Political Levitas

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Re: Political Levitas

Post by Doc »

Typhoon wrote:Image
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
Simple Minded

Re: Political Levitas

Post by Simple Minded »

Not sure if this tread is the best fit...

WTF? I'm guessing lawnmowers that aren't free run on gasoline that is not free, those who mow lawns wish to be paid, and the cemetery pays property taxes?

Death to Capitalism? Visitors to Marx’s Grave Balk at Fee

London cemetery charges fee to see late communist’s memorial

Alistair MacDonald and Ese Erheriene

Oct. 25, 2015 8:21 p.m. ET

HIGHGATE CEMETERY, LONDON—On a summer visit to the grave of Karl Marx, Ben Gliniecki found that he would have to pay £4, or about $6, to pay respects to the man who sounded the death knell for private property.

Mr. Gliniecki, a Marxist, said no.

“Personally, I think it is disgusting,” the 24-year-old political activist said. “There are no depths of irony, or bad taste, to which capitalists won’t sink if they think they can make money out of it.” ("Never trust anyone over 30!" He tweeted on his smartphone -SM)

The charity that looks after this cemetery has long taken swipe at a different irony: Karl Marx’s decision to buy a burial plot in a private London graveyard over the then state-provided alternatives. They say their cover fee subsidizes the upkeep of a cemetery where 170,000 other people rest.

The two sides have squabbled since the early 1990s, when the Friends of Highgate Cemetery began charging to fund the conservation of a burial ground whose elaborate gothic tombs and winding paths had fallen into disrepair. Now, the charge is infuriating a new generation of Marxists. Interest in his legacy is gaining fresh legs in Britain following September’s election of Jeremy Corbyn, a self-described Marx admirer, as leader of the opposition Labour Party.

The day after Mr. Corbyn’s victory, Mr. Gliniecki sold 50 copies of the Socialist Appeal newspaper at a rally attended by the new Labour leader. Mr. Gliniecki says he would typically sell 20 to 30 copies at such a rally. This year, the Marxist Student Federation has seen a surge in new freshman members at British university orientation weeks, said Mr. Gliniecki, who helps run the organization.

“The Friends” of the cemetery are also anticipating an uptick in interest in Marx and in complaints from Marxists. This graveyard, in a leafy, genteel part of north London, typically sees around 200 visitors a day. Most ask to see Marx.

The German philosopher, who once predicted the “hot tears of noble people” would be shed over his ashes, fled continental Europe for London in 1849. He remained there till his death in 1883 and was buried in a Highgate plot bought for 3 guineas, the equivalent of around £3.14 ($4.86)

“They do complain, and tell me Marx would be turning in his grave,” said Ian Dungavell, from the Friends group. “But I tell them, it’s redistribution in action, because all the money we generate goes back into the cemetery.”

Highgate was opened in 1839 as one of the “Magnificent Seven” cemeteries that private companies built to relieve the city’s teeming grave yards. The London Cemetery Company hired a renowned landscape gardener to craft a cemetery on a site overlooking London that soon became the city’s most fashionable necropolis.

But as the cemetery reached capacity, Highgate’s income stream dried up. The company hit financial troubles in 1960 and the graveyard entered a period of decline during which graves were vandalized and Highgate became a favorite hangout of occultists.

Marx’s memorial was a popular target, including two attempts to blow it up. In 1970, an assailant tried to cut through the nose of Marx’s bronze head and push explosives into the empty bust, according to a local press report. It failed and the bomb was set off nearby, causing damage to the marble pedestal that bears Marx’s famous call: “workers of all lands, unite.”

In 1975, a local named Jean Pateman founded the Friends of Highgate and the group took control of the decaying burial ground.

Styling herself as the “dragon at the gate,” Ms. Pateman became legendary for her confrontations with moaning Marxists.

“He [Marx] led the capitalist life,” she said in 2008. “He even pawned his wife’s silver.”

