity in general, Matthis Chiroux is now soothing his nerves in company with 170,000 American soldiers suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.

The US always has a bone to pick with one enemy after another. For nearly half a century it was the Soviet Union.

“The communist threat was the most useful enemy. Where legitimate, and where completely fantastical, it was always available as a global conspiracy against which to justify anything,” Roots Action campaigner David Swanson told RT.

With the Cold War declared over, the list keeps expanding to smaller antagonists.

So it was with Saddam Hussein’s Iraq in 1991, when then President George H. W. Bush Sr. announced that “Allied forces began an attack on military targets in Iraq and Kuwait.”

Or with the former Yugoslavia, to which former President Bill Clinton signed a sentence in 1999 by announcing that the American Air Force was conducting “Air strikes against Serbian forces.”

Then it was ex-President George W. Bush, who was let off the leash after 9/11 terror attacks and announced a global War on Terror symbolized by Al-Qaeda. He started by invading Afghanistan in 2001 and continued with the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

In 2003, the US Air Force was “Striking selective targets of military importance to undermine Saddam Hussein’s ability to wage war,” announced George W. Bush, meaning that waging wars is an exclusive privilege of the chosen mighty ones.

Ultimately, it has been current President Barack Obama, who was elected on promises to end wars, but now looks forward to military conflict with Iran after lending a hand in toppling the regime of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi in Libya. As in previous cases, last spring he made a characteristic “We hit Gaddafi’s air defenses” statement on the American TV.

With a defense budget that surpasses the military expenditure of all other countries combined, no other nation drums up war as consistently as America.

“While people are still responding and recovering from the violence that’s been committed in one place, or even in the same place, we’re launching new operations and more atrocities in different parts of the world,” acknowledged war correspondent Keith Harmon Snow.

So Fox News cannot but reiterate that Iran is the biggest threat, Syria is a minor threat, Russia is a traditional threat and China is an emerging threat.

That makes America's top brass state that a strike on Tehran is in the planning stages.

It also makes the US President Obama latest quest for diplomacy with Iran over its nuclear program look derisive in the face of a pending military confrontation.

Year in, year out, Americans are convinced that the US has to remain on the defensive.

“We’re petrified of death by terrorism. Shoot, I think a lot of Americans wish we’d spend more money on war,” veteran Matthis Chiroux confessed.

Finding the next target is never difficult.

Campaigner David Swanson says “We are inventing the nation of Iran as an enemy, as a threat to the United States, as a possessor of nuclear weapons it does not possess, a nation that has not attacked another in literally centuries, and has no capability or desire to attack ours.”

RT's Anastasia Churkina asked people on the streets of New York “Which country is the US going to be in a war with next?”

The most common answer she got was “Iran.”

The US has been picking and choosing which countries to intervene in for centuries. As the list of nations the US loves to hate expands, the concept that no war at all is also an option seems to have been forgotten.

Mr. Perfect, seems Iraq did not ring a bell .. and .. no nation in history has won in Afghanistan

so, recommendation is

don't overstay your welcome

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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Az, you are speaking to the choir, I have advocate for full withdrawal from ME since, I don't know, 2006 or so.

But, we are in many countries because of the host country; at their request.

Afghanistan though is about BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA; and the factions supporting him.

Obama campaigned on AFG as "the smart war", even though Bin Laden cleared out ages ago. He surged AFG troops, more US troops died there under a couple of years of BHO then entire Bush term; spending as much money as Bush on occupation.

US MSM used to howl and scream about Bush wars in ME, Obama elected put his wars on back burner even though Obama deployed as much troops and money as Bush. US "antiwar"groups went silent, as well as Euro "antiwar" left, as well as ME "antiwar". All went silent. Obama continued his quest for glory, for a war nobody knows anything about anymore, with no discernible purpose, with no discernible outcome before us.

so, people not happy now? Well, little room for complaining. All factions I addressed above, been totally silent, gave Obama free reign, now chickens are roosting as Rev Wright would say.

This is Obama's mess now.

Why are we there? What are we spending the money for? Why are our soldiers dying? Why does Obama remain silent on the purpose of the war there and all other aspects of the war? Why is Tinker silent? Why are anti-war Democrats silent? Why is Europe silent? Why is Iran silent? Why do ME peoples no longer protest US presence in AFG?

