
Jnalum Persicum


Post by Jnalum Persicum »


“As we in spirit join the United States in condemning that death, shall the United States also join us in condemning that barbaric death of the head of state of Libya - Gaddafi?” Mugabe stated.


Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe said on Wednesday the death of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was as tragic as that of U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, as he delivered a scathing critique of U.S., U.N. and NATO actions.

Speaking firmly, if occasionally stumbling over words, the 88-year-old president accused the United States of "rushing to suck oil from Iraq" when it invaded the country in 2003 on the erroneous grounds that it possessed weapons of mass destruction.

He said the U.N. Security Council had allowed itself to be "abused" last year by authorizing "all necessary measures" - diplomatic code for military intervention - to protect civilians in Libya in a NATO operation that eventually toppled Gaddafi's government and led to his death at the hands of rebels.

Speaking with deliberate irony, Mugabe opened an address to the U.N. General Assembly by praising as "most glowing and most moving" a speech by U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday in which he rued Stevens' death.

Stevens and three other Americans were killed during what Washington has called a "terrorist" attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi on Sept. 11. The assault forced the evacuation of U.S. personnel from the eastern city that was the hub for the Libyan rebel movement.

"I am sure we were all moved, we all agree, that it was a tragic death indeed and we condemn it," said Mugabe, who has ruled Zimbabwe since independence from Britain in 1980 and is among Africa's longest-serving leaders.

"As we in spirit join the United States in condemning that death, shall the United States also join us in condemning that barbaric death of the head of state of Libya - Gaddafi? It was a loss, a great loss, to Africa, a tragic loss to Africa."


The Zimbabwean accused the United States and North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the 28-member Western security alliance whose air strikes helped Libyan rebels defeat Gaddafi's forces, of acting under false pretenses.

"The mission was strictly to protect civilians, but it turned out that there was a hunt, a brutal hunt, of Gaddafi and his family," Mugabe said. "In a very dishonest manner we saw ... Chapter 7 being used now as a weapon to rout a whole family."

Chapter 7 of the United Nations Charter allows the U.N. Security Council to authorize actions ranging from diplomatic and economic sanctions to military intervention.

"Bombs were ... thrown about in a callous manner and quite a good many civilians died. Was that the protection that they had sought under Chapter 7 of the Charter?

"So the death of Gaddafi must be seen in the same tragic manner as the death of Chris Stevens. We condemn both of them."

Mugabe, a long-standing critic of the West, is himself widely criticized for turning what was once one of Africa's strongest economies into a basket case and has been accused of hanging on to power through vote-rigging.

Other speakers at the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday - notably Bolivia's leftist president, Evo Morales, and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - also criticized the United States for what they see as economic and political bullying.

A U.S. official had no immediate comment on Mugabe's remarks.

The Zimbabwean leader appeared to be in reasonable health despite questions about his wellbeing sparked by Zimbabwean media reports that he has traveled to Singapore eight times in the past year to seek medical attention.

He walked in an almost jaunty manner to and from the lectern in the General Assembly hall, where he read his speech from a written text.


I like Mugabe

Murdering Qaddafi, will hunt west .. same as murdering Patrice Lumumba

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Re: Africa

Post by Typhoon »

Mugabe is a dictatorial psycho killer that has driven his country into ruin.

With friends like these . . .

The real story out of sub-Saharan Africa today is the rapid economic development in many countries.

The West has completely forgotten Patrice Lumumba except, perhaps, amongst the cognoscenti of hand-wringing.

Suspect that it may be same in rapidly developing Africa also.
May the gods preserve and defend me from self-righteous altruists; I can defend myself from my enemies and my friends.
Jnalum Persicum

Re: Africa

Post by Jnalum Persicum »

Typhoon wrote:.

Mugabe is a dictatorial psycho killer that has driven his country into ruin.

With friends like these . . .

The real story out of sub-Saharan Africa today is the rapid economic development in many countries.

The West has completely forgotten Patrice Lumumba except, perhaps, amongst the cognoscenti of hand-wringing.

Suspect that it may be same in rapidly developing Africa also.


issue not what West has forgotten,

issue whether East has forgotten


Patrice Lumumba not forgotten at all, reason is, same circumstances, case could be made even worst circumstances, still prevail in Africa


Mugabe not worst, but light years ahead of western leader

Not Mugabe has driven his country into ruin, but colonial beast have driven his country into ruin .. similar to Iran versus west phenomena .. but Iran powerful and beast cant overpower Iran, but they can force Mugabe into ruin.

dear CS, shoe shining west will not bring anything for Japanese or non westerner

if you really genuinely a Mensch, why you did not comment about the clips below when I posted them in this fora , not a single word from you, Monster AND OTHERS .. Not even Adolf Hitler killed 500,000 Jewish Children and justified and said he proud of it .. am really astonished "Hague War Crime Court" looking at this video does not act, really astonished, War Crimes are bagatelle to "was worth it or not"


Mugabe not worst of all those Western leaders you cherish, CS


Chinese tried to bring some economic good to Africa by creating a competition (for natural resources of Africa) with west in Africa .. but China was pushed back in Africa, West not wanting to share the stolen wealth of Africa with China .. how come South African Gold-miners now worst than before @ Apartheid time, considering Gold at Apartheid time was 40 $/onz and now 1800 $/Onz ? ? Gold price is 45 fold higher but South African Gold miners worst off ? ?

Or Nigeria population (despite all the Oil wealth) must drill Oil pipelines for a bucket of fuel, they poor like a mouse

And now Sudan .. the crisis on Sudan was created by west to partition Sudan and take away the oil province, like Mesopotamian province separated (by Brits) and called Kuwait, and Qatar and and and

Instead of looking up to Pomegranates and Persian science and scientists , you belittle

shame on you shoe shining the western colonial beasts .. start reading Rumi

Last edited by Jnalum Persicum on Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Africa

Post by planctom »

Jnalum Persicum wrote:
Typhoon wrote:.

Mugabe is a dictatorial psycho killer that has driven his country into ruin.

With friends like these . . .

The real story out of sub-Saharan Africa today is the rapid economic development in many countries.

The West has completely forgotten Patrice Lumumba except, perhaps, amongst the cognoscenti of hand-wringing.

