The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

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The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by YMix »

Might as well start the thread. Found this amusing article:
Obama's Donors Flocking To Sanders, Romney's Going To Rubio

Bernie Sanders is drawing more of Barack Obama's 2012 campaign donors than Hillary Clinton. And Marco Rubio is scoring the biggest share of Mitt Romney's contributors thus far. These are the findings of Crowdpac, a San Francisco-based political data-mining firm which analyzed the July presidential campaign finance reports. The Vermont senator has already received contributions from 24,582 of Obama's donors; whereas Clinton has only tapped just over 9,000 of them. Martin O'Malley, the former Maryland governor, has grabbed 383 Obama donors. That means Sanders has nabbed 72 percent of the 34,340 Obama donors who have given to a candidate in 2016, according to Crowdpac.

Ever since Mitt Romney dropped his flirtation with another White House bid last winter, the rush has been on to court his moneymen and women. Rubio's winning that charge. Crowdpac found that the first-term Florida senator has nabbed the greatest number of Romney donors so far – 2,891. Perhaps more surprising. though, is that Ted Cruz is landing more of Romney's donors (1,840) than Jeb Bush (1,562). Ben Carson is fourth in the GOP chase for Romney's contributors with 1,285. Overall, of the 9,302 Romney donors who have doled out money to a candidate in 2016, Rubio has snagged about 31 percent of them.

Another instructive nugget inside the Crowdpac data is the slow crawl of Ron Paul's donors to his son, Rand Paul. Crowdpac found that just 816 of the father's donors have given to the son, though just 1,133 of Ron Paul's donors have doled out money so far (by comparison, Rand has drawn 511 Romney donors). Cruz has picked off 316 of Rick Perry's 2012 donors in their budding intrastate rivalry. Just over 1,000 of Perry's 2012 donors have engaged in the 2016 race. And then there's the surprising. There's 276 Romney donors who have given to Sanders, and 280 who have given to Clinton. And just to show the dizzying breadth of some people's choices, Crowdpac discovered that five contributors to Michele Bachmann – one of the most conservative candidates in the 2012 GOP field – sent money to Sanders, the self-avowed socialist.
Wonder who those five former Bachmannites are.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by YMix »

The Kochs freeze out Donald Trump

The Koch brothers are freezing out Donald Trump from their influential political operation — denying him access to their state-of-the-art data and refusing to let him speak to their gatherings of grass-roots activists or major donors.

Despite a long and cordial relationship between the real estate showman and David Koch, as well as a raft of former Koch operatives who are now running Trump’s presidential campaign, the Koch political operation appears to have concluded that Trump is the wrong standard-bearer for the GOP. And the network of Koch-backed policy and political outfits is using behind-the-scenes influence to challenge Trump more forcefully than the Republican Party establishment — by limiting his access to the support and data that would help him translate his lead in the polls into a sustainable White House campaign.

The Koch operation has spurned entreaties from the Trump campaign to purchase state-of-the-art data and analytics services from a Koch-backed political tech firm called i360, and also turned down a request to allow Trump to speak at an annual grass-roots summit next month in Columbus, Ohio, sponsored by the Koch-backed group Americans for Prosperity, POLITICO has learned.

In addition, Trump was not invited to the annual summer gathering of the network of hundreds of conservative mega-donors and operatives helmed by the billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch. That’s despite the Trump campaign filling out a questionnaire detailing the candidate’s policy positions and submitting it to Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, the Koch umbrella group organizing the summit. The three-day meeting in Orange County, California, will feature appearances from a handful of candidates whose politics reflect more closely the Kochs’ fiscally conservative worldview — including Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Scott Walker — and even long-shot Carly Fiorina. Rand Paul, who is also fondly regarded by some in the Koch operation, was invited, but he has not accepted and is unlikely to attend.

“There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country’s so innocent? Take a look at what we’ve done, too.” - Donald J. Trump, President of the USA
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

I'm telling you, Trump is not running for President.

He is running for éminence grise of the Republican Party.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by YMix »

That could be, though he doesn't strike me as the type to work quietly behind stages. What could such a position offer him?

