Switzerland and Britain now at currency war?

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Switzerland and Britain now at currency war?

Post by Alexis »

"It seems you can’t debase your coinage these days even if you try"

This may seem a relatively minor episode. I am wondering however whether it could be far more important than it looks.
:arrow: Are we beginning to reach the limit of multiple QEs?

Switzerland and Britain are now at currency war
The Bank of England is straining every sinew to drive down sterling with quantitative easing, and what happens?
The Swiss National Bank trumps Threadneedle Street with an outright blitz of Gilt purchases. They just print it, and buy.
The Swiss and UK central banks are effectively fighting a "low intensity" currency war against each other. It has come to this.
One awaits with curiosity to see what will happen when Japan – fifteen times the size – kicks in with its own nuclear plans to drive down the yen, and Asia follows suit.
"Everybody is trying to weaken their currency at the same time. The Swiss have got away with it and now the Japanese want to try. The Scandinavians are pulling their hair out. The Turks are cutting rates even though the economy is overheating, and putting in credit controls instead because they don’t want the currency to rise."
"Policymakers are doing things that if you had suggested four years ago they would have put you in a straitjacket and thrown you in a cell. I don’t rule out anything any longer in this market. Desperate times lead to desperate acts," (David Bloom, currency chief at HSBC) said.
Much of the world needs a lower currency and a higher interest rate structure to right the ship. But they can’t all have lower currencies.

I'm beginning to wonder whether we could be nearing the end game for all these monetary acts of desperation.

Shadowstats' John William put the date for incipient US hyperinflation at 2014. In reality of course nobody can't know for sure. And US$ may not be the first currency to enter the HI phase.

Lots of questions... no possible certain answer... BGBH! :lol: (*)

(*) Buy gold, be happy
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Other things to buy and do............

Post by monster_gardener »

Alexis wrote:"It seems you can’t debase your coinage these days even if you try"

This may seem a relatively minor episode. I am wondering however whether it could be far more important than it looks.
:arrow: Are we beginning to reach the limit of multiple QEs?

Switzerland and Britain are now at currency war
The Bank of England is straining every sinew to drive down sterling with quantitative easing, and what happens?
The Swiss National Bank trumps Threadneedle Street with an outright blitz of Gilt purchases. They just print it, and buy.
The Swiss and UK central banks are effectively fighting a "low intensity" currency war against each other. It has come to this.
One awaits with curiosity to see what will happen when Japan – fifteen times the size – kicks in with its own nuclear plans to drive down the yen, and Asia follows suit.
"Everybody is trying to weaken their currency at the same time. The Swiss have got away with it and now the Japanese want to try. The Scandinavians are pulling their hair out. The Turks are cutting rates even though the economy is overheating, and putting in credit controls instead because they don’t want the currency to rise."
"Policymakers are doing things that if you had suggested four years ago they would have put you in a straitjacket and thrown you in a cell. I don’t rule out anything any longer in this market. Desperate times lead to desperate acts," (David Bloom, currency chief at HSBC) said.
Much of the world needs a lower currency and a higher interest rate structure to right the ship. But they can’t all have lower currencies.

I'm beginning to wonder whether we could be nearing the end game for all these monetary acts of desperation.

Shadowstats' John William put the date for incipient US hyperinflation at 2014. In reality of course nobody can't know for sure. And US$ may not be the first currency to enter the HI phase.

Lots of questions... no possible certain answer... BGBH! :lol: (*)

(*) Buy gold, be happy

Thank You VERY Much for your post, Alexis.
(*) Buy gold, be happy

Down in the Black Gang, silver might be more appropriate........

Also buy shot gun shells & other ammo and cans of beans, corn, chicken soup, fruit and powdered milk, bags of dried rice, canned meat......

Bottles of lemon juice & vitamins, salt and pepper

Also lay in some bottles of chlorine hypochlorite bleach for water purification........

Bandaids, antibiotics and all of your meds...........

Be involved in a good church and be friends with you neighbors..........

Make sure you have some practical skills......... something people will pay you to do if there is no internet or reliable electric service......

Maybe buy a pack/carton of cigarettes even if you don't smoke..................

Or at least a few small cigars..........

Don't forget to buy a large bag or two of pet food if you love the junior members of your family..........

And you may need it yourself...........
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: Switzerland and Britain now at currency war?

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


As usual, Iran ahead of Brits and Swiss .. Rial half as used 2B :lol: .. good for Pistachio export :lol:

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