Suspect that it may be same in rapidly developing Africa also.


issue not what West has forgotten,

issue whether East has forgotten


Patrice Lumumba not forgotten at all, reason is, same circumstances, case could be made even worst circumstances, still prevail in Africa


Mugabe not worst, but light years ahead of western leader

dear CS, shoe shining west will not bring anything for Japanese or non westerner

if you really genuinely a Mensch, why you did not comment about the clips below when I posted them in this fora , not a single word from you, Monster AND OTHERS .. Not even Adolf Hitler killed 500,000 Jewish Children and justified and said he proud of it .. am really astonished "Hague War Crime Court" looking at this video does not act, really astonished, War Crimes are bagatelle to "was worth it or not"


Mugabe not worst of all those Western leaders you cherish, CS


Chinese tried to bring some economic good to Africa by creating a competition (for natural resources of Africa) with west in Africa .. but China was pushed back in Africa, West not wanting to share the stolen wealth of Africa with China .. how come South African Gold-miners now worst than before @ Apartheid time, considering Gold at Apartheid time was 40 $/onz and now 1800 $/Onz ? ? Gold price is 45 fold higher but South African Gold miners worst off ? ?

Or Nigeria population (despite all the Oil wealth) must drill Oil pipelines for a bucket of fuel, they poor like a mouse

And now Sudan .. the crisis on Sudan was created by west to partition Sudan and take away the oil province, like Mesopotamian province separated (by Brits) and called Kuwait, and Qatar and and and

Instead of looking up to Pomegranates and Persian science and scientists , you belittle

shame on you shoe shining the western colonial beasts .. start reading Rumi

Seconded, colonel typhoon.
i have friens who were farmers in Zimbabue and had to flee the country when Mugabe took over.
After Mungabe took over, thousands of animals were killed,farms and crops devastated no tourism and the country now is a shithole.
I don't speak on behalf of Mr Sun but he is not shoeshinning anyone; by the way you need to polish and shine your ideas Mr Persicum.
Why are the miners in SA in a bad shape? Good question, many interesting resposnses.
Maybe because SA rulers haven't done a good job lately.
Last month I traveled to SA for the third time and I was shocked to discover that only blacks are accepted to be trained as Air Force pilots.
Just to give you an idea of how stupid some politicians van be.
Jnalum Persicum

Re: Africa

Post by Jnalum Persicum »

planctom wrote:
Jnalum Persicum wrote:
Typhoon wrote:.

Mugabe is a dictatorial psycho killer that has driven his country into ruin.

With friends like these . . .

The real story out of sub-Saharan Africa today is the rapid economic development in many countries.

The West has completely forgotten Patrice Lumumba except, perhaps, amongst the cognoscenti of hand-wringing.

Suspect that it may be same in rapidly developing Africa also.


issue not what West has forgotten,

issue whether East has forgotten


Patrice Lumumba not forgotten at all, reason is, same circumstances, case could be made even worst circumstances, still prevail in Africa


Mugabe not worst, but light years ahead of western leader

dear CS, shoe shining west will not bring anything for Japanese or non westerner

if you really genuinely a Mensch, why you did not comment about the clips below when I posted them in this fora , not a single word from you, Monster AND OTHERS .. Not even Adolf Hitler killed 500,000 Jewish Children and justified and said he proud of it .. am really astonished "Hague War Crime Court" looking at this video does not act, really astonished, War Crimes are bagatelle to "was worth it or not"


Mugabe not worst of all those Western leaders you cherish, CS


Chinese tried to bring some economic good to Africa by creating a competition (for natural resources of Africa) with west in Africa .. but China was pushed back in Africa, West not wanting to share the stolen wealth of Africa with China .. how come South African Gold-miners now worst than before @ Apartheid time, considering Gold at Apartheid time was 40 $/onz and now 1800 $/Onz ? ? Gold price is 45 fold higher but South African Gold miners worst off ? ?

Or Nigeria population (despite all the Oil wealth) must drill Oil pipelines for a bucket of fuel, they poor like a mouse

And now Sudan .. the crisis on Sudan was created by west to partition Sudan and take away the oil province, like Mesopotamian province separated (by Brits) and called Kuwait, and Qatar and and and

Instead of looking up to Pomegranates and Persian science and scientists , you belittle

shame on you shoe shining the western colonial beasts .. start reading Rumi

Seconded, colonel typhoon.

i have friens who were farmers in Zimbabue and had to flee the country when Mugabe took over.

After Mungabe took over, thousands of animals were killed,farms and crops devastated no tourism and the country now is a shithole.

I don't speak on behalf of Mr Sun but he is not shoeshinning anyone; by the way you need to polish and shine your ideas Mr Persicum.

Why are the miners in SA in a bad shape? Good question, many interesting resposnses.
Maybe because SA rulers haven't done a good job lately.

Last month I traveled to SA for the third time and I was shocked to discover that only blacks are accepted to be trained as Air Force pilots.

Just to give you an idea of how stupid some politicians van be.


Zimbabwe for Zimbabweans, Africa for Africans .. what do white farmers want in Zimbabwe ? ? ?

All fertile farmland of Zimbabwe was White European owned .. Mugabe took away from them and gave to black farmers .. yes, black farmers could not managed it and all things went down the drain .. but why white farmers had not trained blacks last few 100 yrs the skill to mange farming and and ? ? ? reason was whites did not want Blacks to advance, better keep them uneducated, untrained and dum .. that was the policy in colony, keep population down for as long as possible .. result is and was, colonies need the Westerners, and there is no skilled, patriot, not corrupt in Africa and other colonies .. if skilled and patriot, they terrorist

Same thing happened in South Africa .. South Africa was handed to corrupt black politicians to ensure "business as usual" .. that was the deal .. nothing changed except the color of the

Yes, SA military pilots only black accepted .. yes, they lavender pilots, because whites did not train them to be pilot (why American black pilots no lavender pilots ?)

Get used to it, Plankton, Africa for Africans, and Africans means BLACK

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Re: Africa

Post by Marcus »

Jnalum Persicum wrote: .. whites did not want Blacks to advance, better keep them uneducated, untrained and dum ..