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Never Doubt the Power of Stupidity

Post by monster_gardener »

AzariLoveIran wrote:.

. . senior members of the Western-trained and financed Afghan National Army and Afghan National Police plan to defect with vast numbers of their colleagues to the militants once foreign forces start to leave the country

What a lavender .. what a disaster

Meet the new "Mullah Omar" Army :lol: :lol:

nearly Trillion dollars spent training and arming Afghan military and police .. and they change to Mullah Omar


Well-placed sources in the Taliban who are based in the Pakistan tribal region on the border with Afghanistan have told Asia Times Online on the condition of anonymity that massive numbers from both the ANA and the ANP will switch and join the Taliban on the eve of the scheduled withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan.

"As many as 32 policemen of the puppet Afghan army have already switched sides and joined the mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate in Wardaj, Badakhshan province [in the northeast of Afghanistan], handing their weapons over to the mujahideen and vowing to fight against the invading forces and their minions," a Taliban member told Asia Times Online.


wouldn't wonder if Mullah Omar, like Paki, get F-16 and and and

what a disaster

what the genuflect were Nato and American dead for ? and nearly a Trillion Dollars into toilet

seems all was a scam by MIC to fleece Joe

shieeeet :)


Thank you Very Much for your Post, Azari.

Largely agree except I give more credit to stupidity.

With leaders like Add-Dumb ;) :( ,Bush W, lifting his power sword saying "By the Power of NumbSkull" ;) :( "I will nation build and Democratize get a result that MAY be even worse than you would get with Orko :wink: running things........

We need to pull out and take all our equipment with US whether the transport costs more than the value or not .......... Perhaps leave some for whatever remains non corrupt of the Northern Alliance who don't want to be evacuated with US to continue the tribal wars with
the BashToons :twisted: oops I mean Pashtun Taliban Tallywackers...........

from the comments............
Tim Rawlins · Top Commenter · VCA
It's going to be ugly. Too many murders and insults to Afghani (sic) pride by the Amerikans. It will go beyond payback for real sins, and extend to perceived wrongs of shamed Pasthtuni manhood. These all require PAYBACK. Since the Amerikans are leaving, its perceived collaborators who going to have their testicles cut off and stuck in their mouths (probably literally). USA prepare for a flood of political refugees. NGOs, prepare to get the hell out of there. Afghanistan, get ready to go back all the way to the 13th century. Wish I was wrong, but no way Afghanistan will be able to rebuild on the base of a TOURISM economy. Will that ever evolve into a caliphate? Nope. Its a horrible pointless, wasteful smouldering brush fire that will smoke away for a decade. Beyond that, Afghanistan will be ready for the 21st century somewhere in... the middle of the 22nd. Blame Amerika? I seriously don't know if we can. As far as I can see most Amerikans are not actively malicious. Just stupid as genuflect, and always using heavy machinery when its linguistic nuances that are needed. Afghanistan was just business as usual for the corporate war machine, a total waste of time and money and a distraction from a dozen more important problems. Amerikans being dumb as genuflect, as they do. Never mind. Amerika has its own internal blowback when the war vets go home and x% end up becoming murderers back in the USA (as they do). Is human society ever going to transcend its present retarded level? Not with a world leading 'superpower' lead by morons such as we have now.See More
Largely my sentiments but I believe heavy machinery can be properly used.... Heavy Machinery was used against US on September 11..

Think Al Queda and the Tallywackers were trying to Nation DE-Build rather than Nation-Build........ Simpler........ Cheaper........

Andy Jackson knew this when dealing Muslim pirates "chastise sharply" ........ Break & Leave......... Repeat as Necessary & Rinse....
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »

Mr. Perfect wrote:.

This is Obama's mess now.

Why are we there? What are we spending the money for? Why are our soldiers dying? Why does Obama remain silent on the purpose of the war there and all other aspects of the war? Why is Tinker silent? Why are anti-war Democrats silent? Why is Europe silent? Why is Iran silent? Why do ME peoples no longer protest US presence in AFG?