Stories of her Cold-War era confrontations with official delegations from Communist countries were well known at the cemetery.

“She was formidable,” Mr. Dungavell said.

The vandals and occultists are gone. So is Ms. Pateman, who joined Marx in Highgate cemetery in 2012. But the controversy over Marx and the fee still lingered on a recent visit.

“He’s buried here because it’s beautiful, not to make the cemetery profit,” said Dima Marotti, an Italian Marxist living in London.

A group of visiting tourists from Montana said the grandness of the Marx memorial reflected what they saw as the hypocrisy of an ideology that calls for equality.

“It’s such a bourgeois monument,” said Andrew Carroll, a former cemetery worker, as he looked up at a severe-looking bust of Marx’s giant head.

“I turned around [and saw it] and I was like ‘Oh, come on.’ ”

For most visitors, the fee is a justified expense to help pay for the upkeep of a cemetery whose other inhabitants range from novelist George Eliot to punk impresario Malcolm McLaren.

Not even all Marxists are against the fee. That includes Alex Gordon, chair of the trustees of the Marx Memorial Library & Workers’ School, a charity that helps look after the grave.

“Marx believed that labor should be rewarded, he didn’t believe that you could achieve a classless society simply by refusing to pay for things,” he said.

“He wasn’t a hippie, let’s put it like that.”

But Mr. Gliniecki argues it is the state’s role to look after public amenities and that Marx would have been horrified by a charge. Mr. Gliniecki declined an invitation from this newspaper to visit the cemetery, saying that a trip to Marx’s grave by a Marxist and The Wall Street Journal wasn’t an obvious pairing and that money would still need to be paid.

When he tried to visit Marx’s grave on that summer day last year, Mr. Gliniecki didn’t even make it past the cemetery’s ornate Victorian gatehouse. Instead, he walked to a park that bordered the cemetery and peeked over fence posts to get a distant glimpse of his political idol. That night Mr. Gliniecki found himself dipping back into Marx’s famous work, the Communist Manifesto. There, as often, he found the words that explained his anger.

There is “no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest, than callous ‘cash payment,’ ” Mr. Gliniecki read.
Simple Minded

Re: Political Levitas

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Communication would be easier if someone published a "dog whistle code language" dictionary and thesaurus.......

http://dailycaller.com/2015/10/26/msnbc ... ist-video/
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Re: Political Levitas

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"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: Levitas

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Re: Political Levitas

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May the gods preserve and defend me from self-righteous altruists; I can defend myself from my enemies and my friends.
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Re: Political Levitas

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"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: Political Levitas

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Orgies in time of political correctness :lol: :lol:


University is, and should be, a magical time in a young person’s life, in which he or she is free to challenge social and political truisms, meet like-minded people, and embrace experimentation in all its forms.

So I, for one, applaud a student at the University of Alberta who is trying to organize an orgy off campus.

According to the campus newspaper the Gateway, the “sexual mixer” which is not a joke — will be held sometime, somewhere on Nov. 13 and is intended for students of all experience levels who may be interested in group sex. It will be a “sex positive” event, organizer and prospective orgy moderator Matthew James Hardy told the campus paper. Participants will be screened and gender and sexuality ratios carefully balanced to ensure everyone “can actually explore and not feel suppressed,” he said.

And one needn’t fear this will be a sausage fest, he added. Lots of women are interested as well, although our culture of “slut shaming” tends to make them less likely to be open about it.

To all this, I say: Go for it, kids! Like foreign travel, sexual misadventure is so much easier to schedule before the babies and mortgages arrive.

My only real concern here is how to meld the raunchy group sex culture of our parents and grandparents with the prevailing ethos of the modern campus.