. . Same thing happened in South Africa ..
Same thing happened in the ante-bellum, American South . .
"The jawbone of an ass is just as dangerous a weapon today as in Sampson's time."
--- Richard Nixon
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Jnalum Persicum

Re: Africa

Post by Jnalum Persicum »

Marcus wrote:.
Jnalum Persicum wrote:.

.. whites did not want Blacks to advance, better keep them uneducated, untrained and dum ..

. . Same thing happened in South Africa ..

Same thing happened in the ante-bellum, American South .


Look, Marcus

Brits controlled all colonies with absolute minimum British personnel

Trick was keep masses uneducated, bring foreigners (Indians) and give them privileges against the locals .. the foreigners, Indians (so many in Africa), controlled everything and terrorized the masses , but, they were loyal to colonial masters .. Idi Amin chased the Indians out etc etc

Gandhi , the famous Indian leader, was many generation South Africa (lawyer) .. he was in prison in South Africa for rebelling, similar to Nelson Mandela .. Gandhi was trained by Brits (in SA jail) to go back to India and instigate a "peaceful take over" .. same thing with Nelson Mandela, West trained him in Jail for a "peaceful take over of Apartheid regime"

SA is same SA as B4, only color of the top has changed .. you saw when 80+ Gold miners were killed just recently

very similar in South America and all other colonies .. same concept

If you patriot and skilled, like Patrice Lumumba was, than you a terrorist


He was subsequently imprisoned and executed by firing squad, an act that was committed with the assistance of the government of Belgium, for which the Belgian government officially apologized in 2002

Raised in a Catholic family as one of four sons, he was educated at a Protestant primary school, a Catholic missionary school, and finally the government post office training school, passing the one-year course with distinction. He subsequently worked in Leopoldville (now Kinshasa) and Stanleyville (now Kisangani) as a postal clerk and as a travelling beer salesman. In 1951, he married Pauline Opangu. In 1955, Lumumba became regional head of the Cercles of Stanleyville and joined the Liberal Party of Belgium, where he worked on editing and distributing party literature. After traveling on a three-week study tour in Belgium, he was arrested in 1955 on charges of embezzlement. His two-year sentence was commuted to twelve months after it was confirmed by Belgian lawyer Jules Chrome that Lumumba had returned the funds, and he was released in July 1956. After his release, he helped found the broad-based Mouvement National Congolais (MNC) in 1958, later becoming the organization's president. Lumumba and his team represented the MNC at the All-African Peoples' Conference in Accra, Ghana, in December 1958. At this international conference, hosted by influential Pan-African President Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Lumumba further solidified his Pan-Africanist beliefs.
Leader of MNC

In late October 1959, Lumumba, as leader of the MNC, was arrested for allegedly inciting an anti-colonial riot in Stanleyville where thirty people were killed; he was sentenced to six months in prison. The trial's start date of 18 January 1960, was also the first day of a round-table conference in Brussels to finalize the future of the Congo. Despite Lumumba's imprisonment at the time, the MNC won a convincing majority in the December local elections in the Congo. As a result of strong pressure from delegates upset with Lumumba's trial, he was released and allowed to attend the Brussels conference. The conference culminated on January 27 with a declaration of Congolese independence setting June 30, 1960, as the independence date with national elections from 11–25 May 1960. Lumumba and the MNC won this election and the right to form a government, with the announcement on 23 June 1960 of 34-year-old Lumumba as Congo's first prime minister and Joseph Kasa-Vubu as its president. In accordance with the constitution, on 24 June the new government passed a vote of confidence and was ratified by the Congolese Chamber and Senate.

Independence Day was celebrated on June 30 in a ceremony attended by many dignitaries including King Baudouin and the foreign press. Lumumba delivered his famous independence speech after being officially excluded from the event programme, despite being the new prime minister.[4] The speech of Belgian King Baudouin praised developments under colonialism, his reference to the "genius" of his great-granduncle Leopold II of Belgium glossing over atrocities committed during the Congo Free State.[5] The King continued, "Don't compromise the future with hasty reforms, and don't replace the structures that Belgium hands over to you until you are sure you can do better... Don't be afraid to come to us. We will remain by your side, give you advice."[6] Lumumba responded by reminding the audience that the independence of the Congo was not granted magnanimously by Belgium:[6]

For this independence of the Congo, even as it is celebrated today with Belgium, a friendly country with whom we deal as equal to equal, no Congolese worthy of the name will ever be able to forget that it was by fighting that it has been won, a day-to-day fight, an ardent and idealistic fight, a fight in which we were spared neither privation nor suffering, and for which we gave our strength and our blood. We are proud of this struggle, of tears, of fire, and of blood, to the depths of our being, for it was a noble and just struggle, and indispensable to put an end to the humiliating slavery which was imposed upon us by force.[6]

In contrast to the relatively harmless speech of President Kasa-Vubu, Lumumba's reference to the suffering of the Congolese under Belgian colonialism stirred the crowd while simultaneously humiliating and alienating the King and his entourage. Some media claimed at the time that he ended his speech by ad-libbing, Nous ne sommes plus vos macaques! (We are no longer your monkeys!) --referring to a common slur used against Africans by Belgians, however, these words are neither in his written text nor in radio tapes of his speech.[2][7] Lumumba was later harshly criticised for what many in the Western world—but virtually none in Africa—described as the inappropriate nature of his speech.[8]


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Re: Africa

Post by Typhoon »


I always find it bemusing how many people prefer to fixate on past grievances, theirs or even more oddly those of others.
Events that in many cases occurred even before they were born,
rather than focusing on the present and future.

Mugabe has brought ruin to Zimbabwe for all Zimbabweans

Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe

With friends like him . . .


Meanwhile in many other parts of Africa:

McKinsey Quarterly | What’s driving Africa’s growth
Africa’s economic pulse has quickened, infusing the continent with a new commercial vibrancy. Real GDP rose by 4.9 percent a year from 2000 through 2008, more than twice its pace in the 1980s and ’90s. Telecommunications, banking, and retailing are flourishing. Construction is booming. Private-investment inflows are surging.