Why ?

come on MP, don't act innocent

Obama cleaning up W.Bush mess

why you in Afghanistan ?

ask Bush/Chaney

why they killing your soldiers ?

because you killing their woman and children

why is Europe silent ?

Europe & you in the same boat

Why Iran silent ?

:lol: .. you doing a good job, to discredit west in that space

Iran watching and laughing

same you did when Saddam was killing Iranians

@ the end, you have spent Trillions of $$$ and so many casualty .. and .. same destiny as Russians went through in that space

Hand it over to Ahmadienjat and get it over .. same as Iraq

Joe had it

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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by Zack Morris »

What I find most interesting about this tragedy that happened in Afghanistan are the reactions on different web sites. For instance, Al Jazeera vs. WSJ vs. New York Times. I was not surprised at the condemnation of America on Al Jazeera but the garbage being spewed on the WSJ comment section confirms to me the moral bankruptcy of Republicans in this country.
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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by Typhoon »

Zack Morris wrote:What I find most interesting about this tragedy that happened in Afghanistan are the reactions on different web sites. For instance, Al Jazeera vs. WSJ vs. New York Times. I was not surprised at the condemnation of America on Al Jazeera but the garbage being spewed on the WSJ comment section confirms to me the moral bankruptcy of Republicans in this country.
Demonizing one's enemy is a standard method in which one tribe of humans rationalizes doing terrible things to another tribe of humans.

What is interesting is the paranoia and fear level of parts of the US population.

Based on typical statements, one would think that the US is facing a 21st century version of Suleiman the Magnificient backed by a military-industrial complex comparable to that of the US, rather than the Afghan equivalent of a group of tough and hardy Appalachian hillbillies.
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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by Parodite »

Any hillbilly can do serious harm now. There are no borders and distance stopped to be a problem. Information in the how-to-do sections of the Internet provide for the DIY how to kill community. So what matters and what scares people, is when people hate other groups or nations so much they seem to be willing to go extremely far in applying the most atrocious and blind violence.
Deep down I'm very superficial

Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »


'Several drunk troops behind bloodbath, laughed on shooting-spree, burned corpses'

Gruesome new details are surfacing after 16 Afghan villagers including nine children were shot in their houses by at least one US serviceman. Witnesses to the atrocity now say that several drunken American soldiers were involved.

­Neighbors at the village where the killings took place said they were awoken past midnight by crackling gunfire:

"They were all drunk and shooting all over the place," Reuters cites Agha Lala, a villager in Kandahar's Panjwayi district.

Lala's neighbor Haji Samad lost all of his 11 relatives in the rampage, including children and grandchildren. He claims Marines “poured chemicals over their dead bodies and burned them.”

Twenty-year-old Jan Agha says the gunfire “shook him out of bed.” He was in the epicenter of the horrible shooting, witnessing his father shot as the latter peered out of a window to see what was going on.

"The Americans stayed in our house for a while. I was very scared," the young man told reporters.

Lying on a floor, Agha says, he pretended to be dead.

He added that his brother was shot in his head and chest. His sister was killed as well. “My mother was shot in her eye and her face. She was unrecognizable,” he said.

A preliminary official report says the alleged unnamed culprit acted alone and is now in custody after turning himself in at an American base.

A senior US defense official in Washington blasted witness accounts that several apparently drunk soldiers were involved as “flatly wrong.”

The Afghan parliament said the incident was barbaric and demanded justice. Both NATO and US officials condemned the violence, promising a swift investigation.

US troops in Afghanistan have been put on high alert as the Taliban has issued a threat vowing “to take revenge from the invaders and the savage murderers for every single martyr.”

The statement published on the group’s website said that the US is “arming lunatics in Afghanistan who turn their weapons against the defenseless Afghans.”