Plus, the Kochs and Adelson are likely richer than he.
“There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country’s so innocent? Take a look at what we’ve done, too.” - Donald J. Trump, President of the USA
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by YMix »

The Wheels Fell Off the Bernie Sanders Bandwagon
by Joshua Frank


The Bernie run, even though many like to view it as such, is not about movement building. If we’re being generous, we could say Bernie is raising serious issues about class politics and the eroding status of working Americans. Right on, Bernie. We could also say his stump speeches deprecating Wall Street’s dominance of our political system are justified. Certainly, Bernie’s got a good thing going there. We could even go so far as to note that Bernie’s blazing rhetoric isn’t the type of message Hillary Clinton wants to hear. But that’s pretty much where Bernie’s campaign ends, as he’s promised he would never challenge Hillary if she manages to win the primaries, and she’s well on her way with a hefty 40% lead (and that’s with polls including Joe Biden in the race, without Biden, her poll numbers are even higher.)

In an ABC News interview with George Stephanopoulos on May 3, Bernie had this to say:

STEPHANOPOULOS: So if you lose in this nomination fight, will you support the Democratic nominee?
SANDERS: Yes. I have in the past.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Not going to run as an independent?
SANDERS: No, absolutely not. I’ve been very clear about that.

That’s some straight-forward talk, it you ask me. Bernie is exactly what the Hillary campaign wants and needs. The more progressive voters Bernie can bring into the Democratic fold, the less likely a left-leaning independent candidate will have an impact on the elections.

Let’s put it in perspective: if Hillary calls for continuing the War on Terror, more free-trade agreements, more IMF loans, more bank bailouts, more attacks on Social Security – Bernie will support her candidacy anyway. In fact, he’ll likely ask you to do the same. That’s exactly why the Democratic National Committee is sending out emails that look like Sanders campaign ads. Bernie is the DNC’s dupe, and by association, so are his supporters.

See, the Bernie campaign isn’t really about building social movements that will challenge the neoliberal agenda of the Democratic Party. Bernie refuses to take on Hillary Clinton’s corporate agenda when it matters most – in the general election. In fact, Bernie, who has pledged not to run attack ads, will not even take on that neoliberal agenda in the primaries. So those direct challenges need to build outside the party. Instead, Bernie is helping to elect a Democrat to the White House in 2016, no matter the cost it will have on the working people he claims to care for so much.

This is where the wheels on the Bernie bandwagon fall off. Despite the issues I may have with his wishy-washy foreign policy record (and they are ample), those qualms are beside the point. Sanders must break from the Democrats, pure and simple. They can’t be fixed. He must run as an independent candidate and hold Hillary accountable until the bitter end. He must work to break through the Commission on Presidential Debates and force his way onto the stage, knowing full well unless he does so, neither major party candidate will even talk about real income inequality or the corporate takeover of our democratic process. He needs to embrace the spoiler moniker, fallout be damned.

Alas, Bernie isn’t going to do any of this no matter how bad we want him to. He’s promised as much on national television. He won’t be there with his legions of supporters, tackling the barriers the two corrupt parties have set up in order to deny independent candidates access to voters. He won’t call on Hillary Clinton and her Republican opponent to drop their support for the Wall Street crooks that are fleecing America. He won’t put pressure on them at all, because his platform and ideas won’t even be in the conversation.

That’s the reality of the Bernie Sanders campaign and all those who believe he’s in it to win it. He’s not going to make the rich panic. Not for a second.
Not only that Sanders is not a socialist, he's a party hack through and through.

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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Hillary is looking unelectable, Sanders may be your best bet. Even without Biden, the Democrats are just a party of old white people. Youth and diversity are the GOP asset now. ... t-20150728

HRC is setting personal records for unlikablity in swing states, nearing 60%.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

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I heard that a socialist is running for the Dem nomination. Can you believe that. A socialist in the Democrat Party. Who ever would have thought.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

YMix wrote:That could be, though he doesn't strike me as the type to work quietly behind stages. What could such a position offer him?

Plus, the Kochs and Adelson are likely richer than he.
It would offer him power. He likes that.

Don't fall for his "media incompetent, politically incorrect" pronouncements. Trump is one of the most successful media personalities of all time, and is managed by a professional team of political consultants. He has a plan, and has thought this through on many levels.

This clown act he is staging right now is orchestrated and intentional, and puts him into the real debate. He will not be debating at the 'kid's table' with the also-rans.