To be sure, many of Africa’s 50-plus individual economies face serious challenges, including poverty, disease, and high infant mortality. Yet Africa’s collective GDP, at $1.6 trillion in 2008, is now roughly equal to Brazil’s or Russia’s, and the continent is among the world’s most rapidly growing economic regions. This acceleration is a sign of hard-earned progress and promise.
May the gods preserve and defend me from self-righteous altruists; I can defend myself from my enemies and my friends.
Jnalum Persicum

Re: Africa

Post by Jnalum Persicum »

Typhoon wrote:.

I always find it bemusing how many people are fixated on past grievances, theirs or even more oddly those of others.

Events that in many cases occurred even before they were born,
rather than focusing on the present and future.

Mugabe has brought ruin to Zimbabwe for all Zimbabweans

Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe

With friends like him . .


Grievances for the past occurrences ? ? ?

:lol: .. Tell this to Jews .. they still milkin :D

come on, CS, come on .. colonialism has not stopped, form and tools have only changed, now cronies doing the job for the beast, proxy

yes, there is hyperinflation in Zimbabwe, yes, there is now massive inflation in Iran too (with absolute sanctions Iran has to pay many folds for everything imported - all due sanctions because Iran will not bend to colonial beasts)

question is why and who is causing it

That is why it is said Iran the most dangerous nation in the world .. not because of nuclear bomb but because Iran is awakening Africa and South America .. Arab awakening already done

Enough said

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Re: Africa

Post by planctom »

Mr. Persicum, your Persian/Jewish monomania is amazing.
Re: Inflation in Zimbabue. Very easy answer. Your friend Mungabe is the cause of that, he's been ruling the country for the last decades.
Iran is not awakening anyone here in S America; sure, some governments here see the Iranian government in a friendly way because antiamericanism is very common here.

Your africa for africans/blacks reasoning is very odd; if you follow this idea then it's time to pack your stuff and leave the west , you know, Iran for Iranians , west for westerns.

What were my friends doing in Zimbabwe? Well, they were born there, it's enough , isn't it?
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Re: Africa

Post by YMix »

planctom wrote:Mr. Persicum, your Persian/Jewish monomania is amazing.
What would Azari do without the Jews?
“There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country’s so innocent? Take a look at what we’ve done, too.” - Donald J. Trump, President of the USA
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Jnalum Persicum

Re: Africa

Post by Jnalum Persicum »

YMix wrote:.
planctom wrote:.

Mr. Persicum, your Persian/Jewish monomania is amazing.

What would Azari do without the Jews ?


Would miss them :lol: :lol: (Azari love Jews, hates Zionist)

but , joke aside

real question is how world would have looked like without Jews (no Moses would lead to Jesus would lead to no Moh and Hitler episode and Ahmadienejat would be relaaaaxed now :lol: )

interesting question

planctom wrote:.

Mr. Persicum, your Persian/Jewish monomania is amazing.

Re: Inflation in Zimbabue. Very easy answer. Your friend Mungabe is the cause of that, he's been ruling the country for the last decades.
Yes, Mugabe is runling the country since 10+ yrs, same as Ayatollah ruling Iran last 33 yrs .. but same story .. from day one, when Mugabe started Africa for African policy, he was f*cked by your friends, same since

world needs a leader for disfranchised world population .. 6 out of 7 billion world population belong to disfranchised world .. Iran leading them (Egypt joining)

planctom wrote:.
Iran is not awakening anyone here in SAmerica; sure, some governments here see the Iranian government in a friendly way because antiamericanism is very common here.
Weak and poor South American countries, like Bolivia and and , are in the mercy of west .. they need an alternative .. and .. Iran gives them the alternative .. China too, sooner or later will get into South America play .. Venezuela and Cuba helping the trend

A good sample is now Argentina case .. Colonial Brits now threatening Argentina with nuclear bomb when Argentina wanting their Malvinas island back .. all South America siding with Argentina, even Brazil .. this will push Argentina to become nuclear power to counter British blackmail
planctom wrote:.
Your africa for africans/blacks reasoning is very odd; if you follow this idea then it's time to pack your stuff and leave the west , you know, Iran for Iranians , west for westerns.
Yes, true, Iran for Iranians, West for Westerners, Africa for Africans

That is moral, ethical and just

North Africans in France, or Turks in Germany did not force themselves to France or Germany .. They were INVITED by French and Germans

The Europeans "invited themselves" into Africa and South America and Middle East and China and India .. they were invaders and colonialist .. still same

White Canadian population, British stocks, is dropping due to low birth rate .. for Canada to stay relevant, Canada must have 50+ million population .. that is why Canada INVITES immigrant .. and .. those immigrant do not come from Europe, Europe itself needs immigrants .. those immigrants to Canada come from Iran, China, Turkey and and and .. nobody forcing or invading Canada .. Canada is an immigration land .. real Canadians are only the Inuit, Squamish Nation, Mohawk Indian

White Europeans do not belong in black Africa .. they no African, they European .. same as White European do not belong in China or Japan or India etc etc
planctom wrote:.
What were my friends doing in Zimbabue ? Well, they were born there, it's enough , isn't it ?
born there ? ? so what ? .. my cousin is born in Monte Carlo but he no Monégasque

All those Zionist born in Palestine, they no Palestinians :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Africa

Post by Juggernaut Nihilism »

I can't bring myself to care about a bunch of half-developed adult children running around following leaders wearing colorful costumes and claiming to be the king of Scotland. Put on a goddamn suit like a real man!
"The fundamental rule of political analysis from the point of psychology is, follow the sacredness, and around it is a ring of motivated ignorance."
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Re: Africa

Post by Ibrahim »

Typhoon wrote:Mugabe is a dictatorial psycho killer that has driven his country into ruin.

With friends like these . . .

The real story out of sub-Saharan Africa today is the rapid economic development in many countries.

The West has completely forgotten Patrice Lumumba except, perhaps, amongst the cognoscenti of hand-wringing.

Suspect that it may be same in rapidly developing Africa also.

This, to me, is the real story of Africa. All the race issues and colonial legacies and internal chaos aside, there is just too much untapped economic potential. While there remain enclaves where it is impossible to see how things will improve in the foreseeable future, there is just too much money to be made, natural resources, human capital, and before you know it real political awareness.
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Re: Africa

Post by Ibrahim »

Juggernaut Nihilism wrote:I can't bring myself to care about a bunch of half-developed adult children running around following leaders
This post intended for the Romney/Obama thread?
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Re: Africa

Post by Uche Americanus »

I think that there is some truth to what Mugabe said.