Mr. Perfect

Don't bother

Just pack, take Rhubarb, hand key to Ahmadinejat .. and leave

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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by Typhoon »

Parodite wrote:Any hillbilly can do serious harm now. There are no borders and distance stopped to be a problem. Information in the how-to-do sections of the Internet provide for the DIY how to kill community. So what matters and what scares people, is when people hate other groups or nations so much they seem to be willing to go extremely far in applying the most atrocious and blind violence.
For example?
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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by Zack Morris »

Typhoon wrote: Demonizing one's enemy is a standard method in which one tribe of humans rationalizes doing terrible things to another tribe of humans.
Sure but the Afghan people aren't being demonized over here. Mocked and derided for their backwardness, sure, but not demonized. The sentiment that the soldier who commited these crimes is a hero who should be awarded medals for his "bravery" stems from more than just tribalism (although that is a part of it): frustration, lack of empathy, lack of perspective. For the average American who has suffered nothing as a result of these wars, frustration is a poor excuse. What worries me is that the one-dimensional political dialogue in the US that lumps people into one of only two categories has associated even something as innocuous as empathy with bleeding-heart liberalism, apologism for terror, and Soviet-style communism.

It's ridiculous how pervasive this cultural rift has become in the US.
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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by Parodite »

Typhoon wrote:
Parodite wrote:Any hillbilly can do serious harm now. There are no borders and distance stopped to be a problem. Information in the how-to-do sections of the Internet provide for the DIY how to kill community. So what matters and what scares people, is when people hate other groups or nations so much they seem to be willing to go extremely far in applying the most atrocious and blind violence.
For example?
You must have been sleeping. You not know the truth of it?
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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by Mr. Perfect »

AzariLoveIran wrote:
come on MP, don't act innocent

Obama cleaning up W.Bush mess
Sorry Az, Obama campaigned on being the AFG warlord. Said was smart war, surged it, extended it, etc. Obama owns this war. His war now.
why you in Afghanistan ?

ask Bush/Chaney
Bush Cheny history. This is Obama now. He likes this war, has said so over and over.
why they killing your soldiers ?

because you killing their woman and children

why is Europe silent ?

Europe & you in the same boat

Why Iran silent ?

:lol: .. you doing a good job, to discredit west in that space

Iran watching and laughing

same you did when Saddam was killing Iranians

@ the end, you have spent Trillions of $$$ and so many casualty .. and .. same destiny as Russians went through in that space

Hand it over to Ahmadienjat and get it over .. same as Iraq

Joe had it
Az, you are talking to the wrong guy. You want to to talke to tinker, zack morris, Azrael, ammanius, ibrahim, and and and. Not me.

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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by Mr. Perfect »

AzariLoveIran wrote: Mr. Perfect

Don't bother

Just pack, take Rhubarb, hand key to Ahmadinejat .. and leave
Azar, you talking to wrong guy. Been advocating withdrawal since 2006.

You need to talk to TInker, Zack morriss. Azrael, amamnius, Ibrahim, etc. They are your occupiers.
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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by Zack Morris »

Mr. Perfect wrote: You need to talk to TInker, Zack morriss. Azrael, amamnius, Ibrahim, etc. They are your occupiers.
If it wasn't for us, you'd still be in Iraq.
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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Uh, no. Panetta/Obama wer lobbying for more time in Iraq, they were kicked out by the Iraqis. Democrats have been campaigning on an immediate withdrawal from Iraq since 2004, had the power to make it happen since 2006 election and didn't do it, instead they fully funded it under Bush, they fully funded a war they said was illegal/criminal and immoral (and do you know what you call it when you pay for something? you OWN it. Iraq war is as much yours as it is Richard Perle's), and of course didn't actually do it until years into Obama administration (Obama presented a plan once to get our of Iraq by 2007, apparently couldn't find the plan once elected) until the Iraqis had enough.

But that doesn't have anything to do with anything, AFG is your war. You own this tragedy. This is all about you.
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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by Zack Morris »

Mr. Perfect wrote:Uh, no. Panetta/Obama wer lobbying for more time in Iraq, they were kicked out by the Iraqis.

Complete nonsense as usual. Obama promised he would get us out of Iraq and then he did. End of story. Everything else is just politics.
Democrats have been campaigning on an immediate withdrawal from Iraq since 2004, had the power to make it happen since 2006 election and didn't do it, instead they fully funded it under Bush, they fully funded a war they said was illegal/criminal and immoral (and do you know what you call it when you pay for something? you OWN it. Iraq war is as much yours as it is Richard Perle's), and of course didn't actually do it until years into Obama administration (Obama presented a plan once to get our of Iraq by 2007, apparently couldn't find the plan once elected) until the Iraqis had enough.
Politicians in democracies are practically forced to fund their soldiers' wellbeing if they are to remain in office. The appropriations debate became framed as "supporting our troops" or not, as it always will in a democracy. So the Democrats had to bide their time and stay the course, giving the Republican leadership what they wanted and putting ownership of the fiasco in the Commander-in-Chief's hands.