As for who is richer, Trump's book is,"The Art of the Deal". He owns casinos, and he knows how to play poker. The hallmark of a winner is they are not afraid to lose, and Trump's got it.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Parodite »

Nice peep show.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by YMix »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:It would offer him power. He likes that.

Don't fall for his "media incompetent, politically incorrect" pronouncements. Trump is one of the most successful media personalities of all time, and is managed by a professional team of political consultants. He has a plan, and has thought this through on many levels.

This clown act he is staging right now is orchestrated and intentional, and puts him into the real debate. He will not be debating at the 'kid's table' with the also-rans.

As for who is richer, Trump's book is,"The Art of the Deal". He owns casinos, and he knows how to play poker. The hallmark of a winner is they are not afraid to lose, and Trump's got it.
“There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country’s so innocent? Take a look at what we’ve done, too.” - Donald J. Trump, President of the USA
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Parodite wrote:Nice peep show.
Early in the peep show. I can't wait to see the goods when the combover is finally stripped off and thrown to the audience either!

Rumor is Trump's team used to work for the Koch brothers. Certainly Trump and the Koch's do not want to be associated at this early stage but is a data point.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Parodite »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:
Parodite wrote:Nice peep show.
Early in the peep show. I can't wait to see the goods when the combover is finally stripped off and thrown to the audience either!
His sex appeal would improve when Breaking Bad:

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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

It burns! It burns!

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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Man are you guys going to be tweaked when trump wins it all.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Mr. Perfect wrote:Man are you guys going to be tweaked when trump wins it all.
Trump is a pragmatist. Way better than a Republican. And capitalze Trump; he is capitalizing the GOP.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

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Whatever that means.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Mr. Perfect wrote:Whatever that means.
GOP opinion leader by a large swath blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah. Supermajority blah blah blah blah blah blah. Endless control of power blah blah blah blah. Eliminate Bush era Tax and beauracracy expansions blah blah blah blah blah. Return to capitalism by encouraging individual accumulation of capital blah blah blah blah blah.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

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It seems like this election is going to be a tough slog for you guys. Incoherency has a pretty bad track record.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Mr. Perfect wrote:It seems like this election is going to be a tough slog for you guys. Incoherency has a pretty bad track record.
Blah blah blah blah blah.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Mr. Perfect »

He who drops out of the debate loses the debate. And ultimately elections.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Here is an example. HRC is dead tied with Jeb Bush and Walker, but underwater in all the swing states. She's already lost. The more she talks the worse she does, the opposite of most of our candidates. We have the strongest card of candidates arguably in US history. The Democrats are running old white people. We have the young and diverse. It's pretty much almost over right now. (Side note. HRC is the last national Democrat. The last Democrat who has a chance at winning. There is no Democrat bench. Zero. Not a single national Democrat once she is done. Our bench however, is at record levels of depth. Presidents as far as the eye can see.)

Then, the GOP will have over 60% of the Governors. 66% of state legislatures. A record House majority. Over 55 Senate Seats, heading toward 60 in 2018.

We will roll back Obamunism. We will roll back the New Deal. We will take apart this government like a dilapidated shack, and your party and ideology we'll put in the woodchipper. When we right your histories we will be absolutely honest. A party that destroyed the minority communities, aborted so many millions of babies and sold their parts for scrap, aided our enemies, bankrupted our treasuries, impoverished tens of millions, destroyed our families, and blew holes in our sacred Constitution.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Mr. Perfect wrote:He who drops out of the debate loses the debate. And ultimately elections.
Do you forsee someone dropping out of the debate? The real debate, not the kid's table?
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Mr. Perfect »

I don't see liberals anywhere in the debate. They apparently think they can win on lion hunting and Bruce Jenner. Good luck with that. Check out exit polling, see where that is going to get you.

You OTOH can't even answer simple debate questions or form coherent sentences, so yes, I see people dropping out left and left.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Mr. Perfect wrote:I don't see liberals anywhere in the debate. They apparently think they can win on lion hunting and Bruce Jenner. Good luck with that. Check out exit polling, see where that is going to get you.

You OTOH can't even answer simple debate questions or form coherent sentences, so yes, I see people dropping out left and left.
Who is dropping out left and who right? No debate here. Get out of your damn snowfort and play! Who?

Mr.P, your momma is not worried about snowballs on your toque. We don't use rocks! Come out and play! Quit being such a pussy!
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Cleaning Lady returns.
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