As for the White Zimbabwean farmers and their complaints, they are welcome to leave Zimbabwe and go elsewhere. Given the crimes that they participated in and benefited from they have the gumption to complain.
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Re: Africa

Post by planctom »

Jnalum Persicum wrote:
YMix wrote:.
planctom wrote:.

Mr. Persicum, your Persian/Jewish monomania is amazing.

What would Azari do without the Jews ?


Would miss them :lol: :lol: (Azari love Jews, hates Zionist)

but , joke aside

real question is how world would have looked like without Jews (no Moses would lead to Jesus would lead to no Moh and Hitler episode and Ahmadienejat would be relaaaaxed now :lol: )

interesting question

planctom wrote:.

Mr. Persicum, your Persian/Jewish monomania is amazing.

Re: Inflation in Zimbabue. Very easy answer. Your friend Mungabe is the cause of that, he's been ruling the country for the last decades.
Yes, Mugabe is runling the country since 10+ yrs, same as Ayatollah ruling Iran last 33 yrs .. but same story .. from day one, when Mugabe started Africa for African policy, he was f*cked by your friends, same since

world needs a leader for disfranchised world population .. 6 out of 7 billion world population belong to disfranchised world .. Iran leading them (Egypt joining)

planctom wrote:.
Iran is not awakening anyone here in SAmerica; sure, some governments here see the Iranian government in a friendly way because antiamericanism is very common here.
Weak and poor South American countries, like Bolivia and and , are in the mercy of west .. they need an alternative .. and .. Iran gives them the alternative .. China too, sooner or later will get into South America play .. Venezuela and Cuba helping the trend

A good sample is now Argentina case .. Colonial Brits now threatening Argentina with nuclear bomb when Argentina wanting their Malvinas island back .. all South America siding with Argentina, even Brazil .. this will push Argentina to become nuclear power to counter British blackmail
planctom wrote:.
Your africa for africans/blacks reasoning is very odd; if you follow this idea then it's time to pack your stuff and leave the west , you know, Iran for Iranians , west for westerns.
Yes, true, Iran for Iranians, West for Westerners, Africa for Africans

That is moral, ethical and just

North Africans in France, or Turks in Germany did not force themselves to France or Germany .. They were INVITED by French and Germans

The Europeans "invited themselves" into Africa and South America and Middle East and China and India .. they were invaders and colonialist .. still same

White Canadian population, British stocks, is dropping due to low birth rate .. for Canada to stay relevant, Canada must have 50+ million population .. that is why Canada INVITES immigrant .. and .. those immigrant do not come from Europe, Europe itself needs immigrants .. those immigrants to Canada come from Iran, China, Turkey and and and .. nobody forcing or invading Canada .. Canada is an immigration land .. real Canadians are only the Inuit, Squamish Nation, Mohawk Indian

White Europeans do not belong in black Africa .. they no African, they European .. same as White European do not belong in China or Japan or India etc etc
planctom wrote:.
What were my friends doing in Zimbabue ? Well, they were born there, it's enough , isn't it ?
born there ? ? so what ? .. my cousin is born in Monte Carlo but he no Monégasque

All those Zionist born in Palestine, they no Palestinians :lol: :lol: :lol:

Azari Persicum,you´re a funny guy with funny ideas.
Mumgabe fucked from day one , Iran as you say, the same story, Ayatollah running the country for the last 30 years and also being fucked since day one by the same people, my friends, as you called them??
Brazil is also an immigration land, ifyou´re born here you´re a Brazilian, it doesn´t matter your colour or were your parents came from.
So I have to disagree with you, this thing Africans for blacks, Asia for Asians,etc.. doesn´t make sense in the world today; I think it´s a mixture of racism and past grievances.
Regarding the immigration stuff: Obviously European countries need immigrants, but don´t forget that immigrants were looking for an opportunity that was not avaiable for them in their homeland, otherwise they would have stayed in their country.It´sa win/win game for both parts.
Please note that there are many illegals living in Europe,whenever there is a crisis in Africa , for example, during the Arab Spring, you see people risking their lifes trying to escape to Europe, not to the ME or to your beloved country.
So in my opinion, white people born in Africa are so African as the Blacks ; by the way , many of them consider themselves Africans, not British or Europeans.

Uche, my friends lost their farms, moved to S. Africa and now have a lucrative bussines, good for them but what about the people in Zimbabue that could not leave the country and now are watching Mungabe slowly destroy their place? I think Mungabe is the real problem today, not the white farmers .
Jnalum Persicum

Re: Africa

Post by Jnalum Persicum »

Uche Americanus wrote:.

I think that there is some truth to what Mugabe said.

As for the White Zimbabwean farmers and their complaints, they are welcome to leave Zimbabwe and go elsewhere. Given the crimes that they participated in and benefited from they have the gumption to complain.


European think, and Colonel Sun seconds it, that Brits can force Opium on China (with all that history of that episode that I save to post here), and when China is up and strong, OK, let's forget it

Colonel Sun, NO, past is not past .. how come Jews f*cking Germans for something that we not yet know and are not allowed to ask what really happened and who was involved in and cooperated and and and ? ? but that crime of Opium/China/Brits is past and let's 4get it

you want I post picture of Chinese being beheaded in Shanghai street ? ?

No , European history in Africa (and elsewhere) is not 4gotten .. only, Africa has no power to ask for holding account .. I can understand an European saying F.U. Africa and Middle East and Asia and South Africa, we have nuclear bomb and you don't, so sit down and shot up .. but Colonel Sun ? ?

Mugabe is 100% right .. Qaddafi was killed because he was helping Africa to rise up against western plundering of African natural resources .. Africa is he richest continent but Africans are the poorest on planet .. population of Africa is low, my guess is less than 500 million people, with natural resources they have they should be among richest on planet, but they poor like a mouse .. Gold Diamond Oil copper , you name it , they # 1 in the world .. but poor like a mouse

Are blacks durian not be able to raise cattle or farm or be jet pilots ? ?

come on , come on

Last edited by Jnalum Persicum on Fri Sep 28, 2012 8:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
Jnalum Persicum

Re: Africa

Post by Jnalum Persicum »

planctom wrote:
Jnalum Persicum wrote:
YMix wrote:.
planctom wrote:.