Then Obama saved the day and pulled us out in an orderly manner.

As for Afghanistan: you started it, you neglected it, you messed it up, so you own it. Don't blame the custodian. This is no more Obama's war than Vietnam was Nixon's.

Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »

Zack Morris wrote:.
Mr. Perfect wrote:.

You need to talk to TInker, Zack morriss. Azrael, amamnius, Ibrahim, etc. They are your occupiers.

If it wasn't for us, you'd still be in Iraq.


:lol: :lol: true

bushmission2.jpg (48.96 KiB) Viewed 3298 times

look, MP , you had your fun, time to leave

Mr. Perfect .. who are demanding Bomb Iran ? Giuliani & McCain & Santorum & Gingridge etc etc they Obama fan ?

All GOP solidly behind another war of choice

Were McCain now president, America would be by now to the eyeball in Iranian black hole

Afghanistan wiped out Sowjetunion .. Iran could do same for America

USSR had 1000s of nuclear weapon .. and ? ?


Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »

Demon of Undoing wrote:.

On this matter, I'm pretty much ashamed to be American.

The gunman, described by U.S. military officials as a married veteran with two children, . .

Look Demon, first thank you for your emotion


consider this

- your remember those few American soldiers that were throwing candy for children from back of their vehicle and than shooting them ?

- You remember those few American soldiers were killing and cutting fingers of the dead and taking pictures as the dead innocent Afghans were a dear hunting trophy ?

- You remember those pissing on the dead Afghans ?

well, Monster , this non issue for Afghans .. for them Western forces are invaders


this major issue for American military

that shows something wrong with military

Looks to me, the military does not know they fighting for what .. why they in Afghanistan ?

so , for them, this no fight against the evil .. but, sort of hunting the animals, the sub humans

That is the danger when wars are fought for Oil and gas and pipelines and and and

American military are not Roman legionary .. killing machine no matter what

Last edited by AzariLoveIran on Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by Parodite »

It sealed forever the illusion that the USA is able to police the world.
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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by Typhoon »

Parodite wrote:
Typhoon wrote:
Parodite wrote:Any hillbilly can do serious harm now. There are no borders and distance stopped to be a problem. Information in the how-to-do sections of the Internet provide for the DIY how to kill community. So what matters and what scares people, is when people hate other groups or nations so much they seem to be willing to go extremely far in applying the most atrocious and blind violence.
For example?
You must have been sleeping. You not know the truth of it?
Possibly. What unique info can been obtained from the internet?

Again, for example?
May the gods preserve and defend me from self-righteous altruists; I can defend myself from my enemies and my friends.

Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »

. ... -news.html

The shooting occurred at 3 a.m. in three houses in two villages in the Panjway district of southern Kandahar province, an area that was once a Taliban safe haven but has recently become more safe after a surge of troops in 2009.

The soldier left the base in the middle of the night and wore night-vision goggles during the alleged rampage, according to a source.

The first village was more than a mile south of the base. While there, he allegedly killed four people in the first house. In the second house, he allegedly killed 11 family members -- four girls, four boys and three adults.

He then walked back to another village past his base where he allegedly killed one more person, according to a member of the Afghan investigation team and ABC News' interviews with villagers.

All of the victims were shot in their homes, according to villagers and the Afghan president's office.

Video from the scene show blood-splattered floors and walls inside a villagers home and blood-soaked bodies of victims, including the elderly and young children, wrapped in blankets and placed in the backseat of a van. Some of the bodies appear to have been burned.

John Kirby, a Pentagon spokesman, said officials "don't know what his [soldier's] motivation was. We are looking into that."

After the alleged shooting spree, it's believed the soldier returned to the base on his own and calmly turned himself in. He remains in NATO custody. One source told ABC News that the soldier had "lawyered up" and declined to talk.

Because of the soldier's role as supporting security for the special operations forces, he is not believed to have known the victims. But it's not clear whether the alleged attack was spontaneous and unprovoked.


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