How do you make an orgy as friendly and inclusive as possible in the midst of a collegiate culture seemingly obsessed with doing everything the correct way? Even though my own experiences with orgies is limited to watching Eyes Wide Shut trailers, I’m happy to provide a few helpful suggestions to our more sexually enterprising young students:

1. Consent. It’s no longer enough to have sex with someone who seems to want to have sex with you; you are now expected to seek enthusiastic consent from your partners. As Hardy stated to the Gateway, mere flirting is not a sign of consent — even in the context of an orgy. Nor will coercion be tolerated. These expectations are particularly incumbent on heteronormative cis males who have traditionally benefitted from power dynamics that have disproportionately disadvantaged females in the orgy environment. I suggest orgy consent forms witnessed and signed by the orgy moderator.

2. However, such forms should probably note that written consent can be rescinded at any time. Therefore everyone should check in with everyone else at 30 second to 1-minute intervals: “Are you enjoying this?” “Are you still enjoying this?” “Is this the correct penis-to-yoni ratio for you at this beautiful moment?”

3. Hardy said that organizers will carefully screen potential participants and selecting candidates according to correct gender and sexuality ratios. This way, no one will feel left out. At the same time, the logic of consent insists that no one feel the need to participate in any way with a sexual act or sexuality that makes him or her feel uncomfortable.
Organizers may want to consider some kind of dispute resolution committee on site — comprised of the proper gender and sexuality ratios, of course — to ensure that no one feels unduly suppressed by acts of declined consent.

“Are you still enjoying this?” “Is this the correct penis-to-yoni ratio for you at this beautiful moment?”

4. It’s probably also necessary to note that gender is non-binary and sexuality exists on a continuum. Humans are simply conscious beings who exist in a body that was assigned one of several biological genders at birth. Genitals don’t have a bearing on the self, per se. This is something to consider when you choose to participate or decline sexual activity with a person and/or people based on arbitrary and socially determined labels.
4a. I was probably wrong to refer to this orgy as a “sausage fest” earlier. Better to consider it a “group of biologically identified males of mixed sexual expression.” I apologize.

5. Needless to say, I expect we’ve disabused ourselves of any hegemonic ideas about what an orgy participant should look like. Like gender, beauty isn’t real, at least not in the realest sense of the word real. Orgy participants should try to divorce themselves from impossible standards of western beauty. And, I should hope, participants will be drawn from the widest possible array of male, female and transgendered body types.

6. Orgy moderators should feel free to charge a fee to cover the cost of hosting — which will likely include site rental and clean up. However, expect any such fee to be immediately protested by participants who feel there should be no cost attached to expressing one’s fullest sexuality. Orgies should, after all, be free of the capitalistic paradigm.
6a. Note: Said participants will still pay to participate in the orgy, under protest.

7. Safety safety safety. I cannot express the importance of safety enough. Hardy said there would be little point in demanding any STI screenings. Such formalities may give participants a false sense of security, and they are quickly out of date anyway. Male and female condoms must be used, then, and used a lot. Organizers should ensure non-latex condoms are available for anyone suffering from a latex allergy. For that matter, they should probably opt for natural fair trade organic rubber sourced from a women’s collective in South America to be on the safest possible side of such things.

8. Speaking of allergies; there is probably nothing like an orgy to work up the appetite. Please provide guests with gluten, dairy and nut-free options. This should go for snacks as well as lubricants. An alternative meat-only option should be set up on clearly marked trays on the other side of the orgy cave for any Paleo-orgiasts.

9. Most of all, orgies should be about letting go of the oppressive constraints and expectations of mainstream sexuality so that you feel free to express your highest sexual self. The most important thing is to have fun!


Well, (western) modernity in full play

What a disaster, what a disaster

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Re: Political Levitas

Post by noddy »

the very rich and the very poor have been having orgies forever, nothing new here.

its the middle class families which hold the moral structures together, the poor having nothing to care about and nor do the rich.
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Re: Political Levitas

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

noddy wrote:.

the very rich and the very poor have been having orgies forever, nothing new here.

its the middle class families which hold the moral structures together, the poor having nothing to care about and nor do the rich.