Mr. Persicum, your Persian/Jewish monomania is amazing.

What would Azari do without the Jews ?


Would miss them :lol: :lol: (Azari love Jews, hates Zionist)

but , joke aside

real question is how world would have looked like without Jews (no Moses would lead to Jesus would lead to no Moh and Hitler episode and Ahmadienejat would be relaaaaxed now :lol: )

interesting question

planctom wrote:.

Mr. Persicum, your Persian/Jewish monomania is amazing.

Re: Inflation in Zimbabue. Very easy answer. Your friend Mungabe is the cause of that, he's been ruling the country for the last decades.
Yes, Mugabe is runling the country since 10+ yrs, same as Ayatollah ruling Iran last 33 yrs .. but same story .. from day one, when Mugabe started Africa for African policy, he was f*cked by your friends, same since

world needs a leader for disfranchised world population .. 6 out of 7 billion world population belong to disfranchised world .. Iran leading them (Egypt joining)

planctom wrote:.
Iran is not awakening anyone here in SAmerica; sure, some governments here see the Iranian government in a friendly way because antiamericanism is very common here.
Weak and poor South American countries, like Bolivia and and , are in the mercy of west .. they need an alternative .. and .. Iran gives them the alternative .. China too, sooner or later will get into South America play .. Venezuela and Cuba helping the trend

A good sample is now Argentina case .. Colonial Brits now threatening Argentina with nuclear bomb when Argentina wanting their Malvinas island back .. all South America siding with Argentina, even Brazil .. this will push Argentina to become nuclear power to counter British blackmail
planctom wrote:.
Your africa for africans/blacks reasoning is very odd; if you follow this idea then it's time to pack your stuff and leave the west , you know, Iran for Iranians , west for westerns.
Yes, true, Iran for Iranians, West for Westerners, Africa for Africans

That is moral, ethical and just

North Africans in France, or Turks in Germany did not force themselves to France or Germany .. They were INVITED by French and Germans

The Europeans "invited themselves" into Africa and South America and Middle East and China and India .. they were invaders and colonialist .. still same

White Canadian population, British stocks, is dropping due to low birth rate .. for Canada to stay relevant, Canada must have 50+ million population .. that is why Canada INVITES immigrant .. and .. those immigrant do not come from Europe, Europe itself needs immigrants .. those immigrants to Canada come from Iran, China, Turkey and and and .. nobody forcing or invading Canada .. Canada is an immigration land .. real Canadians are only the Inuit, Squamish Nation, Mohawk Indian

White Europeans do not belong in black Africa .. they no African, they European .. same as White European do not belong in China or Japan or India etc etc
planctom wrote:.
What were my friends doing in Zimbabue ? Well, they were born there, it's enough , isn't it ?
born there ? ? so what ? .. my cousin is born in Monte Carlo but he no Monégasque

All those Zionist born in Palestine, they no Palestinians :lol: :lol: :lol:

Azari Persicum, you´re a funny guy with funny ideas.

Mumgabe fucked from day one , Iran as you say, the same story, Ayatollah running the country for the last 30 years and also being fucked since day one by the same people, my friends, as you called them??

Brazil is also an immigration land, if you´re born here you´re a Brazilian, it doesn´t matter your colour or were your parents came from.

So I have to disagree with you, this thing Africans for blacks, Asia for Asians,etc.. doesn´t make sense in the world today; I think it´s a mixture of racism and past grievances.

Like Brazil, though prefer Argentina (dream girls) .. was in Rio , Búzios very nice

Brazil, Canada, USA, Australia (all the same folks, Europeans) and and are all immigrant countries .. their indigini wiped out, murdered .. chapter of indigini in those countries are closed, wiped out .. indigini in those countries do not represent even 1% of population, probably less than 1 in 10,000.

In Africa, it is other way round .. probably much less than 1 white for 10,000 black

In that context, whites in Africa must be compared to Mohawk Indians in Canada or the indigini in Australia

How can just a few European control all farmland in Africa .. are the blacks idiots not capable farming ? ? whites did not train blacks in modern farming to keep them down

Look China now .. were Chinese inferior to British ? ? ? .. that Opium war and Chinese defeat and signed treaty infuriating China says Chinese were inferior to British .. same thing will happen to Africa and in Middle East .. in 60 yrs (took so long for China) Persia, Iran, could be major economic and military, and most important, CIVILIZATION .. but now, West is belittling Iran as "a lavender country" .. a nobody, Israel, wants to bomb Iran :lol:

planctom wrote:.

Regarding the immigration stuff: Obviously European countries need immigrants, but don´t forget that immigrants were looking for an opportunity that was not available for them in their homeland, otherwise they would have stayed in their country. It´sa win/win game for both parts.
Please note that there are many illegals living in Europe, whenever there is a crisis in Africa , for example, during the Arab Spring, you see people risking their lifes trying to escape to Europe, not to the ME or to your beloved country.


Nobody, absolutely nobody, would like to leave their home and move to a foreign country, specially to a foreign culture and civilization .. absolutely nobody

This is specially true for Middle Eastern people .. Middle Eastern people are very much into their extended family and their local culture and friends .. they not even move to another city in their country, often they not even move to another neighborhood

so, notion that Middle Eastern people move to Canada or Germany or France or Brazil or Australia because they love Canada and Canadian culture (recent poll said 70% of Canadians want all Muslims be search in Airports) is wrong .. Syrians now escaping to Turkey and Lebanon and Jordan because west is destabilizing Syria and fermenting civil war in a country that factions have lived together in peace for 1000s of yrs

Modus operendi for west, when for geopolitical reason wanting to destabilize, f*ck, a country, is, to arm a faction and agitate against another faction .. that is standard procedure

When war and chaos brakes out in a country, or sanctions imposed for 33 yrs, life becomes difficult and people forced to move .. all making of colonial beasts
planctom wrote:.

So in my opinion, white people born in Africa are so African as the Blacks ; by the way , many of them consider themselves Africans, not British or Europeans.

Uche, my friends lost their farms, moved to S. Africa and now have a lucrative bussines, good for them but what about the people in Zimbabue that could not leave the country and now are watching Mungabe slowly destroy their place? I think Mungabe is the real problem today, not the white farmers.


all boils to numbers .. if whites are majority in Africa, in that case you right .. France is not a north African country (yet :lol:) because North Africans are less than 10% of French .. once North Africans become @ least 35%, 1/3 of French or more, they might built mosques on top of churches, like Christians did in Spain :lol:

Your friend should have trained his African workers in MODERN farming and cattle raising and when they up and running, should have sold his farm to them and leave to Brazil or Argentina where he among his own

Loooove Argentina .. looovely girls, good wine, best beef .. all ingredients of paradise

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Re: Africa

Post by Typhoon »

Juggernaut Nihilism wrote:I can't bring myself to care about a bunch of half-developed adult children running around following leaders wearing colorful costumes and claiming to be the king of Scotland. Put on a goddamn suit like a real man!

To the President of Nigeria who was dressed in traditional robes he [Prince Philip] once remarked:

You look like you’re ready for bed!

To his credit he does not discriminate:


Whilst Queen Elizabeth is a fan of driving, and even spent time under the bonnet during World War II,
Prince Philip hasn't always had such a smooth relationship with men and their motors. In 1995 he asked a Scottish driving instructor:

"How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test?"

Anyways, being a follower is hardly unique to parts of Africa. No lack of psychopaths in suits with blindly devoted followers.
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Re: Africa

Post by Typhoon »

Jnalum Persicum wrote: . . .

In Africa, it is other way round .. probably much less than 1 white for 10,000 black
So what's the numerical cutoff that makes discrimination against a minority valid?




A criteria for a civilized society is how it protects it's minorities today.
May the gods preserve and defend me from self-righteous altruists; I can defend myself from my enemies and my friends.
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Re: Africa

Post by Sparky »

I see Two Account Timmy's Best Persian nonsense tumour has metastasised. How utterly unforeseeable.
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Nomads, Work Hard & Save, Cycle of Shrine Destruction..

Post by monster_gardener »

Jnalum Persicum wrote:
planctom wrote:
Jnalum Persicum wrote:
YMix wrote:.
planctom wrote:.

Mr. Persicum, your Persian/Jewish monomania is amazing.

What would Azari do without the Jews ?


Would miss them :lol: :lol: (Azari love Jews, hates Zionist)

but , joke aside

real question is how world would have looked like without Jews (no Moses would lead to Jesus would lead to no Moh and Hitler episode and Ahmadienejat would be relaaaaxed now :lol: )

interesting question

planctom wrote:.

Mr. Persicum, your Persian/Jewish monomania is amazing.

Re: Inflation in Zimbabue. Very easy answer. Your friend Mungabe is the cause of that, he's been ruling the country for the last decades.
Yes, Mugabe is runling the country since 10+ yrs, same as Ayatollah ruling Iran last 33 yrs .. but same story .. from day one, when Mugabe started Africa for African policy, he was f*cked by your friends, same since

world needs a leader for disfranchised world population .. 6 out of 7 billion world population belong to disfranchised world .. Iran leading them (Egypt joining)

planctom wrote:.
Iran is not awakening anyone here in SAmerica; sure, some governments here see the Iranian government in a friendly way because antiamericanism is very common here.
Weak and poor South American countries, like Bolivia and and , are in the mercy of west .. they need an alternative .. and .. Iran gives them the alternative .. China too, sooner or later will get into South America play .. Venezuela and Cuba helping the trend

A good sample is now Argentina case .. Colonial Brits now threatening Argentina with nuclear bomb when Argentina wanting their Malvinas island back .. all South America siding with Argentina, even Brazil .. this will push Argentina to become nuclear power to counter British blackmail
planctom wrote:.
Your africa for africans/blacks reasoning is very odd; if you follow this idea then it's time to pack your stuff and leave the west , you know, Iran for Iranians , west for westerns.
Yes, true, Iran for Iranians, West for Westerners, Africa for Africans

That is moral, ethical and just

North Africans in France, or Turks in Germany did not force themselves to France or Germany .. They were INVITED by French and Germans

The Europeans "invited themselves" into Africa and South America and Middle East and China and India .. they were invaders and colonialist .. still same

White Canadian population, British stocks, is dropping due to low birth rate .. for Canada to stay relevant, Canada must have 50+ million population .. that is why Canada INVITES immigrant .. and .. those immigrant do not come from Europe, Europe itself needs immigrants .. those immigrants to Canada come from Iran, China, Turkey and and and .. nobody forcing or invading Canada .. Canada is an immigration land .. real Canadians are only the Inuit, Squamish Nation, Mohawk Indian

White Europeans do not belong in black Africa .. they no African, they European .. same as White European do not belong in China or Japan or India etc etc
planctom wrote:.
What were my friends doing in Zimbabue ? Well, they were born there, it's enough , isn't it ?
born there ? ? so what ? .. my cousin is born in Monte Carlo but he no Monégasque

All those Zionist born in Palestine, they no Palestinians :lol: :lol: :lol:

Azari Persicum, you´re a funny guy with funny ideas.

Mumgabe fucked from day one , Iran as you say, the same story, Ayatollah running the country for the last 30 years and also being fucked since day one by the same people, my friends, as you called them??

Brazil is also an immigration land, if you´re born here you´re a Brazilian, it doesn´t matter your colour or were your parents came from.

So I have to disagree with you, this thing Africans for blacks, Asia for Asians,etc.. doesn´t make sense in the world today; I think it´s a mixture of racism and past grievances.

Like Brazil, though prefer Argentina (dream girls) .. was in Rio , Búzios very nice

Brazil, Canada, USA, Australia (all the same folks, Europeans) and and are all immigrant countries .. their indigini wiped out, murdered .. chapter of indigini in those countries are closed, wiped out .. indigini in those countries do not represent even 1% of population, probably less than 1 in 10,000.