True, noddy, true .. the middle class personifies the society


the above what I posted says the kids of middle class, in University and collages, organizing and posting it on university papers, Orgies

These university graduates in reality are those "elite" middle class that (supposedly) should uphold "western values, culture, civilization".

A disaster

Who is to blame for the moral decay of west ?

This a KEY question

Simple Minded

Re: Political Levitas

Post by Simple Minded »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:
Who is to blame for the moral decay of west ?

This a KEY question

The people that live there...... :shock: :shock:
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Re: Political Levitas

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Simple Minded wrote:
Heracleum Persicum wrote:
Who is to blame for the moral decay of west ?

This a KEY question

The people that live there...... :shock: :shock:


The people who live there are the "SHEEP"

The "shepherd" is who says which way to go, the leaders of a civilization.

Said many times, that "enlightenment" (Aufklärung), reformation, Luther, was HIGHJACKED.

Intention, the moral of Luther, reformation was not to shoot the (moral) shepherd, but to shoot the "corrupt" shepherd and bring back and put on solid footing what Christianity was all about from the beginning, at least should have been.

Instead, the RCC was decapitated, the herd of sheep without the shepherd.

Result was Churchill, Hitler, Stalin (all Christians) and Brits becoming biggest Slave traders in history and Colonies and Holocaust .. Vietnam and American (ex) secretary of state (a Jewish lady) sayin it was worth killing half a million Iraqi children etc etc.

In such a culture no wonder beheading on TV and universities organizing orgies and Francis openly baptizing Homosexuals etc.

The herd lost its shepherd .. morally, pretty much everything goes .. we back to Roman time

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Re: Political Levitas

Post by noddy »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:
noddy wrote:.

the very rich and the very poor have been having orgies forever, nothing new here.

its the middle class families which hold the moral structures together, the poor having nothing to care about and nor do the rich.


True, noddy, true .. the middle class personifies the society


the above what I posted says the kids of middle class, in University and collages, organizing and posting it on university papers, Orgies

These university graduates in reality are those "elite" middle class that (supposedly) should uphold "western values, culture, civilization".

A disaster

Who is to blame for the moral decay of west ?

This a KEY question

some students at some universities are doing something stupid every second of the day and always have.

they are not the middle class morality , they are just very naughty boys.

Last edited by noddy on Thu Nov 05, 2015 1:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Simple Minded

Re: Political Levitas

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noddy wrote:
:lol: And so it begins anew....

Sometimes popularity sells better than leadership.....
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Re: Political Levitas

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Re: Political Levitas

Post by Doc »

"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: Political Levitas

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Doc wrote:Image

Red a few days ago that arctic ice not only not melting but getting bigger.


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Donald Trump wisdom generator

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Click on his head for additional wisdom.

“Christ has no body now but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks with compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks among His people to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses His creation.”

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Re: Political Levitas

Post by Doc »

"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: Political Levitas

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Re: Political Levitas

Post by YMix »

“There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country’s so innocent? Take a look at what we’ve done, too.” - Donald J. Trump, President of the USA
The Kushner sh*t is greasy - Stevie B.
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Re: Political Levitas

Post by Typhoon »

May the gods preserve and defend me from self-righteous altruists; I can defend myself from my enemies and my friends.
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Re: Political Levitas

Post by Doc »

Typhoon wrote:Image
Is that supposed to be Hillary or Bill?
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: Political Levitas

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Doc wrote:
Typhoon wrote:
Is that supposed to be Hillary or Bill?
I think it is one of those Trump l'oeil paintings.
“Christ has no body now but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks with compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks among His people to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses His creation.”

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Re: Political Levitas

Post by Typhoon »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:
Doc wrote:
Typhoon wrote:
Is that supposed to be Hillary or Bill?
I think it is one of those Trump l'oeil paintings.
:lol: Outstanding.

However, there is a debate raging in the art world amongst art critics as to whether or not this work qualifies as spunk art.
May the gods preserve and defend me from self-righteous altruists; I can defend myself from my enemies and my friends.
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