In Africa, it is other way round .. probably much less than 1 white for 10,000 black

In that context, whites in Africa must be compared to Mohawk Indians in Canada or the indigini in Australia

How can just a few European control all farmland in Africa .. are the blacks idiots not capable farming ? ? whites did not train blacks in modern farming to keep them down

Look China now .. were Chinese inferior to British ? ? ? .. that Opium war and Chinese defeat and signed treaty infuriating China says Chinese were inferior to British .. same thing will happen to Africa and in Middle East .. in 60 yrs (took so long for China) Persia, Iran, could be major economic and military, and most important, CIVILIZATION .. but now, West is belittling Iran as "a lavender country" .. a nobody, Israel, wants to bomb Iran :lol:

planctom wrote:.

Regarding the immigration stuff: Obviously European countries need immigrants, but don´t forget that immigrants were looking for an opportunity that was not available for them in their homeland, otherwise they would have stayed in their country. It´sa win/win game for both parts.
Please note that there are many illegals living in Europe, whenever there is a crisis in Africa , for example, during the Arab Spring, you see people risking their lifes trying to escape to Europe, not to the ME or to your beloved country.


Nobody, absolutely nobody, would like to leave their home and move to a foreign country, specially to a foreign culture and civilization .. absolutely nobody

This is specially true for Middle Eastern people .. Middle Eastern people are very much into their extended family and their local culture and friends .. they not even move to another city in their country, often they not even move to another neighborhood

so, notion that Middle Eastern people move to Canada or Germany or France or Brazil or Australia because they love Canada and Canadian culture (recent poll said 70% of Canadians want all Muslims be search in Airports) is wrong .. Syrians now escaping to Turkey and Lebanon and Jordan because west is destabilizing Syria and fermenting civil war in a country that factions have lived together in peace for 1000s of yrs

Modus operendi for west, when for geopolitical reason wanting to destabilize, f*ck, a country, is, to arm a faction and agitate against another faction .. that is standard procedure

When war and chaos brakes out in a country, or sanctions imposed for 33 yrs, life becomes difficult and people forced to move .. all making of colonial beasts
planctom wrote:.

So in my opinion, white people born in Africa are so African as the Blacks ; by the way , many of them consider themselves Africans, not British or Europeans.

Uche, my friends lost their farms, moved to S. Africa and now have a lucrative bussines, good for them but what about the people in Zimbabue that could not leave the country and now are watching Mungabe slowly destroy their place? I think Mungabe is the real problem today, not the white farmers.


all boils to numbers .. if whites are majority in Africa, in that case you right .. France is not a north African country (yet :lol:) because North Africans are less than 10% of French .. once North Africans become @ least 35%, 1/3 of French or more, they might built mosques on top of churches, like Christians did in Spain :lol:

Your friend should have trained his African workers in MODERN farming and cattle raising and when they up and running, should have sold his farm to them and leave to Brazil or Argentina where he among his own

Loooove Argentina .. looovely girls, good wine, best beef .. all ingredients of paradise

Thank you Very Much for your post, Azari.

How can just a few European control all farmland in Africa ..

How can the Chinese control so many of the stores/tiendas in Central America........

Because the Chinese work hard and don't spend as much time and money on clothes and partying as the Latinos

I have that information from non-Chinese Latino clan members there........

all boils to numbers .. if whites are majority in Africa, in that case you right .. France is not a north African country (yet :lol:) because North Africans are less than 10% of French .. once North Africans become @ least 35%, 1/3 of French or more, they might built mosques on top of churches, like Christians did in Spain :lol:
You may be right........ You remind me of Bat Yeor & Eurabia"

Quite Right about the Muslims......... "they might built mosques on top of churches".......... Muslims do things like that when they invade places...... Hagia Sophia anyone.......

Spain is somewhat unusual in that the Christian natives eventually managed to kick the Muslim invaders out.....

And while he lived Salafi Sam ;) /Osama the Evil IrreDentist :twisted: was bitching about it like he had a bad toothache :lol:

Muslims do that Shrine Destruction Dominance Dance elsewhere......... Convert Hindu shrines into mosques......... And when the Hindus get power again the mosque is destroyed................

Nobody, absolutely nobody, would like to leave their home and move to a foreign country, specially to a foreign culture and civilization .. absolutely nobody
Really....... I think not............ There are Xenophiles as well as Xenophobes........ And some people are nomads... More and more uz are that way........

If the Culture contacts Uz, I plan to sign up..........

And failing that ;), pretty good possibility that I will head South to Latin America if/when I retire...........

Maybe sooner if Mr. MADhi and Ms. Samson Masada get into their Destroy the Nothern Hemisphere Atomic Wrestling Match........ :evil:
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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The Best Laid Plans of Men, Monkeys & Pigs Oft Go Awry
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Uche Americanus
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Re: Africa

Post by Uche Americanus »

Typhoon wrote:
Juggernaut Nihilism wrote:
I can't bring myself to care about a bunch of half-developed adult children running around following leaders wearing colorful costumes and claiming to be the king of Scotland. Put on a goddamn suit like a real man!

To the President of Nigeria who was dressed in traditional robes he [Prince Philip] once remarked:

“You look like you’re ready for bed!”

To his credit he does not discriminate:

Whilst Queen Elizabeth is a fan of driving, and even spent time under the bonnet during World War II,
Prince Philip hasn't always had such a smooth relationship with men and their motors. In 1995 he asked a Scottish driving instructor:

"How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test?"

Anyways, being a follower is hardly unique to parts of Africa. No lack of psychopaths in suits with blindly devoted followers.


That man in the picture was never the president of Nigeria. He appears to be a traditonal king and there are many of those in Nigeria. Almost every ethnic group in Nigeria has either a king or a traditional chief and their primary function is to be the custodian of the traditions and cultures of their clan or ethnic group.

As for tradional attire, Nigerians do like wearing those. I do sometimes wear them here to work. When I was much younger I used them as a "babe magnet" and they worked wonders. But these days I try not to wear them too often or to be more circumspect as to where I wear them to. I do not want a crazed citizen mistaking me for a "terrorist" or a Sikh. One never knows. So better to be safe than sorry.
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Re: Africa

Post by Ibrahim »

Uche Americanus wrote:When I was much younger I used them as a "babe magnet" and they worked wonders.
Damn, that's a good idea.

The success of this ploy also hints at the Freudian roots of anti-African prejudice among Europeans.
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